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~-~cor~n :~Klr ~ cater r.~r~ t~~~~z <br />,..~ 1~~~0~9d <br />MoltTGnGE LOAN No. L 24'.,,.919: <br />KIYtOW At.i. M'E'xi BY TFIESE pRESEA3 TS: That Ga2g/ L . Zimt[erer, Si.nglc., <br />Mortgagor, whether one or trtare, in coosideratan of the sum of <br />1~vestt bur T2notasarid and No 100 --° _ DOLLARS <br />keened to said rncutga~@nr by The Equitable Buddtog and t:aau Association of Grand [stand, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 240. sharer of stout of <br />seed ASSiD(7A7'NUN, Certificate ?va. L 2410.19 , ~o hereby gnat, convey and rzwrtgage unto the said ASSOt:IAT[ON thefollowing <br />dt:scxibed real estate, situated sm glall Cotmry, Neeeaska: <br />Lot Thirte~.n (13), Block Three (3), Valley View Subdivision, being l~rt of the Nazth 11D3..0 <br />feet of the Lust Half of the 1br~heast 9ttarter (EtgllE?,) of Section '~'yaenty-two (22) , Township <br />Eleven {11) North, t2atlge Nine (9) L9est of the 6th i?.ivi., in Hall County, Nebraska <br />tttsettrer wiih ail. the iertemenis, trercditamrnts and appurtenances thereunto bekrnging, including attached floor wverings, aU window screens. <br />window shades, blinds, storntwiexlows, awnings., heawtg, au mnditiorrlrtg, and ptnmbutgarai water equiprmnt and acmtiries ihereta, pumps,stoves, <br />sefiiyentors, and..otlter fixtures and equipmertr now or hereafter attached to ar used in carmectian wi[It said rea3 estate. <br />Areti whergs the said ttwitgagar ha agreed artd does hereby agree shat the morigagar shall and will pay all taxes and a~~n[s levied or <br />aaeaaad nptin said prerises and upon this rrwrtgage and [hr Mn[d secured thereby before the same strati become detinquent; to furnish approved <br />inxurartoe upoie the btsildirtgsoa said premises situated in the sum of S 2¢, DDD, OD payable to said ASSgC1ATION and to deliver to said <br />A&SOCIATION the patciesfar said insttraacr: and not au commit or permit any waste on or about said premises: <br />.. Its caseof default: net ttw performance: ofany of the team aad camddioas of this trwrtgagc or the bond secured hereby, the rtrortgagce strati, <br />Y~ dettnrsd >x entitled. to itnlrtediate pastesswn of the mortgaged premises and the vnartgagor hereby assigns, tranxfers and sets over to the <br />tmrtga~ee aU: flee rents;. rertntxs and income to be deris~cd from the rrarrtgaged premises durirtn such tune as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain <br />ttapaiA; and She atiwtgagre shaT! have the power tri appoint say agent or agents it may desire far the ptupox of repairing said ptcmisea,sad rantang <br />the sasneand cdkxtiristhererats, revnttteaarrrl irrotmte, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing said premixs andtreoeaaary. <br />cosnmu>sitrtis and, ettpenaes incuri'edm rrntixtg and managing the :acme and of culkctipg rentals tlxrefrom; the baiarwe remaining, if any, to be <br />applied toward i4te tiisctrarg@ of said ttraragage indebtedness; ibex rights u9` tltc tttortgager neat' be exercised at any tune during.. the existence of such <br />default, irrespecaiveof say temporary waiver of the same, <br />ThesePresents; ttawever, are span the Caadition, That if xhe xaM Marthagtvr shell repay said Soan an or before the maturity u(said shares by <br />p.yment, pay r[xmthty to saixi. ASSOC1.ATiD:3 of the Burn specit"xd itt the $and creased heretty as interest and principal on said loan, on or before <br />theTireeriiet6 day of each and every month, unlit card krsa is f'ulty paid; pay aU taxes and assessments levied against said premises and on this Mattgage <br />and the Bind reared tkteraby, before delinquency; furnixb appnyved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of 5 2¢, ODD .OD Payable <br />lasaid ASSOC'1.4'f1t)N: repay tasaid ASSt1CIATlt?N upon dentandali nwnay by it paid for such taxes, assessments ar„a, insurance with interest ar <br />the ,tstaxitntmr lee fai rate [lurron from date of payrrrent all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees us pay; permit no waste on said premises keep and ~mpiy <br />with alt the atprettrents and contlitians of [he Bond for $ 24 DDO. DO this day git~n by the said Mortgagee to said ASStx[ATION, and .comply <br />with all the regitiremenu of the Consiitut~n amt $y-Laws. a~ said ASSC1CiATtt7N; then iluse p€esents shall beaxtrrte null, and void, otherwise they. <br />akialt reawin-in i-all force and may be farecloaed ar the aptian. at the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three ttwnths to make any of .said: <br />payments as ,be !bees rtaurths in seeress etmaitirtg said,monihty payments, or to keep and campty with the agrr:ements and condiiians of said:Bond:; <br />: attd:Mortgagar agrtcs ice hart a retxiver appoisrted farihwith in such faredostve praceedings~ <br />if there ks any cbartRe ut owrtexsitip of the seat estate rrnrrtgagett herein, by sate ar otherwise, t}rrn the. entire remaining indebtedness hereby <br />securedstrait,aritieapticrrtoil'he.Equitable$uzilirtgandI.oanAssaciatianofGraadlstsnd,Nebraska.,besotneitmnrdiatelydueandpayabk:without <br />fteftier notice, and the amuwu rermtnirig :due: umkr said bond, and any atlas bond far any additional advances made thettunder, strafe, from the <br />daae af: exercise of said uptwlre, tear interest at. the taaximum k~l rate, and. Luis mortgage vny theta be foreclosed. to satisfy the amount due on said.. <br />b~nd,aad any mtrer brned fx addititittal advauees, togettmz with aft sums paid by said The Equitable Bttikling and Loan Assor•.iat~n of Grand Island, <br />Nebraska tier iusurancz, :axesamd ncnts,.and anstractiagextemion rtnr1Scs, wish ur.terest thereon, from. date of paytcent at the maximatm <br />kpl eau. -~ <br />As prxeridrd in the $unci. secured. tserrtry wtri`te this. rnartgage remains in effeu the mrxtgygee tnay heteafter advance additional sums !o the <br />rrokers „f said &,etl, their astignsarsuctessors in i~tiorest,wl[ictt stints dtall. be wittadtt the sectuity of [hismortgage ttte same as the funds originapy <br />secured thereby, the tvty amuuntx~t;p;rriCtpyi debt ~rrt to exceed,at any time rho original amount of t~u~vrnongage. <br />r '~7~ed then ~i+~x~ _,_,_ d3Y af -FefllLii~~ A. D., 19 $.2 <br />i h <br />.,mss 77y / ..1T7tIP..~Y,' <br />L~' G <br />--- ,~_-.o.._. <br />~.t , .. - <br />SFATE CYp ktB8RA.5KA' ~ ax. fht this ¢th day of February 19 82 . lxfare me, <br />COt71aiT'Y OF t4ALi. <br />tttr undets~xted,a Notary public ixt and far said County, ix rsanalty carne <br />`~~. Ia.. Z~' :r, S1.XY~.ley wtta iS }xtsonatly kstawn to <br /> ba dot dentctt i,critrta wtt~e t~.anrir i.S atfixed to rite atw+ne instrurxrerts as uraartgagor and })~ 4~ <br />. ibca»S N-sirumeatt. io be 1'tlh vulamtary act aad e3est!. <br />v,`l~^~i_-~ my t~uad ara~d 1VurariaiS~.uf alas data afureraid. <br />key 4<<.. cxp#s'es i ~ r '~' R./ /~ <br />~,- <br />~~ '„ ~ <br />;.,___ .. ..... _ ._ ._._, 1V ,ric;v YnhGG <br />tarlactaratr <br />