°rtfts fxDt~r~rrtffts. this ,~ s f! __. _ _.. f e6ntAalc s2
<br />day of~-__._._„__;,-~.._.~__~_-~ . 19 ---, by aesd between
<br />`.~1 nmXd.i). I~PC,tch.~e~f: aru# Malfue~un I, D~,et~ en: ~tt~fsctnd and cut.
<br />ot_,~-a-- Couney.IJehraska.asmartgegar 4 .andHomtFederalSavingsax[dLoan.AssocietionafGrandfsland,.acorporatiosi.
<br />orgmfzed and exfsdng under'the'tavrs of the ilnited States of America wiffi its principal oft5tt and. place of busitress at Grand !stand; IVetiraska; ~
<br />rttortgagee;
<br />Wi?NiraS£T4f: "i'liatsaidmortgagor_~_~„ far and in consideration of [ho awe of .
<br />S~:xt;~en 'Fha;:utand Ten <dakXnrw seat OU/100 ---------- _ ~uarscs__ t 6; 0 ~ 0.00' t.
<br />thttaxipt:ofwhi:hiahetcbYack[Ww[~ged,do bytha^.presentsmortgagoahdMBrranruntosxidmortgatfee:iusuoceaorsand`assigos.
<br />forever,-all tltcfotlawing:described real estate, situatedin the County of Hae.e
<br />'aiM S[atcaf ixtnastta, co-wit:
<br />tat F:ifre (51 .in Bloch Qnt? (i ~ I n PZeaaant V.° ew Addf:.tfon ~o -th,e. C.i ty
<br />~~ . Grand Ia.~and, Veflrtablza.
<br />Together with e1L.heating.. air conditioning, lighting. and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors; aadvrindaw shadasor btinda. uaedon or in mrtnectian with said property. wtrether the same arenow located on said property or hereafter
<br />placad,ttsEteon..
<br />TCl-kit~,'vf: AN D Tt} Ht?Y,p TIi1;:SAME, togetiux with all. axtd si»gutar the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be-
<br />longing, or- in: anywise appertaining,: forever, and warrant the title w the same. Said morgagar _~ __. hereby ecvonant -__..__ with said
<br />n'tartgagea cleat .. ~:. he~_.._ _._ ~~ _, at the delavnry hereof, the lawful owner ~.__., of the premises above conveyed snd described.
<br />: snd_-,..f71t2.___,.saixott of't good and. infeasible esuete of inheeitance therein, free and clear of all encumbrances, end that_~_. h~_.will
<br />warrant and defeesd:.the title :thereto. Forever~againet the claims and demands of all persons whomsoever,
<br />- PROYi17E:f)"AI:WAYS, and thisinetruaneatis axetvted and deliverer! to se.^ure the payment of thesum of _.._ ---------_--
<br />_.-_~~-T.{1.GtLtQQY11t~,.~.2f7....tftt `.~.~Ilid.._i317.d._.~.Q.~-~..Q:Q_..-:-_~.--'--.. -- Ibllaral&_._._..Z.~xy~12,..,r~Q_..~-_-_-_.._.f.
<br />with interest themaA..ta$othez with sueh'eharges and advances as may be duo and. payable to said mortgages under the Lerms and gnditions
<br />o! itb pmgatrisaanry~.:pots at~evea date herewith and securest hereby, executed by aaitt marth-agar._,b.,_. to said mortgagee, Payable as expresxd
<br />in said Hato, s»d~toafacure`the. pertormaoaa of at the terms and canditions. contained tkexein: ?'he terms of said note are hereby ins:orporaeed
<br />lieteira by tiria refaresvsa.
<br />It is the.int~tionand agraarraatof the parties hereto that thismoxtgage shalt also secure any future advances. madeta said mortgagor._~ _
<br />by sou! matt6a~se,. and arty: and all inttebtedtaessin edditfon to tha amount above stated which said mortgagors. or any of them, may awe Lo
<br />saidnwrtgagee.:however evulancxd. whether by note; book accountor otherwise. This nwrtgage shall remainin foil forceand effect between
<br />the pattiee.:6emto .and. thek heirs,.geraoteal-.repreamtativ~:, successors and assigns, until all amounts secured hereunder, including fuCu re
<br />advaa~e,: aro-paid. in fuL' with interest..
<br />fire gprygagar A. hereby. aaeign.__tosnidmaetigageeatl rents and.itxome arising. at any and all times from said property and.
<br />hereby anthorixe. sacd mortgagee or.:its agent, nt itaoptioa, apoq. default, 4a take rliarge of said property and collect a!I rents and income
<br />therefrom sad apply tluaameeotha..paytesent...of intareat, principal,. insurance premiums, taxes, assessments, repairs or improvements
<br />rmcasaary,ta, kaaQ soft! prupaety in tematet+kstadiyioa; or to athaeclaaag®s,or-paymepstspraiit3ad>tor. kr~eia..ux in the:note~hereby.s~urod.'Fhis ,....
<br />rent saeagreaitm#abrit coariattiain-force until t6eunpnidba]anea afaeid note i9 fully paid.'Phe taking of possasaion hereunder shall in na manner
<br />prevent or iata[d said. mtutgageafn the coNectioa, of said sums by forecfasure or athorwise-
<br />The tai!-.ira of +.ha mortgagee to aeeeit arty of its. rights ieretrnder at any time shat! not be construed as a. waiver of its right to assent ttie
<br />sa:nc at say latter Lima, a.~ to:inviat: apron sad enforce street coaapliance wish all the;terms and pmvisinns of said note. and of this mortggee.
<br />Sf said martpa~ur d shad nuae:tolx-:paid tosaid mart.Rageethe-entire amouotdueit hereunder, and .under tkre terms and provisions
<br />of said rwte l;ereby scn:~reed; iacitrditrg feature atfvanrss, and any exWuaiona or feoawals thereof in necordanre wdth the terms and pnwisions
<br />thercvf. and it eaid mortgagor n_.. _ shat} toatply,with. atl t}se-provisions of Said Hoye aadof Chii mortgage, rhea these presents ;shall be void:
<br />atlwnrtgo t<.s retmia in Cull force end effect. and se:d tnortgegea shalt be eatittxf to thepossession nf. all of said property, end map. at. its option.
<br />sidci.aze CLe wtwie of saidraUte and ail intieotedneserepreeantecl siv3revy ra bourmnodiaiciy true anti payablti.. and may forttitoae thi@. rtktrtgage
<br />or take any otfrer,legal actionta prc,ters i[t rit{tik.:Appraiaerareak'waivetf...
<br />'Zhia marigage shat; he lrindueg upon and shaifai:ura Cothe.btwafft of:the hairs,. executors, administrators.. sua;cexasars ens! assigns of the
<br />+espas:Live~parnus cerew.
<br />I~ r`f:"DHSS WIiF.FZ•:JY, xaid htrngagor~.:_~,. ha..t?.Q,.._herennto aet__n;_,.,.~,.~L~_._._,hared~._,._the day snot gnanfirst above
<br />_ r ~
<br />-i ---_ 7 (-'qtr _.>t" ?~~,':...~~...;t.'=
<br />~nzi?d D. ?k.rr~na;~ lettvex.~,t 2. 7~'eatic~eic ~ _._-
<br />