<br />_ _x ~ : _ __ . _~ ____. _ ___.~_-~-- _ __~....~..~.:.._.~. _ _ _ _ _ ~_~~..~.~w-~
<br />6i',~4--4~~;i3HC~ i~EAI ~~Ti.Y[ MOIFT6w6~---Wlt~th T+er "Giawr Nutfman ana Faltcn & Wolf, Waiton. tYe. 6$&6i
<br />H ~ ...e r} ~. ~ 5 `~ ~ ~~T~w Aix., n~rr BY ~ px~n~rrs.
<br />'TH.-4T I or Gf~~E, Vfrgil and Marjorie rlusnan
<br />Iof Bali Uotrnty and State of Nebraska , ix consid¢ration of Yhe'sum of
<br />r 1'tao 3"noasan3 Nine-HundredThirtS- Six Dq lar's and 16/1010 DOLLrIRS
<br />'; in- hand paid, da herela}- SELL,aetd GQ11ljEY auto Pacesetter Products
<br />of Douglas. County, and''Stdte of Nebraska.
<br />~'+siiuatsd in Ha13. County; aad State of Nebraska
<br />tl.~';.ft 4'{`?N~ l.(4.?2. '~ f i_ iii t~.f e _'` '~ `~ ~ i717 t r r, vii,:
<br />(mortgazJee)
<br />the following described premises.
<br />#o-wig e
<br />i
<br />x
<br />{
<br />i
<br />
<br />i_
<br />>,The intexttiox being to convey hereby an-absolute title in fee simple ixcluding all. the rights of homestead and dower. j
<br />TD Y.Af~E AND TQ' HOLf} the premises above described, oath all the appurtenances thereuxta belonging -unto-.
<br />the said xtortgoyra or snotYgayees and to his; her or their heirs and assigns, f arez?er, prazrided alzaays, and 3hese Ares-
<br />ietfts are xpon the:.exprass-conditioxthatif ihesaidsnortgagor or mortgagors, his, her or their heirs, executors, admix-
<br />';uVators or assigns shall pay or cross to be paid to the-said mortgagee or snortgayees and to his, her: or their heirs ex- ''
<br />':rotors, admiaastratars ar assigns, the roan of , bvu %i}n+:;~cW7 t'1+l~~ ~r.~~v~ wit' ~~r-+~;c.>y 5 ~ ~ ;~~ `.
<br />Dollars, payable as follows; to-wit:
<br />i
<br />S~
<br />-.... ~ .-
<br />_,.:. .. 1
<br />'t
<br />+with ixlrrest thtreox at I$ per, rent per anxunt,. payable monthly annually;. according to the terror and-8ffect o;
<br />fir prarxissory note with,interest coupons attached of said Mortgagors, bearing. even date ~zrith these rrss-
<br />': I ants, and sFail pay all tares and arty intr. eat an, or rxaturing ixstallments of :principal, due on any prior snartgag,° and
<br />assassrnants levied capon said real estate axd allather tares, levies and' assessmentx levied-upon thic~-'mortg,~je + r ,he
<br />'Harr which this mortgage i.i yiven .to secure, before the same betmnes- detinqueni and #esp the buildings on said
<br />I a axle to such rat wort ees or~ this >ywrt 1 ee, ar Zutit,
<br />prenai.ses ixsured for the sum .~ , :ors, +f any, p y fi gay y' 9
<br />then thass prestxts be void, othsrsa'ise Su be and re»+ain in full farce.
<br />iT IS FURTHER AGREED (rj 1 hat if the seal rrorta¢gor shall fail to pay such taxes and such interest on.
<br />or xwtnriRg instailreaents of principal, d+ur on any prior »+ortgage ¢rul prorate such snsurance, then this snortgagee snag
<br />j pay suds taxes end suci: interest on, or rnatur~ng rnstallrnents of prirt+.ipat; due on such prior nwrtgage axd procure ,
<br />I tack i,tsraatece; and the sum so advan: ed arith interest at mne per cent shall be paid by said snartgagor, and flea mart-
<br />gage shall stand os sectarity for the sear^. l~! Thai a failure !o ,eay ¢ny of said money,_either prinei~al or dnteres# on
<br />:this or any prior mortgaye, u~hcn the same becomes due or c failure to ct»nply zthih an_v of the foreyoiny ag>eemerats.
<br />-she!! cay.se the whata .rum of money i+crein secureri to ~c caraa; d~ a .d ^''r stable : a,._y at the npton of the .snort-
<br />gager. ~ .. ~ - f
<br />+2' 1S FURTHER r4GREED That said rrwrtgugse, pendi>aq foreclaxs+re of this mortgage and after Qecrae and: j '
<br />', pending stay thereox or appral therefrom and pexding saG: of premises mortgaged,, may pay; such texas and nustterisag. j
<br />iintarest ar xwturrng instdlmaotts of principal, on Friar mortgages, yrocttre such insurance and'. ruffs sums'. skald be I
<br />added to the arxount due ern dense and upon conjarmativn of sale by the crust ordered taken cu# of proceeds of sole.;.
<br />or,if, rcrlaeMrai. d+rrixg stay, appear or sale, such amounts shall Se toll=oral trc saxes Js Chougl. it :oera ,a part of such is
<br />.3gR6a.t+itB day of .iJ r - sq ' i
<br />' In PreStnl"c ~_.`
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<br />. ,
<br />.., ~ , s
<br />.^ ~2 ,
<br />' ~'"~~a.,~ ~..., !,,, l: S; "~"~~ ~v'?~ ;fit.:--.~~;'~t !,, .. -. ~.
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