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RELEa4SE ~~ N60R7CAC~E <br />2•°°1~tiQ44'( <br />Its ~nsideraton of fn1l payment and rnmpliance with the conditions of a martguge <br />made by Arla H. Schlieker acid M« Elvida Schieker, each in his arad her overt right <br />and' as spouse of each ether. <br />to T"fIE 1~;QfJITABLE BUILDING A:VD LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAPSD ISLAND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />falta~wing described property, co-wic: Lot Eight (8} in Block Three (3) , Knickrehm Fourth <br />Addition to the City o£ Grand Island, Nebraska. <br />which said mortgage bears date 23rd day of October 1951. ,and <br />is recorded in Book: 127 of mortgages on Page 131 <br />of the reeords of Hull County, Nebraska, said Association hereby aclrnowledges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />same. <br />In witness whereof the said T'IIE EQUITABLE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, has. caused this instrument to be signed by its President and attested by its <br />P,$SIl' <br />Secretary this 4th day of February A.D., 19 82 . <br /> <br />The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand Island,. Nebraska <br />On this 4th day of February A.D., 19$2 ,before me, a Votary Public <br />duly oamimissionied and gcaulified for and residing in said cuunty, personally cause R. E. Rinman and <br />Soy hI« .Beasley. <br />Assn' <br />to ~e knr~vra to be the identical persons whose rnunes are affixed to the above release as President and Secretary <br />of svd Assacfatior and. acknowledged the said instrument to he their voluntary act and deed and the voluntary <br />act and deed of t3ie said 1"EE EQiSITABLE BUILDING AiVD LOAN ASSOCIATI0:~4 OF GR:1.ND I5LP.ND, <br />VEI)A,'tSKA: <br />~zw'itness any hand. arwi notarial seal the day and yetc-#ast"sbove evriiten. <br />1 r, <br />~ '/~ '.~ <br />f ,votary Public <br />~M~qy k.." r <br />yy,~1fE~ ply rtrmn4ia+ci~saa ezpires ^-i"_~. .'~'`~ _~' .e~'`.. <br />~ - --'-"" <br />