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82~ ra~~~J:~": <br />are availab-le to the subdivision. The Subdivider agrees to extend <br />the sanitary sewer main to serve Lots 2 and 3 of the subdivision, <br />in accordance with plans and specifications as approved by the <br />- City's. director of public works. <br />4. Sidewalks. The Subdivider, if still the owner of the <br />land in the proposed subdivision, or if the Subdivider shall have. <br />transferred title to the property, then the various grantees there- <br />af, will install, at their own expense, all public sidewalks requir- <br />ed by the Grand Island City Code when the lot is built upon, and <br />sidewalks shall be regulated and required with the building permit <br />for each such Zot. <br />5. I?rainage. The Subdivider agrees to grade the lots of the <br />subdivision in conjunction with the construction of any structure <br />thereon. so that storm eaater drains to the public right-of-way, as <br />provided in paragraph 4 of the subdivision agreement for Common <br />wealth Business Park Third Subdivision. <br />b. Warranty. The undersigned owner, as Subdivider, warrants <br />that it is the owner in fee simple of the Land descr.i..bed and pro- <br />posed to be known as COMr"10NWEALTH BUSZ~:ESS PARK FOURTH SUBi7IVISIO[~, <br />and that an abstract of title will be submitted for examination, <br />if necessary, upon request of the City of Grand Island. <br />i This agreement shall run with the land and shall be bind- <br />. ing upon and inure to the benefit of the parties hereto, their suc- <br />cessors, assigns,. heirs, devisees, and legatees. Where the term <br />"Subdivi.der" is used in this agreement, the subsequent owners of <br />any lots in the subdivision shall, tie responsible to perform any of <br />the conditions of this agreement if the Subdivider has not perform- <br />ed such conditions, <br />Dated 1qM No~tE~A~tR 181 <br />pdA.EdTiIJ UA'I'SLII~, I\C, <br />~~1~:.. A IEiebraska Cor oration <br />"~£~~7i'~;,.''~ Subdivider p <br />!~ l _. <br />-, P~e"~. arpenter es ent <br />i~ ~~ a <br />f' rot ,. h.nax, ~,~er~~3tar~y <br />