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__ <br />= t • Y'.'.+Tk~-~~+'zhrtY,T3L9~`t4.r'~-'~.'au+*x~..~c:.z::.'~'+a>~s'~{:r.~-3revcc~r~tt~}'~d'-`~"f~tl#ta':_.. iii-."ti>r~rrsa~'~'~ <br />. !lt' Tli~ CGiCiti'7'Ir Cf)t.~ttP (?I. _ .._--- Hs1~-1 _~__-- -- _ --_C(?C,)1'7Y NFBR~ISXA <br />T"his is to cert ` thaf Ckere is cn<tin in tfte Cuunirt C;otart o -- h a l I ~. _ . _ _.~~t;aunty, <br />~'v P g I __-___.__ <br />:Nebraska, a proceeding enlitled: <br />- ` Zn the lviatter of the Estate of Helen_C. Christensen -- _~__ _ <br />",. l~;o. 39°63 -- Uoc.`39 Page__..- -63 ------- -. <br />whicfa is a roceedin inuvivin Formal Probate of_ Will, Determination of Heirs <br />,I P 9 9--.______ <br />ipraba/e of mzfl, administration of esFafe, delerrninatian of heirs, determination <br />A~ptmt. of Personal Representstivev in which proceeding the following descriLed real <br />.- afinheritonce fas. guardinnship, or consen•atorship <br />estate is lnvofued, to-wit: <br />Lot Four (4), Block Six t~), in Russell 64heeler's Addition to <br />the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />'~~ <br />Richard E< weaver <br />5 r ,. ~. _--------_-- ~._~~_ ____________.~_._._~ <br />_ ` ~ ....-~~ ~ Cou~ly ,{udge of said county <br />~" f~'1 , <br />r r- _ <br />°~C ~ .. ~ti C"lerk of the County Court <br />~- - Scutari "d-.~: tfe °rn xrzi/ nrx _<ng ui ihecounty tatart ~: te~rlPing ?.t7 the l+re'bztie ojxtrdts under !hr prvaisions aj (:hapler 3d, ar':~e <br />- ~ - .in me fiMt t s/a c f. r the prouisiorts of t ha~rt~cr 30. nrXicle 3, :,3) fhr deterrrina iar. of heirs under ftze ~raaisions ' <br />~.!u~).i.: r. ~rarlc .i, the .,rt_r.~„~(iaxt of,cr fcx nx:xEer ±.':e Yec~ozsions of Clxztptrr aY, article 2{), (37 yucrdianshi;.:; <br />_ dncrer :he f rat s?o.ns -. <-ha~<c, }t, n,-~i:1e ,. 'l, ;i. ar 4, or . P+: tat.atrzaf.^rs "; fXES utxdrr thr :~rac{cioas at (:ha)Xer ~eS, article ~, ti~fier~c <br />- ~Lal f5: eff :x a:z; Fr;:! q' (nr :z.~~s ~f fh¢ rslarLe ar ~rVl Y. l::g. ohG £~-.ct,nr,{f tt1 J¢P, L+rfare lhY1o!n the prvrrcu<ng zs rYer r.'xR,~ Jtaexdt d~~.aaE a <br />_ - rer7,Re«7 . :i:N.h bC. ,'iStL '.~,. '-=r xegi_c er rf e$Eedx ~f ?lee (..9unt~ to n:hu:h :4e rent esEcxle iz loca?ed ad3hfn fit rfags after rhe <br /><x ~~:;-1x a ~he : c ,' rs Ca:e xs. cJ - :;:.. p, seceding."........._ ._.......-._.... <br />