<br />. ~E~L EST,ATE N1C`~RT~AGE ~2 _,,, <4 ~~
<br />ROGcR A. LADE AfID iiARE;y A. GAGE, husband and wife
<br />~ ~ County of_ MALL and State o ~Vr ceRASKA hereinafter- called the party of the ferst part, in
<br />coaatderatton o! FOURTY THOUSAfr'D T1.0 HUtJDRED FIFTY AFdD PJO/i00---------_--------------noi.L.4ItS,
<br />3a hand pod, do hereby grate, bargain, sell and convey unto the Home Federal Savings & Loan Associatiomm of Grand Island,
<br />Gaaad I:slaad, Nebraska, and its successors and assigns, the following real estate, situated in_ HALL
<br />ivESRASKA
<br />Courrty, State of town:
<br />LJT Tl.t:iiTY-T>h0 ;22) IiJ R & 6 SU6DieJISION ICy HAIL COUFJTY, NE6RASKA
<br />Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all covenants in all the title deeds cunning with said real estate,
<br />and all the rents, issues and profits arising therefrom after default in performance of'any coveaatet.or condition herein coa-
<br />tained; and warrants-the title thereto gerfeM and clear except £or this mortgage.
<br />During the time this mortgage is in force the mortgagors agree:
<br />First. To pay all taxes and special assessments levied against said premises, including all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mottgage, or the debt seen-*ed by this mortgage.
<br />Second. To keep all buildings thereon insured against loss by fire, lightning and tornado is some company, to be ap•
<br />insurable value
<br />proxed by the said Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island in the sum of $ for
<br />the benefit of We said Association, and its successors or assigns; and to deposit said policies with said Association, and. shall not
<br />commit or wffer any waste oa said premises, and shall put and keep said real estate buildings and improvements in good
<br />order.
<br />Third. To pay or cause to be paid to the Home Federal Savings & Loan Association of Grand Island, its successors or
<br />FOURTY T~;OUSAND TWO HUt9DP.ED FIFTY ATJO i'd0/100---------------------DOLLARS;.
<br />assigns, the sum of $
<br />payable as falloavs;
<br />:y40,250.00 OUE FE6RUARY 1, '903
<br />with>interest thereon payable, according Lo the #enor and e.'fect of the one certain first mortga~ri~ said mortgagors,
<br />bearing even date witb these. presents. After maturity said bond draws interest at. the rate o }japer cent per annum.
<br /> If said taxes and assessments are not paid when due, or if the buildings on said premises are not insured as above pro-
<br /> vided, or if anp of said. interest fs not paid when due, then sairj, svppc~g~st shall became due immediately,. at the option of the k•
<br /> said Associahom, and shall thereafter draw interest at the rate ~r cent ]ms annum.
<br />The mortgagors hereby assign- to said mortgagee all teats and income arising at any and all times from said.
<br /> property and hereby authorize .,said mortgagee or fts,agent at its option, upon default, to take charge of said property and
<br /> collect all rents and income therefrom and' apply the same to the payment of interest, pnnefpal, insurance premiums,. taxes,
<br /> assessments, repairs or improvements necessary to keep said Froperty in tenantable condition, ar to other charges or pay-
<br /> ments provided for herein or in the note hereby secured. This rem assignment:shall contmae in foice until the unpaid'bal- ',
<br /> ante of said note is fully paid. The. taking of possession hereunder shall in no manner. prevent. or retard said mortgagee in
<br /> the collection of said sums by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br /> Whetter said debt becomes due by lapse of time, or b9 reason of tine failure of the party of the first part to comply
<br /> w%th any condition herein, the: said HoIDe Federal Savings & Loan Association of Gran3 Island the successors and assigns,
<br /> shalt have the right.. to begin the foredosure of this mortgage at once on the whole debt hereby secured, and to include
<br /> therein all taxes, assessments,. insurance premiums and cost,4, paid by it or them; or said Association, its successors. or
<br /> ate, may far:stose only as to the sum past due, without injury to this mortgage, or the displacement or impairment
<br /> of the lien thet+eof.
<br /> .And the said first party and the makers of said aote, especially agree and declaze that the separate estate of each and
<br /> every one of them, including both. that now owned and that hereafter acquired, is pledged and. bound for the payment of
<br /> khe debt hereby secured `,
<br /> After the cottunent:ement of any suit. in foreclosure the plaintiff therein shalt be entitled to the immediate possession of
<br />~ vud piem6es and the appointateat of a receiver therefor, notwithstanding they may be the homestead of the occupant and
<br /> n~Rwithsta.uding the par:ios 1#abla~ft~ the debt may be solvent, and the first gamy hereby consents to the appointment of a
<br /> it2xeiver upon flee prod~tietion of this indenture, withoSrt other esridence.
<br /> T~ fore$oiag conditions and,. agreemeTits, all sled singular, being fully pert ed, this conveyance shag. he void, other
<br />~ uise to ht sad t~tiain iA full force and. effect.
<br /> sib t4~ia.,...~.._.--._.,._ std day of_..~_Februar n., isS2
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<br />Ga.IE ,}
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