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~ t~~r~~ 1 <br />iT ~S A,O~ that AB~fitt;agee, Pe~rd~zrg foreciasure o~ this mort'- <br />gagge aad after ~ auel Pensiing stay thereon ar aa3 therefrccn and Pending <br />sa?Le oF+ Pte' m3rtg may: Pay s-axch taxes and maturing interest ar maturing.:,. <br />~;tailmerits' of Pri~eciPal, as Prior rrxsrtgages, pmcure such ic-saua~anc~ and such <br />sts~ shall he added'to the amc~t cFUe on decy'ee and upon c~3fimaticxi of gale by <br />a~ sale; or if rede~+red ~'~g stag, <br />tha3 txytit't oared `tat~en out of Proeeedrs <br />ap~xai : or sale, such? its shah tree collected the same as though it were a <br />Yaa:ct ~ suet <br />Signed this 3rd da3° of ! FQbru^ary 19 82_• <br />In the pres~sce of ~gJ~f~~' J 1 <br />_-~-~-- <br />--~' ~'S' biett~ brink ~~_ <br />STATE OF'I~ASKA) <br />ss: <br />~'PY OFIi4LL ) <br />The toreg~rng' instrument was acknowiedgedr~refore me this 3rd. ~Y <br />of February i9 82 , n3' f~ar5' Mettenbrink. /~ ~ <br />~rr,rrwr-wrrwr. <f <br />110MAT Il MOIIIMt ar Y Public <br />L.. <br />