<br />
<br />RF~I., ESTATE Mc~rcA+~
<br />s~ct>Rnv+~ psar AMID FUILIRE ADVANC~~
<br />t Alx. ~' THESE pFtF:9~`1'TS:
<br />(whether one or mare nerew ca.~feu ,mss-~~~,w ~a v= ~~.
<br />County and State of Nebraska in consideration of the su[n of 7.W0
<br />MILI,IC31+I FIVE HUNDRED 'II~)SAND DDT S,AR4 ~ W J 100 ---($2 ,500 , 000.00) ---- DC7T.~AliS
<br />Grand Island Grand Island. Nebraska {herein called Mortgagee) of _x,11
<br />Caa;rnty, and State of Nebraska, the following described premises situated in
<br />Hall County, and State of Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />The intention being to comrey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including
<br />all rights of homestead and marital rights, if any, and to waive any exemptions '
<br />to which Mortgagors may be otherwise P.ntitled under state law or federal banking
<br />laws with respect thereto:
<br />TO HAVE AND TO VIII) the prenises described, with all the appurtenances there-
<br />unto belonging unto the PBcsrtgagee and to its successors and assigns, forever,
<br />provided always, and these presents are upon the express condition that if
<br />Mettenbrink Farms Inc. or Mortgagors, their, his,
<br />her or its heirs, personal representatives, successors or assigns shall pay
<br />ar cause to be paid to Mortgagee and to its successors or assigns the sum of
<br />$2 411 606 ?3 presently
<br />advanced and the amwnt of future advances to Mettenbxink Fanny. Inc.
<br />(repayment of which are guaranteed by any I~rtgagor
<br />not receiving such advance) which together with the amo~.znt presently advanced
<br />shall not exceed the total sum of Tt1D MILLION FIVE HTJNDRED THOUSA'v'D DDII.AR,S &
<br />:gQ/100 _-~_ DOLLARS at any one time unpaid and outstanding, due and pay-
<br />able, with interest, according to the terms of the promissory note(s) evidencing
<br />such advance{s), being the intention and agreanent of the parties that from time
<br />to time advances secured by this mortgage will be repaid according to the terms
<br />of the pranissory note(s) evidencing the same, and the Mortgagee fran time to
<br />time may, at its option, make future additional advances and readvances, and
<br />renew ar extend imte(s) evidencing outstanding indebtedness which shall be
<br />secured hereby; provided only that the total principal amount of unpaid in-
<br />debtedness secured by this mortgage shall not at any one time exceed the max-
<br />imum amount above stated plus any advances to protect the security; and if
<br />Mortgagors shall pay or cause to be paid any interest and maturing installments
<br />of principal due on any prior max~tgage and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon said real estate and alI other taxes and ass~essr~ents levied upon this mort-
<br />gage ar the debt which. this mortgage is given to secure, before the same becarzs
<br />delinquent and shall keep any building on said premises insured for the full
<br />insurabce value thereof with loss payable to such Mortgagees, if any, or Mort-
<br />gagee, or both, then these presents shall be void otherwise to be and remain in
<br />full force.
<br />IT IS klIR24~R. A~ (1) That if Mortgagors shall fail to pay such taxes
<br />and such interest on, or maturing installments of principal, due on any prior mort-
<br />gage and procure such insurance, then Mortgagee may pay such taxes and such int-
<br />erest and. maturing lfiRtallments of principal, due on such prior mortgage and pro-
<br />cure such insurance; and the sums so advanced with interest at National Bank of
<br />f'rrtmarra~j,ittrnTn~,j~itracka Prima Tn ar ~t Fate per cent shall be paid by
<br />N1DTtg8gt72'8, aild `Ln2u :YAi-i:gagc Shall °ta.^.d °..w ~C'.'.Lit f^,. t:Kn.', SP.,.~.,'. (Z1 `I`h$t a
<br />y
<br />failure to pay any indebtedness, either principalTor interest secured by this or
<br />any prior mortgage, when the same bec~ccnes due or a failure to eomply with any of
<br />the foregoing agreements, shall cause the whole sum of money hea•ein secured to
<br />becixne due and Collectable at anc~ at the option of the Mortgagee.
<br />