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P <br />.~'~ - <br />} <br />_=- (~ j (~ <br />++r~l~ l~ l3 ~ i} r.,J T1re SiuA~is: Ga crxl S.uPFb It 4 1 Keb ...... _. . <br />s3---ass~e~~sva' aF rrrs _.~_._._._,~. ~ _._______ __ ~ ..__ .. _ ~.. _. <br />. _.. _ _ <br />ASSIi~~i1tIEI'8T UT~ REN'TS <br />ANOVT ALL tE',~T IiY TfiE9la' PREST:I3TS: 32at vice, the undersigned R1ck,.McCuYrX & Sanet *ScCuarY, :.. " <br />HLISBA'~P ANB WIFE :_..__........ <br />R3atte .. Sate o3 .•"• <br />t2lumbus ..._...--..•-....__... ,., Caanty a <br />~f.. _ __ ~....,,. <br />far and lr. oonsiderat2on af..~t~i.'~y:..~4~kt_..'Ik1S?1JS~3D: ETGHT I3~3IZDIZF:D 'EIGHTY. EI~JE RNLI 57 (1.06***I,LAR~ <br />nf: I: ~,~. ISL'.~v'U.. ...., ... <br />', co us as s loan in band paid hp.. _FIRST SAVI23GS COMPAiIY _.. <br />NEBRA,SKA,,,,,, .. ......_ . , and n her good and <br />...,_.. _ and State of .... <br />rn the Couatp of. ..Z~rJ~_............._. _.. , <br />caluabie tronsidara~ton. tho tees%pt whereof is hereby acknoutedyed, do hcrebp assign, transfer, and set aver t4 art therc!of <br />__. -_..~~ST-..S6:Y.~t~C~ „~Q~'~11'._. __ . _as cotlat.erai c •urity for said loan, far so long-as said any P i <br />l re2uains unpaid, thetants and resenue aecruing far the penod a the duraiion of the laan. above menrianed upoz;the folloanna. <br />.., State of NEBRASKA , to-wit: <br />i deaerib03 PnlPertY si4uated n County of_..__.' <br />LOT FIFTEEN (i5) IN BLOCK TWO (c) Iii„PARK. HILL SITBDIVISION, AN ..- .... <br />._.._-- '-IiLIDITION TO THE CITY OF OI2AND ISLAND BALL COUNTY, NEBRA~ICA ................ ......... . <br />°- .... <br />...._ .................... 1 <br />1 ......_ . _ ~ <br />A I GB;._COMPANY .... _. _.. _. ......... ..._-- <br />- ~ Aad we..hereby authorize. and emgower.._. _. t',.~~~.,$°y ct ti2crenf, and m ourp:aoe co?sect and.recetgtfar aa2d rent, r <br />I to set'farus, and rent the above desenberi premises ar any p' ent of said rent or any part <br />t narterlq ar }early, as.... T~............may see fit, and in default of the paym T <br />#4 ether manthl~, :l THEiR ....._._. <br />thereof fa proceed in....... -~ ~~~~ .....,Otyn name by sniff or sails at 1a4c for the recacery thereof in such manner as..-- i <br />{ sl2gll deem flt.. <br />'f'hia...assip;nraeat of rent is bcinx made farthe axpxess nurpase~o'tf*** nS the rest callected hereunderapplied to pay- ~ <br />r <br />.above desnribed, as agreed by us to be paid in <br />menu of principal, inta~rest and frnas on the #oan of S_3f+~885.57 <br />S :he rea# estate mortaa~e on the prapet•ty above descriacd Securin5~ aid loan. <br />i Saul ,Assi;* .~~~-disemtian, use the rents sa far as necessary fear the pnrpose of ma3:irg such repairs <br />~ .. ud+„znent, may be proper .~rd may use said >.ereta sa iar as necessary i' pay*n.,Tt <br />~ upon' the gretniaes as. in.......T7~I1z• ;1 or any atlter Payments to he m: do by us under the terms of the moxt...ya <br />of ineurance premiums and taxes upon said. premises, <br />abav-;~ enc :,~°d, tF.e b3}ance to Cre npplked upon the Payment aE monthly duc3, Rte2'est a2:d fines on said cerY2ficate and aan <br />} "~i11. a3.ltinme2ltaRd trAT2Sft'T at rent3 and rfyerille to be absoiuce to the extent of the total of the. payments ..above 3 <br />mentioned from and after this <istc. FEBRUARY , 2 ; <br />~ 1st of..._..,..__ _ _ ... A O 13" .. <br />~ Date+ this._ <br />i tiir" ess - _.. ~ <br />. $ <br />i <br />_ ... _ ~ <br />~~ <br />_.___ . . <br />__ <br />_. , <br />_ ~~ 1 <br />__; <br />