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8th Februar *~~ <br />Tsi,S DSE1fta ~A~GE is uiaude titan .. . daYy a# . ... , <br />19.2 ,between the lt9ortga~ar. . , fARY_ F_ . VOEC.KS AND, JU,t7T ,A_ _ V_OECk~,; husband .artd: ~~ ft~", , , _ . <br />....... .. ........:.........:..... therein "Borrower"?, and the Martgagee; Home Federal <br />Savings and Loan Associa~Lioa; a corpora~,uin orgertiaed:and eziating.under the laws of The ITnitxri Statxe'of <br />Americas,whoseadd-asaie221SouthLeicuat'Streei,Granddaiamd~Nebraska (hereita'•Lender`'). <br />WAt:x~n,s, Borrower is indebted ta.I.cnder in the principal scam of:F~~RTY THOUSAND. AND. ,N~/i OQ=,-, -___ <br />----------------°-- - , ..: -;°.--:---'-';Dollars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's nett' <br />dat.~^d. ... F2brua~,y $, 19'.82 ....(herein "Note"?, providing for monthlyinstaltinents of principal and-interest, <br />with the balance of :.'te indebtedness; if not scztner paid, dtae and payable on... M~.rch.7,. 2.O.l;l , .....•.... <br />To 5ECUxe to 1:eader Ca) the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon; the <br />.payment of all other sums, wins interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of this <br />i4fortgage, and the perforntan~ of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein-contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of any Future advances; with: interest-thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof {herein- <br />"Futurr, advances"}, Borrowerdoes he~Ay~mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property <br />,located III LiIC ~Ollrtty:Qf...............LL ............................ State of Nehraska: <br />OT" O~iF (1 j ~4fST£RN NEIr,HTS FIFTH SUBDFVISION IN HAIL COUNTY, NEBRASKA <br />which has the address of _ ......... 422f1.tde5t, 13ttr , _ .... „ . , ... _ „ . „ „C1t~ t}¢ . I S l,apd ..........., <br />" [straeti ~ [airy) <br />... _ 1!6'bi a5ka 6$$_~1 rtwasttia "w. mrtu 1.drtrrsa"1; <br />- _ r,,,,._, - -- . <br />E>~1+md Iip Gcd~l <br />To~BTHER with ail the impravements-now or.hereafter erected on the property, and all. easerreents; rights., <br />sppurtenatx.cs, rents, roya['des, mineral., od and gas fights and ptafits, water, water rights, and: water stock, and all <br />fiatttr~ naw or hereafter attached to ttte property, alt of which, includictg reptac~ements and additions thereto, shall be <br />da:tned t6'x and remai^ a part of the property cxrvered,by.this Mortgage; and, all of tire.. foregoirtg,,togetln:r with said <br />~praperty (or the ieasehaid c~Eate if t'ais ti4origag~: is on a feasehatd). are hereinrtfetred. the. ":Prapcrty". <br />t3orrovver c> kcnaat:: dzat ~crrr~w,~r i~ ia,vfully~ ,eked of :.he ~ .zeta: herelay coII~rayedand has rtteright to mortgage, <br />~;raIIt and convn_~ the i'rotn,rty'. that tiu A;upct[y is ttrxncumlxercd, and ills[ i3orrawvr will warrant and defend. <br />~nrerat9y clan tia2e m tttt: i'rnpc.rty a~eirtst all ; i:ums and demarl5, -ubiact tawny declarations„ castrnents or rest3iW^tians <br />itited io a s:her4nle nt xxec~pti,~xa~ to c.r.~rugc !n any t_[Sc insuran~~ policy insuring Lender's iraterrst its the Property, <br />~'i+~~t ^, I tl a Ftiy-~-t+r TS--,ktt46tf Ekt;~G Rtti#ftrtylt ttiSikdti16lt4tF <br />