<br />N!t'~i~T~AGiE $2~,~lUO~$~-'r
<br />3rd February 82
<br />Td:1t8 tATIS~NTURE, made tbie________s__~.__ day of~_~.~._----._ ___.___~__. i9 ~.~, by and between
<br />ROf,ER R. JEfY~+EN"AND JEAAIETTE K. JENSEN, husband' and wife
<br />of HALL County.>T`Tebrasita, as mortgagor s and Homt Federal Savings and torn Association of Grand-fsiand, a corporedjon
<br />oegatnza9and. existing uttdcr the Taws of the united Stakes aF America. with its principal offea and plea of inuiness at Gtatrd fsland;[*7ekraska, as -
<br />matgapx: ~ .
<br />WT7'NESSETH: That saidmortgagor S e,forandinconsidetaxionafthesumof FIVE THOUSAND AND NOj100-------
<br />------------------------------------------------~__-- --°--- 5,000.00
<br />thexeai;x of wkitk is kereby acknowledged, do_. _„ by these presents rltgngage and warrant unto said moetgagce,. its suaessors a»d assiEns;
<br />forever, all tkefo4iowittg described treat state, situa[ed in the County of _._, HAL L ~-
<br />and Stakffof NTebraska, to-wit
<br />Togetket with alt treating, air conditioning. lightitsg, and p6umbinq equipment and fixtures, including screens. awnings, storm windows and
<br />doors, sad window akadee or btinda. used on or in tonaoctian uitk saw property, whether tke santo ase vow located on said property or hereafter
<br />placed tiketeon.
<br />TC) HAVI A.hi:D'T~MOLD TS~f.E. S.AM13, togek`aNx with ail and singular the tenements, hereditarnents and appurtonances thereunto be~
<br />longing, or TA::. aesywiaeappartsining,, Eotovcr, and warranE rite title to tho name. Said morgagor _S __. hereby covenant __..__. with said
<br />mottgageethat _,, Zke,y aML__ , at thedetivrry hereof, the lawtui owners____ of tke premises above convcged and described.
<br />and_ -are " _aeizedof a good and indefeaaibk Mate of inheritance tkorein, free and clear of all encumbrances.. and that.t he y _will
<br />warrant erdLtefetld chetitla. tkeeeto. forever against the claims and demands at all p,xsoas wkon,soaver. FIVE THOUSAND AND NO j
<br />T't[t~VTDED ALwra•YS, and tkia,tatarurceot isexecuted and deliveaoti to secure the payment of the sum of _.__.__._.___.___.____A_..
<br />'00- ----- -- -- -- ----.-- --.- --.--..-----vonarsds_5,OQ0.00 _----------
<br />_ _ _ _._..._ __ ______ ..__.___ _. ---_.. _ .. _ __,___ 1.
<br />with interest tkgrtnn, Wgethar wick sttc3~ charges and aflvences as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />of the promia9ory~ awte :*f even date herewith and accursed keroby, executed try said mortgagor _,~_.... to said mortgagee, payable as oxpressed
<br />in asid-rote, amd to secure the per€ormance of a6 tka terms sad condifiaos rnataimad therein. Tke terms of said note are hereby incorporated
<br />henaiu.-byChisraferenca.
<br />It isthe intentioaamlagteemeat of the parties heroto tkat tkia mortgage akalt also secure any futureadvancos made. to said mortgagor 5
<br />by said mortgagee, atndanyaudalT ttdektednasa in addition to tke amount above stated wTricL said mortgagors, or any of them, may owe to
<br />acid ttwrtgagea, Twx~evarevidenaad. wketlterby note, book account or otharvriae. This rmrtgaga shall remain in full farce and effect between
<br />ttu patties Lereto and their kefra,. personal representatives, successors sad assigns, uatii all amounts secured hereunder, including future
<br />adv ancea, azep~din fuL'with iictt•
<br />The rntutgagor- S,Y,. hereby aasign.~_ to saki mortgagee aTl rants and income ariafng at any and. alt tunes hom said property and
<br />hereby authotisa said. mtutgagaa or fte ageat, ants option. upoa default, to take charge of said property and collect alt. rents and income
<br />tharefzom and apply the. same to Lkeprymeat of interest, principal, insurance prajmiums, eazes, assesaatents, repairs or 'smprovements
<br />tset~essary to keep aai:T property intwtantable condition, or W:otker chargesorpaytaeats-provided. far herein, or iksLhextote herakY::secured. `T'fits
<br />rent a., •,igttment ahail conttdre In force until the unpaid $alance of said Hate is fully paid. Tka tsidago€ poaseasion korettmlor skell in no manner
<br />p; e~: u~,c or rotard :rid tax>rtgagee ifl the. cottection.of said soma by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />T`Tae fiilure of the rnocyragec ta-as8ert any: bf its rigkts hereunder st at5y tiiite skatf sot t:e iwnstrised as a waiver of Its tigkt. is assert: tke
<br />sa.~ne ac a^y later cirr,e. and to ittsistnptut. and enfazre stritt compliance withall whe terms and provisions of said noteand o€ this mortgage.
<br />it said mortgagor 5 a>aii nsrseto bepaid w said toartgagee this entizeanrpuntdusit hoteunder, and under the terms and provisions
<br />of rwid cv to txres:y suv:rr..ct, including 5ttttre sdvara~s, and any exteoaioas or renevrafs then:o€ in acwrdance with tka tertns aedprovisions
<br />` r,v. ir.-.d ij~x' ,--...:.c _,v ,ae „.,,,e ,„{,,,,~,~,t~ .uT of chin _~rt~va~ thnn. thrcn sent¢ shaT3. T,e void;
<br />uth:rw isef to ratnain is full torte anct aftn:i, sad said Bnoitgagc askati :>w entitied:to the i~oase~ssian ai a3of said pn>;aorty, a>ACi may.: atitsoptian.
<br />declare i6e wlwk of saidnoW and aD indebtedJrscss taprescnted thereby W beaamedfately dw: sad payabio, and may ftra,xiase fiuanwrtgage
<br />ar t~s+^ any atLzr logai action to pnrtur_i its rigfy,. Appraisement waivtd.
<br />?'T:ir mortgage shall. he 6indiugitpo_ u and tkail-orrura. to tke hetaefic of t3ta. hazes,. ~etut,ars.. adxuiniatrators, sucrdsaors and assigns of the
<br />nrs~-K'ti-~~.~~yrartids hereon. _
<br />C',v bt!T':dk:55 tVtif_Sk;r)f y ~icl ghartkago~,__. _ ha`t.t~._ , Imretzato s .._. ~h~I re. handy'... _.~_E.he day* and y~r first above
<br />»~ritw.n ~~_
<br />.__.._. _ ..__ ..._,.._...,_~._ .,_,..-. 1
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