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-N f <br />ASSSGNMSNT OF MORTGAf~ Cor~caration <br />Kl~[AW ALL- MIEN SY TAESE PRESENTS, That Superior Mortgage a Inc. a cozporaton, <br />the patty of the first pant. in consideration of the sum of Forty three thousand fa•~s <br />:, ~ hundzr~c3 fifty and Abj10E2~----- ~I~.ars lawful money of the United States of Rmerica, <br />to it in hand paid. by BAIi('O k~RTGAGE"COI~ANY, P. O, Box 789, Waterloo, Yawa, SD?d4 <br />a Gozpozation, the party of the second part, at or before the ensealing and <br />deliverg of these presents, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, <br />bargained--, saki„ assigned, transferred., and set over, and, by these presents, does, <br />grant, bargain, sell, assign, transfer, transferred, and set over, unto the said <br />party of the second part, its successors and assigns, a certain INQENT[TRE OR <br />Mfl42TGAGE, Searing Bate 22nd of January 1952 ,Recorded <br />Docc~eat ~ 82-U09271 , of the Mortgage Records of Hall. County, <br />Nebraska and made by Steven. R. Berney and Dianne R. Berney, husband & wfeto <br />Superior Mortgage, Ine. and all its right, title and interest to the premises <br />- therein described, as follows, to-wi.t: <br />- Lot~Six (6) in Bernhazd Voss First Subdivision, being apart of Lot One 41) <br />of Vass. ~bdivsion, being all that part of the Fast tkie-half 4E#) of the <br />:buttnwest ¢iarter (SW~[) and the West me-half 4WD) of the S>utheast quarter <br />(SE}il of Section Eleven {ll), fiownship EL even (ll), Abrth, Range Nine i9) <br />West of the 6th P_M., in Hall Cozatity, Nebraska <br />Together with the note therein described, and the money dne ar to became due- <br />: thereunder, including interest thereon, TO HAT1R AND TO HOLD the same unto the <br />said party of the seed part, its successors and assigns forever, subject on1Y <br />to the provisions of said INDENTCBIE OF MORTGAGE therein contained.. <br />And the. party of the first part does hereby make, constitute and appoint <br />the said. party of the second part, its true and lawful attorney, irrevocable,. <br />in its name, ar otherwise,~but at their own proper casts and charges, to have, <br />use, and: take all lawful Ways and means for the recovery of the said rmney <br />and interest, and, in case of payment, to dischazge the same~as the party of <br />the first part might, or could da, if these presents were not made. <br />IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Superioz Mortgage, Inc. a cozparation of the State of <br />Nebraska has caused this Assignment of Mortgage to be executed by its President <br />and attested by its Vice President and its Corporate Seal to be hereunto affixed <br />the. 26th day of January in the year I9 82 <br />StJPERI4R MORTGAGE, INC. / <br />t I,~James S. Reed, esident <br />- - _ v <br />' _ Attest: ~`~_< <br />- R, S. Lancaster, Vice President <br />.V State of *tebraska ;)' <br />,-,. ) sa. <br />~- County of till ) <br />'_- Qh- thi~r 26th- day of 3anuary , 19 82 , before me, a Notary <br />Public, dvl.y aoami: sss` aped and cjasa:lified in and for said fxaunty and State, PErsonally <br />~aaie the above'ha~zd"James S, heed., President, and R, S, Lancaster, Vir_e President, <br />of 'the 9-rperior Mortgage, Inc. who are personally known to me to be the <br />identical pprscsns whose-names are affixed to the above assic~ment of Mortgage <br />~.~ «~.,_d~nt r.d ~i^e Presi~nt of Gard mrparation, and they acknowledged <br />the irstrF.auent toybe thou voluntary act and deed, and the voluntary act and deed o£ <br />the ;.aid oorpoaatior:. <br />tQlr'.~6',SS ray hand and o€~icial seal, in C~and Island., in said County, the <br />date aforesaid. <br />rb~taxy a:blic <br />My' ~x:.saz, ~~.ic:~ ~xacgaress ?~exrt 1. 198 <br />turn, tp: Skz~xrrior Mrartc,t:, Inc, <br />~ ~ ~ ls~ <br />r ~~ z~i~~d, ~ 6a~n1 <br />