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~~._. <br />._ 152jz-8E:Gr1p~fD ~£4t. E9TATE 9d#3itFGAG~-9V5SPo Txx GEaaasa Hafitmart and felon b Walt, Wadtan, Ne.68461 <br />'THAT` I ar'WE, Gasy 2atd Carole 3usgens <br />of Hall <br />Countgr and' State of Nebraska <br />%n cans%deration of the sum of <br />D~LLAFtS <br />File Thousand Fue gitndred Ninety ~tva Dollars and 96/404 <br />:n hand paid, do hereby SELL and CONTfEY at»ta pacesetter Products <br />of Douglas Count3g and State of Nebraska <br />s'it'uated in gall County, and State of Nebraska <br />~. <br />;j i <br />i <br />d f <br />~ ' <br />`, i <br />i <br />r <br />Lot 14 Block 43 tiheeler Addition <br />(mortgagee), <br />the f oltowdxg described premises <br />t0°ZLYt: <br />j <br />rE- <br />1'lte intention. being to convey hereby an absolute titde in fee simple including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, aeifl: all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto <br />the. said. mortgagee or mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs and assigns, forever, provided alaaays, and these pres- <br />ents are upon. the express condition that if the said mortgagor or mortgagors, ltds, her ar their heirs, executors,. admin- <br />istrators or assigns shall pay or cause to be paid to the said mortgagee ar mortgagees and to his, her or their heirs, ex- <br />J stators, admixastrators or assigns, the sum of <br />~yt~ -rte. /? ~~ ~~ I3oWars, payable. as follows, to-ut: <br />11 -9 ,.~1~'t~.dCa..a~.e.'~ ,~ry°y~i~s, .. ~~a.>rct-~r .~~"..c~t7. 0~.0~ <br /> <br />~ avit)a interest thereon at 18 per-cent per annum; payable monthly annually, ccco-rd%ng to the tenor axd suect of <br />` the pramusary note with interest: coupons attached of said Mortgagors, bear%ng ea,~en date with these pres- <br />j s'rats, end s?toll pa}~ tilt taxes and any interest. an,.. or rssaturing installments of principal, due on any pr%ar oaaartgage and <br />assessrrurnts levaect open said read estate and all other texas, levies and assessments levied sapox this rraortgaye ar the <br />Hate aalricla this »zortgag2 is given to secure, before the. same becomes dedixgzzent and keep the, buildings an said <br />premises %nsured far the sum ,~ ,loss, if any, payable to suck fzrst snartgagees or th%s mortgagee, or L~tlt, ~ <br />than these presents be z~aid, otheru+lse to be .and remain in full force. 3 <br />~ IT ISrL!rZT'HER AGREED (r) That if the said-martgagarshal! jail to pay .such taxes and such interest on, { <br />or nuatur}ng instalinaents ej principal, due. on any prior mortgage and procure such-insurance, then-tlzis.mortyagee uuay <br />pa_v sac{z ta.-e_~ and such interest on, or »wturing anstaldments of principal, due on such prior mortgage and procure <br />such insi ranez, and the ,nun sa advanced arrith interest at nine percent shall be. paid 8y said mortgagor, cnd, this mart- <br />gcge shalt stand cs scncrity far the same. (a) That a failure to pay aray of sa%d money, either principal or %ntcrest on <br />`f this or any prior +rarrgaye, when, the same 'aecomes-due or a failure to ca»aply zcath any. of the foregoing agreements, <br />i >.,.'.,.. «,.oc t:;e a:,,l,. „f. "':...y h Sgisiredaa bi~Cu'idT. ~._ aid ~.viici tavic w. v,.Ci ~vn - <br />r n - at tze ayis of wiGri- <br />gagre. <br />1T IS Ft,=2THER AtiREE3i Tha€ said mortgagee, ,pending. foreclosure of this aaro~rgz,ar~..atraw~deerec and <br />^ rainy stay tl:a--son ar apQead therefrom axd pending sale of prent#ses nu~r ~~r~t}dtap~iN~ ntaturt,tg <br />r..crest ar n:alaring installments of principal, ore pricer mortgages, proc zr n .c irlAll~t ~• s{Halt- br~ <br />nddeci to the am,unt due an decree and upon tonftrn:a;den ofsale by th s~art lj~i~{'yx ~s of salt; <br />or ij redFemed during stay, appeal ar sale, sorb arnaunts shall he cotlect,.d ~'• trclft"Yf ~e ~ a j_lrt of saxcla ~ . <br />drezec. - <br />Siyas<:d tr.;s 3 day of .r.~.,~.,.z--~c~ ~~ ~',/ ; <br />In Prese~e a~ <br />,,/~ <br />{:c,t~-, <br />.,.~'..~-~.~.~--r.... c.. ..... ... ~ t- j <br />,, ~ <br />n- .s5c:1.1 T~. ~"su7Li~7: 'A;~ /,Iy+'/~^ {j ~ ~. ~.: <br />twiLi ~'~1e*. .~lt~,.~tt i I <br />Pl ,-`,~l 1 :k491 L~.a;r[tFf tj' <br />