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<br />~:,-A-REAL. ESTATE. t~9 f)R C,sn r.£-~'.Yiih Tax Ct ~:8t1 iHaw€aea i~frZ) Ste .tuBxn.a r,.naysl zx !i ve i.:.uv tr ~ ba. ~
<br />I+:ttit3~7 ALL AfF.`Y IIY 'i"ii~8'E. F'S2FS1N`L'S: 2'hat Nabe>~t u. 4ha~t~ tE7ci ~'efaF,J f£. ',ha,1e~
<br />r
<br />t ,~ ~~~,]„ Q.'aunty. and State of 'iT~hY'2Sk3 ~ in a~nsi$r=raci<an cr# the hum of
<br />`i`w33:ve T"ousan~ seven Hun~re~; 5event~ Mine 3Keid no/~~tJ- - D~LL.kRS
<br />~ in hand. paid, do hcriehy SELL end CO;aVEY unto
<br />$ G.T.t;,P rE~Ju=~~ G3~~tIT UIZGt
<br />i ~ }f,3~ Ccunty, State of `tigbT'1=,k3 the fcrltowing descsibeci psetz;iseeiiraataci
<br />~ to $~.~ County. and State ai . to-wit:
<br />Febrzska
<br />Low 1, Hishonts Heights Thi,~d vt~h
<br />"i'he interrtrrxz 6rvtg £n canvep hereh, an aix raiszr' tittr; ~n fuse simp3e_ nsniu~3ina: ail she riahka of hcanc~s[nad eutd dower.
<br />'i'Q HAVE. A'VLI TO Ei0I.2) the ~r:•rr:isa., tbravr, riese-iiacwi. wrth s i `?:: yipurter,.,nces ttzerennm 3~ciu~t~ing. utxtu the said.
<br />mnrtga~ee{s? and to hex, her or their heir; and axsigm forever, prnvid~i rat ~r.°s, and theca pre~nts are upon the expzees
<br />condii£un that if the said raortgagoriy}, kris, her er their heirs, cxeratars, admistietraiaxs or aasigns stt~all pay or cause So he
<br />paidito Yhc scud mort;;agee(s7, his, firer Err their fears, executors, admini tratu+s or as i;;ns, She principal earn of S iy r'~?~,Q~j
<br />paYabie as #allows, to wit:
<br />:ri:_S':t~ .i 5..71'L7 y '~`L b~:`L'~-.
<br />` with. irterest accwrding fir the tenor and etiect crf the mart agars written prrrnzsc~rv Hole hearing even date with these pre:renta'r
<br />arxi shall pAy a$ tales and asse~menLS !e vied upc,n said real estxti:., and aki Daher i.-axea, levies and assessmrnts Ir=vied upon this ?.
<br />- mortgage as tita notat'which thus rnnrtgage tic ~:ven fo stxare, tnfar'~ the carne t~eeatnes deeiinquert, end keep sire kastdi^~s an
<br />- said-'premises iniured fur the snzm q,f 5 '' e~,a'~'r ~.i)G .lass. rf ~aov, ptryat>!~ In the Said raenrtgagee, then Ltr~r pre~~..ent5,
<br />~. tp. be void: otherwise io Ix an<k rs.~ruxin in felt fc,rce.
<br />tT TS-F[IRT=ER AL:P,.EE:I? ti T'liat if the ~qid mortgagor shaft fail to pay .such taxes ur procure such. insurance, the ,
<br />: swirl :ntrrct:agee tray nay such taxes and procure >uch insurance, and the earn .Fw advancc~.i, with interest at ~ per 1
<br />cent. shall lac repaid by said znartgagos, and this ntartgage shall starxi an seenrity for itte same. (2) 't'hat a fai{ure to pay ang? {
<br />r,f snid mor:ey either prncipMl or interest, whew the same bdcornWr due, or a fai3ure to t~txmpty with way of the foregoing
<br />:rgr°r:meras, siiati rouse ffie. whole sum of mnney heroin sc-t~rsxed to become due and collec;tihf~e at once. icC. the option e,>f the j
<br />mortgakc /J~,
<br />S-g-,.-t this ..~~ ~ day>ot A+LC.L i$ ./'~'~.
<br />} ~
<br />In presena~etrf ~J-. ._' _ .._...... .
<br />~ ..
<br />~,ta '
<br />~' t_ ~. >: -~ :wt.•v+G..~'»,tr~c ,.,•j-"`-."~~",~`._',C..!3::~f. ,~._t, ~-L..~'1 C..za-F'x,.~.-1.. ..._._..
<br />--'Si?A'I i Or. ~-~.e..,~L~, _..... -. iJounty af. _. ..__~~4-" ..__.... •°~~0'~Dm25a .get '-..„
<br />L~efate its n rn,tary -aLizcckutaitti"ied..zat sestet county. ix~ona[iysanxe .~f1G`rAiitAE.
<br />l~~R.C
<br />~u 3
<br />a__,. ,c M... :,_,. rt= a~,..tir~.nexs.7a nr netsons u:nn siitn ed ±ha fnrsgc rnv ;_~ ~~ffc&Dbti~ed,A,e># the execution
<br />_...- _ ,
<br />. tSere>f t, ire hzr hr-r „r their valuntaxy act and dazed.. ,w,..ce~~tes i
<br />3 N r fX ~~ E' .9ezi
<br />~.
<br />' Wrtar.:'a m5 toad rrrxl n~taes~ai seainn._. ... .,~_,~±~:~ :~r I.. ,....r. _ -- 19 ~~ .~..... j
<br />- ~5 r
<br />~Y eDMUSnS:vion rs~~uc.., _;..~ `~ -_, ..$.5~~.~_ _ ,~,~.. ~_. . "~. ~ ~~:?.? ~ . ~."~ ~'Nnlttr3' 3?at^.tit'. i
<br />S'7R'S'F-d'tF. ..,........ .......... ..... r ~:. i,.tert~ei <.,cc numarir_az. index nand fiie~ri fox rvcrard`.
<br />na,
<br />~Heut•, :n Ikea F3,egtrixr o: E7e ds L?Eficti~ of ±-::aiz3 £"„u.u.£.y ti:r;!
<br />,.... ~._.._..,. <.....-day nt;_.__, . .. ..___._ ..,-.. _.. 59 ..__._ afi..... _.._. _.__._.._ u'caut`K :zr=ci. _. _. _. _. _... r±ti:aufev _...._.if~f.,,
<br />84~ rRC'vrdiFC'S. ir1 r..,... ........._ .., _... ..f . . .. .......... .. .. ,.....:~~ p~91$5: ..... ... .. ..
<br />