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.~2-- ~~~.,U~9; <br />t~arranty Cemeferg Deed <br />-I N- <br />r~-sss~~rr-~r ~S~o~$~~ p~ <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, <br />a cemetery association <br />intorporateti loader tDYe <br />cemetery laws of the <br />State of Nebraska <br />-, <br />TFIIS rND>CNTURE: ]lade this__~ -____day of___-~~""lt7f°it~. ----------------~-A D., S9_. ~_. <br />betereat yV1Ca7'LAdVNf MEMORIAL PARH CE~'1'F~RY OF GRAND ISl.AI1TD, NEESABSA. First Party. <br />luf•>liartd marl uaif_°2, ae ~:o.crzf .fertan:EFi and nv.r as .~e~irQltd .irt_cxxirrr~tfiui..~t~~_ <br />---~-Q~°v_ivgft~~?------------------------------------------------------• 8"e'°°d P"Tty. <br />WtZ'TrIE88ETH: That Ftrst Party for and in conaidentton of the even of <br />_~~ ivs~ n:~fton y,Q <br />_ _ _ _ __ _ __-___ __ ___ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _DOLLARS <br />flea receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has wld and by these presents does grant, convey and confirm - <br />unto the Second Party and to Second Party's hears and aaedgns .i2/J. ~tJ_5~.111.kF_41~C1cQ________ <br />_ n,,i -t_lte eurtvivoa a~__tlzem_~2eve~--3ec.~igrc--=V-- L-°z-1~__5~t~acea---(~?=-~4 ---- <br /> <br />----'__~~.__------_-----°--------------------------------------at WESTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK <br />of Grand Island, Nebraska, situated in Hall County, Nebraska, a cemetery to be used for interment pur- <br />poses Daly, being w dedicated and declared, the Plat of said cemetery being recorded in the oitice of the <br />Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska. <br />This deed fa subject to ell laws of the State o! Nebraska, and to all by-lawn, rules and regulations <br />o! W)ZSTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY of Grand Island, Nebraska, and to any changes in said <br />lava, by-laws, rnles and regulatlans. <br />Any transfer of title of say part of the above described property shall not be valid until the same <br />has been reaatded upon the books of the First Party. <br />WEST'i.AWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, hereby cove- <br />nants need agrees to and with the Second Party and withtha heirs and assigns of the Second Party, that <br />at the time of the execution and delivery of these presents li U lawfully seized of said premises; that !t has <br />-. good r1Yht sad levrtvl authority to convey the same: that they are free from encumbrance and First Party <br />doss hereby aoverunt to warren! and defend the premises agauast the lawful slaima of all persons whomso- <br />ever. <br />WEBTLAWN MEMORIAL PARK CEMh'TEItY OF GRAND ISLA,YD, NEBRASKA, agrees to tur- <br />Wish perpetual care, adminietrntion and maintenance of the above dexecribed premises as provldai by lta by- <br />laws,. <br />IN WITNESg WHEREOF, The said WESTLA~VIQ MEMORIAL PARK CEMETERY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, NE$RA,SKA, hoe hereunto caused its corporate seat to be affixed and these presents to be signed <br />by its president the day and year tint above written. <br />WEa'TLd.R'N MC11lORi)Lt, Pn~c~Y,A1ETEgY QF GRAliiD I!$LAND, I1Lt8B,A91(A <br />---- --- ~ -'~=~r ----'--'---'--°-------------------- <br />Frvident <br />8~"X'~i "OR NZBYtASKA, <br />> ` ~OsIIN7T ~O!' HALL as <br />~. ~ On tbi~~~`Z_---~ of ---°-----~ ~~-~--------°---°----------------°-------• 19. ~_, <br />r before the the undersigned, a notary public, in and for said county and state, personally came _______ <br />------ <br />. ~YtMtQeRt cf-Wbtiawn Memorial Park: Cemetery of Grsnd Lland, Nebraska, to me personally known to be <br />.. - ~-•~- -~--.'= t a.' _' '~~. ~..•. aE ~..:.~.... ... -- - - a..... - c - - - -v v~yaa.ic, and s[awisvrieagE+i <br />~~Mra. exacatlua theraot to be his. voluntary act and deal su such offk:er andYthe voluntary act and deed of the <br />said Wil~tlairn Id~caorlal Park. Cemetery of Grand Isl.and, Nebrasks, and that the corporate seal of the said <br />Weat.3av-n Hsenoriat :Park Cemetery of Grand Island, Nebraska, was thereto affixed by lea authority. <br />iYI7'HL6$ itpv hand sad mstarlal seal the day and year last shove wriCLen. <br />Notary Public <br />`*'4 ~_ _ <br />