<br />h;OFt,TGAGE
<br />This Mortgage is entered into heb'ween _ 4~~ ~.~y'ZI~
<br />--~~_~ -----------__----- --- ---__-._- (herein."FMortgagrar"; and
<br />_.'IHE d[rIIU,A~ID I1LATIdNr1f, BANK .C1E GRAhZ} ISi~AN1), Grand. ISlanck, NE (herein "Mortgagee").
<br />'.Mortgagor is indebted w Mortgagee in the principal sum of $ ~> 731.34 , Q~denced by'Mortgagor's note
<br />dated Febri>ttr'y~ 3; 1982 (herein "Note"? providing forpayments of principal.and interest, with the balance oC the
<br />indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable un_r'~PI.11: 15. 1982'
<br />To secure the payment of the Note, with interest. as provided therein, the paptnent'of all other Sams, with interest,
<br />advanced by Mortgagee to proYlkl.~~}e•~ecljp~,ti„gf ~s.jWar{~arse, and the performance of tttecovenants and agreemen*s of
<br />the Mortgagor contained he~e+~ ifortgy~yK ~iqs ~yhy mdrtgage and=oonvep, to Mortg6gee tFze -following described
<br />property located in -~._~..~r~,,,.ty.; Nebraska:
<br />Attached
<br />Togetheraithallbuildiugs,improvements,.Gxtures;.streets,alleys,:passageways,. easemedts,.rights,privilegesand
<br />appurtenances located thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,. and the rents issues and: profits, reversions and remainders
<br />thereof; including,. but not limited to, heating and cooling equipment and ucti personal propertp that is attached to the
<br />improvements so as to constitute a lactate; alt of which, including rep{acemenis aud addtttons thereto, isherehy declared
<br />to be apart of the real estate secured by the lien ol`.this Mortgage aud all of thy, foregoing being referred._to h'eie-n as,the
<br />"Property° _
<br />Mortgagor further convenants and agrees, with' ilortgagee, as fotiows;
<br />1. Payment. To pay the indebtedness and the interest, thereonas;prastded in: his Mortgage and fhe Note.
<br />2. 7title. !Mortgagor is the owner of the Property, has the rigi,t and euthoiit~ to modgage the Property, and
<br />wtunmis that the lien. created hereby in a First and prior Tien ort the Property-, except as ma}' otherwise beset forth herein;
<br />The Property is sub}eci to a mortgage wherein FrnritakSle IifBAlSS'ttT'dZtCe.SOC1Etp of the riTI11~~I
<br />is the Mortgagee, recorded at Book -__-_ , Page._~- ~ _ of-the Mort„age ReoC+rds of x.11 County,.
<br />Nebraska, which Mortgage is a lien prior to ihr lien created hereby.
<br />Other prior liens or encumbrances- ~IYIe_OV6I LBIIC~ NA-t10IIa.1 _ E32I2k_ Of_ GI'2Sld I518.t7d
<br />3. Ta><es,_Asceswnents- To pay when due ail take,, ,peciaf asreUments and ail other charges against, the Property
<br />and, uponwritten demand by Mortgagee, to add to the payments rrGcired under the tiote secured hereby, Stich amount as
<br />may. be sufficient to enable the Mortgagee to paq such taxes, a~esmenl:; or otter charges. as they irecoroe due.
<br />4. Insurance. To keep [he5nipmvementus row nr hereaater iix_~ated en the rt~al estate described herein insured
<br />against damage by fire and such other ha'iards s Mortgagee may require, in amount.; aud +t-iLb cnmpauies acceptable to the -
<br />Mortgagee, and with cuss payable to the Mortgagee. In case of loss utrder such policies the Mortgagee is authorised to
<br />adjust,~colfect and compromise, in its discret{on,ailcfaims thereui:der at iLS sole cptio^, authorisxd to eitherapply the
<br />pte+c~rds [o the restoration of the Prolx.~rtc or upon the indebtednev ~•cured hereby, but payments herem~ider shall con-
<br />tinue until the sums secured heeebp-are paid in IuIS.
<br />~- = cui-IV+ F~.T~~>uiu insurance. ;votxithsfandiug aa}thiag cc,ntaired in paragraphs s and d nereo¢ io the
<br />eoratrary, MtKf;aQor aLall pay .a theMortgagee at the. Lime of paying the monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />nee-tsveifth of the yw-adp taxes, assessn-tents,. aazard insurance premiums. az+d ground ren!_c {if any; which ma}- attain a
<br />priority over this ;vlurtgage, all as reesanabfyestii[tated from lime to tirue br the Mortgagee. The an:ounls sa paid shall be
<br />3xid }ip fhe -Lfnrt~ee without interest and app[ied.Eo the pa} merit oC the itetr ~ in rn,pve:. to which such arnounG wwere
<br />ckposited. '29re sums paid- to Mortgagee hen;under ace pledged as additional Seca°iic f:' [he indebttdn~; secured by rhos
<br />hforsgyge-Mortgagorshui! pay ~ !vfartgagc~ethe wt~ount of aoy~ de[acte~nev between the a~ ual taxes, au_s;mea.,, insuraoc~•
<br />prerniunss,;and ground rents a+td Lhe deposits hea~a:tdr: '-~-iihin 1tJ dacsaEter demand is inadeupon =ti4octgagor rc•quz=,tinq
<br />payutent thc[eaf.
<br />6. ftepav,'ttainitnaaceand C~x. '1.a prnmpt:y re,rair n,tore or rabuild any' but d8ig> ar improve iei;i auw t>r
<br />heresfi«- oct the TYaperty;to kt~p ;he Prope~.vz ut g<md r~ndiUaa s .d repair wtthnut s~ -t.. 3~d Fee c om rncchanip`s or
<br />tsfherhClE3 no'rxprc~s!y'su6ordiitpitni tai tfte 3iei+ ts:~rt-of: nog to .naAe, suffer rzr ne..;iii-aa} .1llt.+31:i - e,:isr„ nor to.dimin:
<br />tsl7 as unpsse ahe° value of chi !'raped}' ;;y ;try art ur an.saiat-s en sot: Seel t~ ~ r.omljip: x t : ail r quuctazeu~ts of. taw .with
<br />"~#pex:t 5ca the 1"rrst+c;t.
<br />