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t ".~i~a--~8 OY IdUR'$'C~ASEP-i:~srpca' <br />i <br />,~ °*~ l1 ~1 t.t ~ ~ r~ Hallman and Felton & Wult. Walton. Ne. b8~til <br />IN' CONSIDERATION of the pay+next of the debt xaxeed thereix, tkr Comt:~ercial >National Sank & 1 <br />Trxxst. Co. hereby releases the mortgage made to F <br />Corcial National Hank & Trust Co. by games A. Sullivan, A Single Person ? <br />oxtke j'allowiay descrcbed real estate, to-cult: Lot Seve>i (7) , in Island Acres No. 7, a Subdivision <br />of part of Fractional Section Seven (7); par*_ of the West Half of the West Half (W§W~) <br />of Section Eight i8}: and part of Lot Twenty-Four (24}, Island Acres, all in Township <br />Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (9} West of the 6th P.M., in the City of Grand Island, <br />Flall County, Nebraska. <br />of Sectiox in Tozerraship Range of the P. ,il`., f <br />Couxty, State of xohieh es rerorded in Book of Real L-state ,tffortgages, page j <br />of the records of said Cauxty. Document #81-003488 k <br />} IN TESTIMO`.'f' i3'HEP~.EOF, the said Commercial National Hank & Trust Co. kas caused <br />`.these ¢resents to be exec~!~£~~%s~t~~residcnt and its (:orporate Seal to be a;:xed heretn this 5th <br />dory o~ fiabruaz j. z9 82 <br />fytneyr Comme 1 dati„6hal Bank & trust Co.. <br />j~//' --- ----~ - <br />l ~.k'C"~i Exec ice <br />r A,.'i - ~. ~ ;.{~i\..r`t fir. .._... --~-- ~~ 9 ., President <br />;_ --- ltrest .... •~ :.~a`,,,,"f ` ashler, Seeretarq ~ <br />`--° °! <br />~!~ {,r tvebra~ka . E <br />3 ._. ....... .... On Lhis. . S .? of...... Febrtzar~..........., 19..BL.. <br />ss. <br />~ ... ..._:.. ~.. ................County before me the undersigned, a Notary Public in and. for <br />~ f't,f€oz N. Dale F'x~c. y'i,.e. n 'a c <br />t-.>a3G{~C1u nII~li`.`$LnB ........ .. ... •..:.......... ~ ........ .... ......:..... , . rc..iuLat 6i th@: ~ <br />Y ~ Coma~rcial National Banc & ?'rust Co. <br />gxet--vz ~-: -..... ... .__ ... .. ........ . .. .. . .. .. .. a Corporation <br />~ to ale petsonatky°known to be the~I'residenL and identical person whose name is afExed to the above release and f <br />acknoarledlged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, a_nd the voluntary act and I <br />(deed of said Gotporation, and Lhat its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. ~ <br />Witness my han an 4oaeiiiwl~Urtleld>, nrl ISiard <br />....._ _.____ , in said County the day and year <br />'last above written. ggt+,BARAJOMM <br />My co:aanission e f : ...... _.-*. .;Fr::~c~?:;rL--z.-a: .:;_~.~-h-:~...,:........ 11TOtary Public <br />.._: ,_ <br />_.~..,-t- . .u- ,.__ <br />_. _ <br />t <br />c 1 . <br />~~ <br />