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,._.. ~~ <br />_ ~..__ <br />i tl'~4~i3--8t7iiVFVORgHtP Wi-ftR1lM a W DEE6 ~4~'"i°~' s~ i_b'~! ~ ~? ~ Hvflman and Feifon B Wolf Walton Ne. 6$41 <br />j SZ ~QW .~~ZrL 2~~.A«' I' T1~STs PRESENTS, That <br />j <br />i <br />vanres A. Su.t3it>an, a single person, ,herein 4alled the grantor whether 1?ne or more, <br />~. <br />'; naonsidaratonof Fifty-One Thousand and N©/1CJfJ lacallars <br />reoeived iEcom gz'anters, doer grant, bargain, sell cancev and eon£irm unto <br />Duane A. Woodward and Sharon L. Woodward, husband and wife, <br />f <br />i as joint truants ~v-ith right of survivorship, and not as tex:ants in common, *3xe fallowing described real property in <br />Hail County, <br />Eat Seven (7j, in Island Acres No. .Seven (7), a subdivision of Fractional <br />Section Seven f7); part of the West Half of the West Half (W~W~) of Seetian <br />Eight (8); and part of Lot Twenty-Pour (24), Island Acres, a1Z in Township <br />Pleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th 1'. M., in the City. of ? ~ <br />Grand Island, Ha.£I Coxznty, Neb_*aska_ <br />c <br />';''s <br />,f 4 <br />i <br />si c <br />To hove and to hold the above described. premises together with aII tenements, heredtaments and appur- <br />~, tenances thereto belonging tmto the. grantees and to their assigns, ar to the heirs and assigns of the survivor o <br />i diem Forever. <br />tlnd grantor does herebp covenant tivit.h the trantees and with their assigns and with the Leirs.aud assigns <br />'= of tlae servitor o£ them that graattor is lawfully seised of said premises: that they are free from encumbrance <br />" iE~xc~pt easements and restrictions of record. <br />s; ,that grantar has good right and lawful authority to eonteg tha same ; and that grantor warrants aril will defend t ' <br />;the- title to ss9d premiss agairs<st the lawf a} t<laiens of all pt rsans wht,msoever. <br />'F It is the inientiou of all parties hereto that in the event of the death cf either of the grantees, the entire j <br />~, I fee: simple title to the real estate shah vest in the surviving I;rantxe. <br />~~ .7anuary 27, 29 82 <br />,Yebsasxa <br />5T,4TE OF .. .... ................. ~ D„ tkis.. ...__^,.?.._. .day of. l~~~E.....?-~Saca..... ............, rq..~,.r?-, before. r <br />xa11 ss, ; <br />_. .._ ._. .,.-- .-._ --_.Ctsurlty- -~ me, tTte te>%d~raigss¢d u ;Vdktry PuBbsc, d7sf'S' [amrnads~oned and. gauaGi~zed dos r ; <br />in said r~zunfy, ydrstmcally came..._..3amis_A- Sullivan ---s szriglr, ner_~•,n <br />in his axon rigist_ <br />io s>tz ~faa.vrs fq bs Ilse idexbira} ~ersvn or ¢,°rsons wfaasa name as ar names and <br />~ ~z.» K M~kasi~ <br />~~ C7ARNiCK .z,~sed to the foregoanginstrumeut,and arkno:ededled tke exerufson tixvreaf to Ge E <br />~h Cotes. Exy ;a,y .I, lilS yss, her ar their voluntary art and deed. <br />YfTitness sny,hand and?4'otarial Seat the dax~ and near dart abax~e wr;tten. <br />R-'et_.i~cex~,~~~ ~ ' ; xy>a.~ {r~,~;.;. r+,.t,t;r ,: <br />---- ,--r~.- _---_.,., _ . m~n_ <br />' b1y Carwm+tsssoa e-xpsres tlse_-----i~ da5' a}~- . t~L. _-' <br />,Q! <br />S`S3l'1,` (fib i. <br />..-.. .............~88. ; <br />l'oanty .. . .. . , <br />Eriterrd on cu:raeriexl iudes and filed foz record in the El~egister of Deeds 4?ffiu of said County the. <br />! ....... _da;~ of ......:........... .. ..29......, at,..........o'clouh and...........minetes ...........:'d., s <br />Ti:5:~72i!l7~PtlELlu ~~o~.__._._.__,_-_-..-„fib ....................s}~a~E•,... ..... ,..,.,,, <br />Wig, oP Dex~xln <br />may.. .., .,,,. .. ,. l~epnty <br />