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Y <br />REAE ESTATE M!?RTTA~€ F6RM Fte zos (Rev. >-tt) <br /> <br />F~at° January 2$y 1<3$2 <br />Doer~~as 3 I.ockwaod (siso known as Douglas Lockwood) and. Diar,Zorie Lockwood, husband <br />Mortgagors, <br />Hall,. Nebraska i <br />cf - .tnt, is cansiderationor <br />th?.ad'¢arccz of L.*,e~rinci;a2 sum rzeited ~a w„e =av._ her?!...~[~.:. ~esc.iD°d, reeziptor.vhlch is acitnowledged, h°reDy <br />mortgage ans convey tc t <br />THE FEDERAL LANl3 BAMK OF OMAHd, a Corporation, <br />of Omaha, Douglas County, Mebraska, whose address. <br />is farm Credit Building. Omaha, Nebraska 68100, <br />naragee r5uD~.,et fip oii, h,as, s ~n,aPr rit v D3 tartie other t ..n Mortgagors• exYSting easements cr ~ <br />record; rzser.atiors >r. ,?nited 4~a~,.s °.nsS..=tcPatz... ~r ~.. +ti;t,, ar ;:se p~Dlic Sa aIi highways), thePollnwing- ? <br />describes real rs*_ace ir. Hall scanty, Nebraska - ~ ;; <br />SEC. TNP. RH. <br />Lot. Sigh CS)„-.- - = - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - 2$ <br />E~NW'~----------- -------------- 33 <br />t#liin--- ---------- ----------- 4N 12 W 6th P.M. <br />ri~;truL.{ing 9~.~2 .ri;z i ,rs rc„ ~+~. :1i ar the Syht tie, gin] rnt.=.res i <br />?nut ,~taenor'..rearter _,.}a;.re:i, „1 . z :. ¢, !; .,a,_n .2gs. ±t,...v:~ents, fixtures, <br />ar snn rtena~c s therecr - h r s .,. ^_r ,^. -' .c- i~. t2rsl ale i,tit Pe ,men s, ~. <br />tiered. went sr,d sA:Au. t,,; ~:n„as ,he. -~.: ... -, ra. ~ :cr, ^rori .., s: isinT, .. .^~ e,.iu :...n ds, r.rd t_P <br />theYbrt:-{?~r:.. ,,.F~as. ,r. .,c.,:,~.>.. , _..;:...:. ,,. _. ., . M,.,.. .. r e.. .,vt. StY >t.<. Coses} a11. :.eases,. Aerm.i ss, <br />. ~, ~. ~ ,> <br />?icen, r+vi_~rses '~pAurtea3... ..f; _ ~r.. :,1 ., r.,,t~c. :za:ter sued. ezter,Gzd. <br />rr- reaesw~d tc 'he NerT..s_fi "Y ' ~~ -,-.a ..,~~ .:t .~ ,h+~ 3u,,.., de5r. a.;ei ,roper ty ,~ lorate,i - <br />a°y:?ep...rrmer.t~ Dure*u o. Egenr ;.. . <br />.:.,.. _ ..;xa€~ .,, „i~aen to .,, u":: x •vi ... ,. 1 .r4...,_ :f ,=ven ..a..,_ ..... w; •SS. e:_e _~_....d c~ en'..;z'3rArs to Mo; t~±.aee, 'r. <br />. ~:. 9, -a or FORTY°7WC? THOUSAND GNE RUNDRED ACID NG/14G - _ _ _ _ _ - - P - -yCL~: ^' <br />,<.p sY _ :.-. ...,zrest ne,.:r'd 4xig ~,o thrt c~srs` . , cs, , ,.... .,.._ .:..a ,::zf^~_rt ot'inR, YUe. atd. poi aD Iz on the ftrst ',:3y <br />,1-- December, 24A?l- ;~;,, P.~sr.= ,...,._ t« :~>d c:AU:. t.*, paym_nt ,..,rain prom;ssory note. <br />-.~,,~ «~sge '.s sutr3~L T..o.tize ir~visic:.s..,_. 'r~3 '=AH,M G?.r..,.:. nCF _;~;,. ~._i acts a~e;tdaCory thereof or sopplement,l <br />.ta_P,.,. .~ ,,.~eeds aP h$sZIIaa~sseu;ed hereby x.?,_bg >' .~ gag •p.^,:~=.- <br />,...ed . ur .,as. a`~rDGSas ^pi~2Lie~i 1:1 the tM3rt OrS,. 3 <br />._,. -.~ ..._ ~._, .:sissuL3aor12,._d' Dy saisACC. - <br />3 <br />:~;~ahr,r_:, ~~-.. achnf thzm, DereDY:~arr?ant zh~., ...rey 'i.z s r t;he mortgaged rzal. ~ropert„ .them trey <br />.vkt1 '' - a2._ras.t.el? -:.~43.r3ats.:vnmso~.rer, a..; that ~sa.j p. ..;.erty is tree 'rc:n aYi enet.[mbrences; that <br />' e <br />;4y Ir,. ~avem .,t:., 'ix arcs, Ma' ~.,srt ,_ .. ».~. Q sd Sn good repair a. d e:atit ra bets j <br />.-i.t:.. ~,: v t_._ -~e3,ia4s31.51a a21 ri8hts of harue.,s,ea,< µ^ 33.., ~.>;ttsas. ~dcnvenant and egrae w.tia th~a ,,.rg4g~v, : <br />__. . ~ _ . ~~•s . <br />3.. ~ 1' _.::_J ^.?n ''.Q3F%. ai. ~aYL~. _;.8 3 ,.-..d}m-;ent~~.. 1, 3S.SE..:~t";?°3..5 :rhic:t. .''1;a5 De 13'RLtil'_y .°-SS85 ct?tl 3gd.1:1$°. <br />~} -r -. - .-.stare,and-keep :nsun:d, t :31d_nv;:.. '.-h_r mPrczmen~rs ;tow on ;,- which may h..e,.sier De Pisr :4 <br />`' -~ ~ - -.~:ks:sc...ion^. or s...:.. :.. __._,~cat.,.~c:rvr.._z ~.i, .. <br />-T_..s ,. ~e s s13a1 De erdersed 'h2tt1 a .Sou,, _ <br />vii' '!L~~ " ..b [:@ pgpa~3a 4 ,i; a~,T t+tiNS . '.`ed '„Ry D9 Sad tG -,?tk'{ fOr rFC OR..tP,Ir?td On <br />-- _ zr s 'tea;, _.,.o.t..,. ~,<e LLvrtBacte?. ....°C,.i±e,: Sn Aaumert u' <br />_,_ . _- - a,_ ~., _d, .. y h_: .,vat v~ <br />_ _ _ ze. _ ... - - . _ :h-.: to"'?R3 i;r eag,., iF.` ;e ai71 .C ". ie, <br />x _r _» 1 ,e 9L. ,.e aDOe~ ~1e.,c .v .r . j <br />.~~~•r 2.. '?, r.~3et ar -. ._ r; £'++-8S&3r,~ *-U Y, eua:r~ .~~ <br />,ta:_..,,. 'J~ :,~^_ ..i c ew-ti3 tr erte. ztzc' <br />~.i.Y_' F1t `%£t •{;• _- .... '.Set. 9, .'4V??L .. i <br />.,. yr <br />, <br />. _ <br />- 3, 'L _ _ - <br />,., <br />. .. >.- -_ .t _ .. __ - <br />... 1:. . .. .. ... .. <br />