w~ ~ .. ,
<br />,~
<br />Nif~R'T`GAG
<br />...,
<br />1 IS M0R1'GAtiE ie mad® thy.. 5ti! ... . , . day of ....... F~br•(aary
<br />19.E~betwmentheMartgagor, KNQX Ut)NSTRUGTION, INC ....................
<br />.~ .. ............... {herein "Harrower"), artd the Mortgagee, .Home Federal
<br />5avit~e and Loan Association, a corporation organized and ezieting under the laws of The :United States of
<br />America; whose address is 221 South IoeaaG3tireet> Grand:lsltutd,-Nebraska {herein"Lender"I
<br />wxett~s, fforrawer is indebted taLender in the principal sum of. THIRTY TW0 `THOt1SAN:D. AND . KO/J 00 .
<br />... "'......'""dollars; which indebtedness is evidenced by Borrower's note
<br />dated. , .~ebt•uary_ 5, ..982_ , , ,,....(herein "Note"), providing for monthly installments of principal and interest,
<br />' with the balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, due and payable on:.. hlart:,lt . ~ .. 2pp.7, , , , „, ...... .
<br />To SECt;><.t: to I.ertder (a) the repayment. of'the indebtedness evidenced by the'Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other sums,. with interest thet•eon,;advanced in aa~ordance herewith to-protect the security of this
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the covenants and`agreements of Bormwerherein'eontained, and (b)athe repayment
<br />of any future advances, with interest thet'ean, made to Borrower by I.enderpursuant to paragraph 2l hereof (.herein
<br />"Ftnare Advances"), Borzower does-hereby mortgage, grant and convey to Lender the following described property
<br />located in the County of ... . ................. . _ . „ _ _ .............., State of I3ebraskat
<br />(71 L'i COitfGE Ai}OITION TO: WEST LrXWN, iN GRAND iSLANl1, :vE3RASiCA
<br />which has the address af... .. 211.3 N: taus' er .........,Grand ISl,dnd.,
<br />ts=r+ct icttrt
<br />.. Nebr~skd _ 6$801 - - , {hercin"f?topcrty Addeess"),
<br />isutr u,d YiP Co0~1
<br />TocerHex with all the improremcnts now or hereafter erected on the. property, and a!f easertbertts, rights;.
<br />apgurtenartces, rerots. rayaltie:,. trrini ral; oi] and gas rights and profits, ~watt;t, water rights, and water stc~cl'y and all.
<br />tixturrs now ar hereafter attached to the prop:.rty, alt of which, including rcplaeen;gnu-and a+iditians thereto, shall be
<br />decsne~t to be artd remain apart of the property coccred by this Mortgage and all of the foregoing, tagcihar ~.°aft said.
<br />Frai~rt}' {or the IeaseY,old cataiet :this Mortgage is i,tt a leasettatdl are herein referred io as the "groper,;";
<br />13:,rrt~er ravenarts iltut Bocrawcr is laKfiutty ';,ciseu of the crstate hereby conveyed and ttaas the right to mart$af;~,
<br />Grant anti c~nvtiy tht> Yrr~perty, i[tat the. Yropcrty is a:ncetcumL+treii, and`- that Srxxoover will. warrant and de€e;2d
<br />lcticratly ttrc title tt~ itc 4>:ripcrty aiurin;t rtl ciaint and Lemancls, atrtrjcx:t to auy dectaratiorrs, ew.utnerrta ar res[rictians
<br />?tsicra *n a -ctrctfulc :~? e~ceptir}s t,.. ;:o~ecag: in .xn; tit}e insrtrxncc paticv insuring. ,t/endtr',s interc~:st in thr I'rapcrtX-
<br />t tm A b+ru+7f is tti..,~.F~µ; BN(Alg tHftl9Ht tKgl'tHf{
<br />