~~°"~"~.1 ~ ~ (, ~ That turrcr ra u~:ed rn a ontaec-
<br />a•s r~ A t9i: 1'1 14it3S SYXt Lf aQ,'C~ iIL5 t1C@d
<br />1tlY~~ 1 ~tiG~j'a under the one- to four xamtly
<br />provtstozrs of the Nattonal
<br />Housinfi Act.
<br />"With defr~rred interest and increasing
<br />stont3ily installments"
<br />TH3 S Fiit)EiTGAEiE, made and executed this 5th day off February ,A. t°7.
<br />19 $~ , b3~ aitd between uennis 3. Reran and Susan L. Bevan, Husband and Wife
<br />of the (,`.xrtituy of Hall ,and State of Nebraska, party of the first part, hereinafter ca3fed
<br />ihe:A4etrtgagar,:tnd Superioz Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized.and existing under the laws of Nebraska
<br />party tafthesecond part. hereinafter cal3ed the h4orrgagee.
<br />~v3!`fNESSETH: That the said Mortgagor. for and inconsideration of the sum of Forty seven thousand and
<br />//``~~,, pptt --- --_ Donors (947, 000.00 1, paid by the Mort-
<br />g~gfe, ~hc hre`ceipt of wM~h is herefi}i acknowledged, has Granted and tioEd and (?}• these presents does Grnnt, $ar-
<br />gain: .Re33. Convey and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its .uccessors and assigtis_ forever, the fotlowins-described
<br />real estate. situated in"the County of Hall , andState
<br />tr!' 3V.ebt~cka. So wit.
<br />L~rt Fifteen (15), i.n Block Three (3), in Le Heights Second Subdivision
<br />Hall County, Nebraska, being a part of the Northwest Quarter of the
<br />Northwest Quartez (NT~[NW3Y } o£ Seotior. Eleven (11) , Township Eleven (11)
<br />North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P.M., Ball County, Nebraska
<br />o€ the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in an
<br />mentsurvey:
<br />acresaccordJngto Govern-
<br />TO HAVE r\IV[3 T~ HOL() the premises above described, with aEI ifte appurtenances [hereunto belonging and ioilpding
<br />alfi boating, p3umbsng ttnd fighting fixtures and equipment new ar hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real assets
<br />unto the Riortgaget, and to its successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortp~a-
<br />gee, that the Mortgagor has gcxM right to self and convey said premises; that they are free from encumbrance; and That the
<br />Mirtgagor wilt warrant and defend the same against the law°fufriaims of ail persons whomst>ever; and the said lortgagor hete-
<br />hy celinquishes a31 rights of homestead, and a31 martid fights. either in law or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the
<br />Rortgagor in anrf to the aboo~e-described premises, the. intention. being to convey hereby an absolute tit3e, in fee simple.. includ-
<br />ing alErights of ftornestead, andother rights and interests as aforesaid.
<br />PRf)V3DtD ALVt%AYS, and these presents are executed and dttivered upon the fa3tnwing condieions, to wit:
<br />Thr M14ortgagoragrets tc> pay to the A4ortgagee, or order, the principa3 sum ofForty seven thousand and
<br />No/IOOths---____.._ro_wvr~~.~- _ _ _ --- f)o3tars tS 47, 000.00
<br />with interest from-date at the rate ai Si.xteen and t?ne-half per centum ( 16.50 Via) per annum on
<br />the unpaid-balance until paid. Tht said principa3 and interest shall bt payable at the office of Superior Mortgage, lnc
<br />to Grand Island, NE 5&80.1 , or at such other place as the holder of
<br />the note+ttau designate,inwritmg, in monthly inytaE;moots of (according to Schedule A on said not )
<br />CX j, commencing on the ~rst day of
<br />Apr i . 79 82 ,and an the first day of each month thereafter until the principal and in-
<br />terest are ~ttilly paid. rxeept that the final payment of principal and interest, if oat sooner paid, shall he due and
<br />payattte i>rt the first xfay of F7dr~h, 2012 : atE according to flee terms of a certain promis-
<br />sory note r,f c. eu date herewith executed by tSre stud Mortgagor. (defezred interest shall be added to the princi.pa:~
<br />balance.n)tti~-l~r and =hall in~;.rease the~prnci,pa(1 i;aa,3~ance to not snore than $52,796.57)
<br />fiatiir to order more u31y tu-protect security o thts-Y ortgege, agrees:
<br />- ~ /,~.~ f,,. "tl ". t3,n eur..tvn..t -W.,: ~; k__ c,of ra nrn4•ided Prlvi€egr is reserved tta nay the dehr in wit4l a, n7 in an
<br />amo~:nr cyua: to cox . r more monthly payments un thesrprincipal that are next due on the note, on the firs[ day of any month
<br />pricar try rra[trcit>~- ProFidcd, hawevrr,'i`hai.written notice of an inttnriofa_tu exercSse such priviteg+v is given at teas[ thirty l~0)
<br />da}'s pricy Soprcpayrnent.
<br />?. "Chat, tcegc;her with. and in addition ttt, the monthly paymenes.of principal and intcrtst payable under the terms of the
<br />ntatr secured Sttrrhy,the ht,irtr~yor wilFpay itrlhe tii9rtg8gee, oti-the first day of rash month until rho said note is fully paid, the
<br />fat3itwing Sams:
<br />tai ale:cui.t sui(ia •tr, t~? i~tuvtdir the holder ltereai with :funds-to pay the next tzaazxtgage utsuranee pzeaniuan it this
<br />in~taurrte~x: znit iile• noresecsrtied hereby art insured. oz a ntuntltly cftargt (ire Eiem cal a rrtrartguge insurance pre-
<br />rniatm{ tt`'+:cy r •~rstl ^y the Secrttary of Noosing and f.'rhan 3}tvttoptntrt. as tcrt3ows.
<br />(,;t f: ;xrN' ~ I:Yrti; ; i.~i ;~uc erf even dxtt and tttis itxstrutut„rt :+.re tnsured Y.r are rtinsurad undrr: fht ptcri
<br />.stnu~ e ;, t:~: ?:- _;, Baal Q-louang. Act,. sax acsruunt xufin~ltnt to :~~cumutxte ur wtre handy cat the holdta a,xnr
<br />~~taaoetsa r'a+A•=laa;tr,4 v. ~;;.r stay Sat ~nrtt-. u+:ctt xcat~t*;S ra.a.+artan.~atma `~'t',Aft. 41H ;~ts.Ltl4A`s4r~
<br />" rtttt7~iiads`f~A t8h;33
<br />