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<br />M~TrAG~ ____- ~~____ ___.~_________------____-- _
<br />MORT'GAGC/ LOAN NO. _ L 2_ 3_z999 _____~
<br />ta+lO`W ALL MF;N BY TNk~E PRE,CENTS-'Tha! Gary L. 'Lilmterer, single,
<br />Mortgagor, whether one or more, in consideratitm of the sttmof
<br />Twent~E'otu Thousand and~100---- -----~---__-------.°--.°-- _- - t7OLLARS
<br />bared !e Bald morigagrx by The F.yuitablt ]luilding anal loan Assacia[voa of Gra»d island, Nebraska, Morlgagce, upon 240 shares of stodtof
<br />said ASSOCIATION, Ctrtifrcatt No. G 2j, ga9 . do hereby gran!, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOClAT1ON the following-
<br />desuibed rtal estate, situated in }fail County, Nebraska:
<br />Lot Ttuirteen (13}, Bloc3c 'ihzee (3}, valley view Statx~i.vision, beiztg part of the Plorth 11Q3.t)
<br />feet of the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (EgNEt-~) of Section Twenty-two (22}, Township
<br />Eleven (11} North, Range Nine (9) rv~st of the 6th F.M., in Ha11 County, Nebraska
<br />together with act the iertetttents, heredi[atntnts and appurtenance ttrereunto betongntg, including attached floor coverings, all window screens,
<br />window shades, blinds, storm windows, awnings, heaturg, air wnditianing, aml piumbiteg acrd water tgitipment and accesasorirs thereto,pumps,stmes,
<br />reftigeotors, acrd other fixtures and equiptrreret raw or hereafter attached to or usal m connection wLLh said real estate.
<br />And whereas the mid rnorigagor has agreed and dcses herctty agree that the rnorrgagar shall and wilt pay atl taxes and assessments ]evitd or
<br />asxyoed upon said premises acrd upon this mortgage and the bond secured theretry before the same shall taecome detinyuent; to furnish. approved
<br />instuance upon the buildings an said premises situated in the sum a?i b 24, 000.00 payable en said ASSCCLATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the psrlicies for said insrumttx:; acrd rat to uarnmit or ptrmrt any wasxe on cu alwut said premises:
<br />to cast of default in the pertornramx of any of the terms and candttionx of this nturtgage or the bond set:tued hereby, the mortgagee shall,
<br />on demand, be entitied to itnttscdiate possession of 4he mangaged premises snd the nxixtgagox hecelry assigns, tranafees aril sets orer to the
<br />mortgagee all the rents, revtrrues azrd inrvme to be dtrved from [ht mortgaged prentistis during 5uctr time as the mortgage intiebtealaeesssh~ll retnxirt
<br />unpaid; and the mortgagee she{i have the power to appoint any agent w agents it rmsy dtsite for the pruptrsc of rapair9[eg said prnnistsand renting
<br />the same and colketing the rents, rerenues anti incamt, and it tttay pay out af' mid inwme a@ cxpertses of repairing said premises and netxssaty
<br />wtnneissions and expenses incurred do renting and marcmgirtg the satr>e and of cwlkctin$ rentals ttserefrom; the balance reaevining, if any, to be
<br />apptted toward the discharge of sa3 mortgage indebtcdrtes~x; these rights aF xht mortgagee nay be exercixd at any atrn during ehe existence of suede
<br />soft. icrespotisv; of any temporary waiver of the saner.
<br />These Presents, however, are upon the Corrditiort, T"hat of the said Atarigagor shall repay said faan on or before the rnattuity of said sharesby
<br />payment; pay tnanthiy to snid A.SStJCtATION of the steer specified in rice ]bred xe:cured ]rrrehy as lntertst and principal an said ]pan, on nr before
<br />the Twentiefte day of cuh and every nwrttit, unnii sa,d roan rs fully paid; pay a13 taxes and assessments levied against said premises aced on this Mortgage.
<br />and rice Mond soured. tletrtby, beihre delirty[[enuy: P'urntsh appealed insu[arrtx. open the bttifdings thereon in the sum of $ 24, 000.00 payable
<br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said A5SOC:lATIt)N upon dt[mand all money by i4 {uid for such taxes,. assessments and i><~urance with interest. at
<br />the mwtimum Segal rate thereon tram dale aC paytrrent al] taf whii;h .Mortgagor hereby agrees repay; permit ao wash an said premises; keep andcomply
<br />with ail-the xgter;ments and cartiiititrtts of the Bond for 5 24 000.00 Yetis day given by the said Mortgagee to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />with all the reyuirtmctus of tits Ctxtstitutian and 1#y-laws o~ said ASSCICIA'I'tON; thin these presents shall became null and void, otherwise they
<br />shall rerttain b fu!! ford and may be ferrxlose[i at the aptian of the said SSSOCIATlON after failtue for three ntantits w make any of said
<br />paymeats w be three nxrnths its setters itr making said mm~thiy payttxettts, or to keep and wmp{y whit. the agrtaments and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mrxtgaguragrees to have a receiver ap}wu:red farthwtlh in xucla €areclsrsure prasxedirtgs,
<br />If there is any elxangt in awntrsitip of the real txtate mortgaged turein, by sale ar otherwise, then the entire rtmainiog indebtedness hereby
<br />sound shaE{, at tluopsion of Tim [:yrritalnlc. Building and I.uarx Associaeicut of Grandlslaad,Nebraska,become immediate{y due and payablewilhout
<br />further. notic;t, and [he atnortnt rerrtainirsg due ttttder said bond, and any onset bond for any additional advances made thereunder, shalt, Inrm the
<br />atatC o#' exercise of said option, bear in#erest at the rnaxunum le r~7 wait, and this mortgage may Then be foreclasrd io sati~'y the arzwunt. due as said
<br />hood, anck, any ether band fee aaiditionai advances, together with aB stmts paid by said The f:gtritabk Btn7ding acrd i.aan Assaciatioa of Grand ]slaod>
<br />Nehnatta for i[tste[a_nx. taxesand as;essitvanit, and abstracting ex[ension charges, with. interest thereon, from dart of payeroznt at the maximum
<br />rte,
<br />As prrnici~ 1 tit the Beiad sexutrd. trartby, while this mortgage rertraiets in effu-t the mortgagee may hueafter advanr:e additianal sums to the
<br />makers. of Laid Ikxrd, these a5sigsts err swaxtssors in usterext, which wens shall be within the stt;itrity of this mwigage tire. same as the funds originally
<br />:secure! thereby, tEtt torsi aiiiinnt of princtpa{:dcbt rat !o exceed at any titre rht ariginat amattnt of this mortgage.
<br />~~~ cnrx ~#t~ day of l'ebruat:y ,~.1~., 1<7 $2
<br />f~.._....__...~2.__ --- ----
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<br />~~' ~ Al1iBL~ASis`A` ss. !let Eltis ¢tlt day of February I9 82 , befare me,
<br />E'Ot.INT'lf Ok HALL
<br />Iltt undersigratd, a. Natary Pultlic m and far saxi Carutty. pcrsoeu.Uy cause
<br />("s33:j/ .L,. 2]1tiI36:~L'te'1'.p siny3€?., wtw :1.5 personally knowrs, to
<br />+rx acrd
<br />trie to 3st !be a$+e cstt.ut trnxme t,;~ st tea t a tie ssttrtiasrean ~ srs.sr".~ag :~;
<br />dpodtAttasd insl..ttt;tstrr! tobt 112ta rohutary ace acrd dtttt..
<br />w1TNl~5S rtty ]r,srs+.asad ?~lottazzal 4ca# tie date atrx;.caatd,.
<br />1+4y l:t3tura's%xru>xz eacpsras : may' -
<br />.. -.._. _ _ _ ,~. , ~ sty htxltl'aC.
<br />,~.rm~„
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