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t <br />., __ [ <br />-_ _..~. P -- - --- <br />~~ <br />' ta3.~--&ttRVCY®R9HaA 1!YARRAAa FY Dt£L4 S1 ~,E fJ ~ ~~ F.' NaEtman ano €eltun ~ Wa1t. Wallah, Ne. 68662 <br />XATE3W :ALL hiR'`7 B~' T`'HESE ;?RFS&:N'pS, 'Chat <br />1 <br />j <br />'~ <br />I <br />.Marion E. Murphy and Shirley M. .Murphy, husband and ,herein called the grantor whether osse or more, <br />wife <br />nconsizleratiouaf Eleven Thousand and NO/1QLr Dollars - - - - - <br />z <br />~~ ;r' received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell convey and confirm unto <br />3 <br />' ;Lyle J. Murphy and Lela P_ Murphy, husband and urife, <br />`v <br />as joint tenants with right of survi^^rship, and not av tenants in common, the foUaming described real property in <br />Ha11 County, <br />Lot Three f3), Block Twenty-Six (26), Baker°s Addition tc <br />the City or Grand Island, Ha1I County, Nebraska. <br />~,EB~R~SKS A D4GUMElVTRRY a~~ <br />r 1~fi~ ~~~~Y~^C~` <br />~~~ -- <br />e a ove described prenaiscs together with aU tenements, hereditamants and appnr- <br />tenances thereto belonging unto the grantees and to their assigns, or to the heirs and assigns of the survivor of <br />them. forever. <br />Ind grantor does hereby covenant u•ifh the ~r<antees and a>th their assigns and with the heirs and assigns <br />of the starvivor of them that grantor is laavfnlly seised of said premises : that they are free from eneumbranee <br />except easetaents and restrictions of record. <br />that grsxator has good right and tacvfut ~sutlaoriip to convet~ the same; and that grantor warrauts and will defend <br />;the title to said premises aCainst the laoeful claims of all pez9ons ccbomsosve,r. <br />7t is the intention of all pariies hereto that in the event of the death of either of the grantees, the entire <br />fee simple title to the real Hstate shall vest in the surviving grantee. <br />Dated January 27, 19 82 <br />~f~~ <br />! 5'T14TEOF if~~ ......,. 1 ......Ox dais.... _ ! of ... ....ti.€`1 .,..... _..., tg .:..--~, before < <br />ss. <br />_....._.... y'!.+-.-....:...._ G'onxty me, She undersigned a tiotzr~ Publit, dul~~ cons~nissivned acrd qualified fvr <br />~- ~ in said toundy, persoxaldy carne ± T G ~ ~. r " r ~ ~" ~ ; <br />~~ <br />~;;} to ease Mxoum to be the idersti¢etl person or persoxs whose rsame as or saarncs ar•e ; <br />(SEfaI.) r . a~satcd-to the foregoitsg instrument and ackztou~tedged the ct•ecs+tion thereof to be <br />`,i <br />'~ ~q(N!;ie1~1~ Jail, her or their valzantary act and deed. <br />~~~~~~ ll'itrtess my hand artd Notarial Seat the da,;uasd tza~la:rt abozJe ze!ritten. <br />~- ~ i <br />~~;.-,- <br />r .,-! :. .%..~.... ......... .lrotary Fubl;c <br />;._ .. <br />-; <br />3f CoaaMSarion ez ' es idle., ` ~_d o ....... ~~ ~ s ..._.. r '''~ <br />Y for' _ ay f .. y ,..... <br />3T~tE CEO':. ......... ............. <br />~ ._.., <br />' t'~nar t j <br />} <br />`~ trresl ~n numerical indea anti filed for record iaa the Register of Deeds Slffice of said County the I <br /> at,_ .................... I9......, at, ....,.,...o'clock acad......,,... minutes .3E„ <br />:and :nx>r:ani in ~i!~~.... .................of........,...........aY[te........... ~.. <br />R.r g. of Deeds <br />lay .... . ........ ..Deputy <br />