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~2-~~~045 <br />SUSQ~2DINATIt~N AGT?EEMENT <br />IN CONSIDERATION OF and as an inducement to The Overland <br />Nae~ioaal Bank of Grand Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, advancing <br />credit to the hereinafter designated mortgagor, the undersigned. <br />creditor of said mortgagor hereby subordinates any claim, interest <br />or lien which the undersigned might now, or hereafter, have upon. the <br />property hereinafter described t~ the lien of mortgage described as <br />follows: <br />Mortgagor: Arnold J. Placke <br />Address: 1104 East Oklahoma <br />Grand Island, NE. 68801 <br />Date of Mortgage: December 30, 181 <br />Description of Real Estate: See attached Exhibit "A" <br />The intent being that the amount due The ©verland National Bank <br />of Grand. Island, Grand Island, Nebraska, secured by real estate <br />mortgage above set out, together n*ith any interest or charges <br />thereon, shall at all times he superior to any claim of the under- <br />signed arising out of mortgage, or otherwise, against sand above- <br />described real estate, whether heretofore, or hereafter, executed. <br />This Subordination Agreement is limited to a $15,300.00 loan and <br />mortgage and shall not apply to any additional advances or leans <br />unless specifically agreed to by the undersigned at a later date. <br />This Subordination Agreement shall apply to any extension, con- <br />tinuation or renewal ot.the above mortgage but will never apply to <br />any amount in excess of $1:1,000.00. <br />This Agreement shall be binding upon the heirs and personal repre- <br />sentatives of the undersigned. <br />Dated this day of ~~~ ~" , 1981:.,, . <br />,% <br />7~} , 1 <br />4 rry J. P` 3acke <br />Kaarvey <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA) <br />ss: <br />COt3NTY OF HALL ) <br />ON TIiIS ___~~__ day of ~~ L 1981 , before me , a <br />Notary Public in and for said County, personally came Larry J. <br />Flacks, to nze Isn:own to be the identical person whose name is affixed <br />to Lies furegoii=g i;xstru.~.ant and ac..;.r,-Kladbed .x. ~.,ucu,.~,... t?:c~~a¢ <br />to be his voluntary act and deed. <br />WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the-dtsy-aid year last above <br />tin-sm.~w~.~ & ~-' .. ~,: ~ <br />RAAE~AN O. ~OCIC ~ ~ i~ .' <br />' _"~~...: l~hcarnm 6rF ifR H. 9f~ '~ ~...~'~G«~-%~..f-~c-.~ ~-'r'`%` i" <br />...Notary Public <br />STATE (?F NE£3KASIiA} <br />s <br />~Of3NTY Off' HALL } <br />ETN 'PHIS _ da3- of ~ , 1981 , before me , a <br />:detary Public in and far said County, personally r_ame EGay 1.. iiaraeu, <br />to me karawn to be the identical person whose ..ame is affixed tc~ ,;he <br />x'aresgant~ s:zastrumeat, anti a:cknavuiedged the ex«~c~zticsr~ thc~rQOS" tc, t~¢, <br />t;a~ v~.?lunt.ary act and deed. <br />C€"°~«LrS~ c;y hang rind `dotar.,.at S~=aI t.~;f> <~a5= <~.r~~a. ~~<ar ;,t.,= s,E~r:,~,~. <br />> <br />.,. <br />t.. <br />,. <br />_.__._..,,,.~_.w. ,.,. ._. _. _ __. ~_...__.._ <br />,_. ... _ <br />