r=a>m .! ~ „aa 2 2~ %.k U 4 4
<br /> "~ Ti-+t5 aGREEM1tENT. matle antl enrereC mip tn,:tl„~,s~„ ....._ day pf ~-E.~~ilp,~_._ ____....-._ ~ c: '9$? _ cy and b€zween
<br /> '-.;, Wit-- usa,~.t:~'r-,.-~e'~.I'1T-AXd~,-,-.~3"sC~--~~"E~--EC~~l9- ~19~=~'3~F -.__.
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<br />..-.-- _Z_._..t here;na}ter Cait@d Ih@ LeSSpr
<br />and ~~V'~l
<br />A
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<br />GA~ 279 SIJNi3NF (
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<br />J
<br />.
<br />, t
<br />0-s42Gfi tk,e Lessee
<br />, WITNESSETH That the Said LeSSar rn consrderattan Of the sump? pn8 dDllar, fhe r€Cart71 pf whrch is hereby aGNnowledged and of the
<br /> ~
<br />i Covenants And agreements herein contained, does here°Jy rant unto the Lessee all pf the Ort and
<br />g gas and~or the COrStrtuent5 of ertner m
<br /> ~
<br />~ 3nd under the iand5 hereinafter deaCnbed. tpgetner with the exClustve ngntS tC tlnH tpr pfpd UG€ and market ail and gas and theft
<br />CanSiiluBhl
<br />d
<br />l
<br />w~~i S an
<br />a
<br />so the ngnt to enter Cher80n a2 ali 6m85 tot ih8 purpose of dnlh nq and OpBratmg for Od, qas and wafer and t0 transport
<br /> ,1 tram arross and through sa+d lands pd and gas and then ConsLiuents from tie.. suoted and atner rands and to ppssess, use and occupy so
<br /> much of sard pram+ses axis necessary an~„F~q~ven4ent m remavrnq Ur transporimc across Bard lands the above nametl products by pipe
<br />ones or
<br />ih
<br />P
<br />f
<br /> p
<br />eflvlSB
<br />ar dterm o
<br />t:r)~ yea s and so much iCnger thereafter as Ctl ga5 Or them Cpnstrtuenl5 ar€ produced In pay+ng
<br />quaniitfeS tt,efeOR, Or aperaLOnS are m
<br />a
<br />mtatnPd a•^• aU p! that [?main trac? Of Idnd SrruatPd in
<br />
<br />\`
<br />~ rr
<br />•rr
<br />jj~~.......~~'~I -~t
<br />$8C. P.tp~__~~-._. TpwnS nip Of Ve~t~r __...__ ._-___ r. atJnty O1-+~e
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<br />AT
<br />and Sta,e of ~~ ~~~
<br />L kb nd8d SabS[dnAdii
<br />OII
<br />7
<br /> ,_~_
<br />y
<br />z
<br />OwS
<br /> C?n the North by the lands at .~~~?.:..~~j~l~l~i'l~_.533'a~i3Gh6C~._~$2'-P..~:Q._-311.C~..si13Cj.@:_~ 2~AT$: ~lArFn'P`
<br />
<br />~~:~ .
<br />6n the East Dy the rands of __.~._._.T.._._._.__.__..____.._ ___.____-_________v„
<br /> C?n the Saaih ay the lands at -_- -_----------_- _.- _. __-_
<br />On Ina west ty the iand5 of .~_^.------._.~___ -___i,--
<br />cahtamtng mk,n.. htmc~rPei eP~t>nty ~~t gnri ~S~ZQ~. __ P`7~~.~7pjarres, more or less.
<br />being all Fhe iand owned dy Lessor m sard Tpwnshrp, pravrdBC. however, that if at the (ermr.^.at+on of sard tErm. either pnmary or ex[endetl'.
<br />there t5 a well iR ptadeSS 0t b€ing tlnlied on Si3,d iand5 then ihrS leaS€ Snail COn7+n ue 1r, farce Sp tong a5 the dfilling p4 5uph WBII 15 COnnn UBd
<br />Wlih 2aSOndbte dilrg!_+n CB and so much IOnga7 that 8after a50r7 pf g25 Or th8rr COnStr[tt€^r5 are found do sartl pfemtseg to paying gUani7tre5.
<br />en the tudgement pf the Lessee. Ii being understood. however. that n0 we+l snag ae Cniled wrthm 2 hundred teat of the barn Or dwelling on
<br />sard premtses without the consent at Lessor
<br />2 Irt CansrtlefatrOn O? the premtses the sartl partreS Cpnvenar.l and agree as 1piiOWs
<br />L85Se8 t0 deirver fa the Credit O.r the Lessof rn tanks Ol pipe Imes On@-€rghth (+? Of the p6 produced and SdYed from the prem1585.
<br />L8550,' fa feCeeYe the f+eld market bnCB Uer thousand Cud1C ?Bet far one-erghth ( el O` all gas marketed from sard premiSeS,antl the
<br />same to be paid for On Or aefOre ine 20th tlay Ct tn€ month }oila wrnq in wrnCn same r5 marketed
<br />3. LeSSee tO CammenCe a w811 On Sald premr5e5 wr:nrn twelve months lrOm Inh 15 date Cr pay fo LCSSOr rPjr79 yj+Lsa
<br />-F~~~'g~t'-~„-e3~Y't~i~(1(}~ -_- Dollars i5 2~~~ /~ ;each year. payable quarterly thereafter until
<br />Sa+tl well rg CommenC.ed pr tats lease 5urrendereC but the campreno at a well upan sard tams urprcducuve at oiE ar gas m payrng
<br />quantftres shaft De cons,dered as ine equivalent of and regardetl as fhe tender o? delay rentals far a period of one year thereafter and m no
<br />event shau the written lease expu€ pefore One year after fhe drr!hnq a! a cry Hole r8gartl less of the pnmary term provided for m the wr+tten
<br />lease. In theevenY gas can de proCaCed. but due t0 a tack or fransmi55ron ;acri!Ues Or lack df rBlinmg faCrlrues same cannot be marketed.
<br />Le55ee5halt Gay Or Sender annuauV at the end of each 'yedrry pe!rpp dunnn which 5- ^_^. gag r5 nne snid Cr ~Sed. 2S royalty, an ampunl eq Jar
<br />:a :hc dC-.lay rental prov+ded rn paragraph a3 hereof. and wade sard toy arty s sp pard or tendered tnrs tease shall 08 Held as a producing lease
<br />under paragraph x, hereof Thrs lease shad oecome null and void far taeure to pay f'enta; tpr any penaC when same decome5 due and
<br />payable, provided however that Lessee Or h:s ass+dns rs gn•en f 4 dads watt€r. nahce or ns falure to pay sard rentals and they are not pard
<br />within sard irJ days
<br />4 LeSSee shalt Dury. when sb requested dy L€s5pr aft pipe irrtP.S u58tl fD L•anspar qas Or prk off ar across the premr5e5 and pay all
<br />damages Caused Dy operazroes under th+s lease sard damages ri not mu; aauy agraed upon, ;p be ascerarned and determ,ned by three
<br />drsr nferasted persons. one ihereo? to be aopo+nted by the Lessor. cne try t`z€ Lessee and me iHrrd Dy me two so appointed as foresa,d, and
<br />th8 award SO SJLh three persons Shall de trnal anU [On Clusive
<br />$. L8550r may lay a lin8 tp any gas welt Ch sard iand5 and !aka qas prod uCBd fr0.'n SaiC weu tCr ,t58 tOr Iraht and hear m ane dwelling
<br />house an Sasd Idnd a( L85SarS own n5k. SuDfBCt id the use end Ina rght Ct dband Onmen° at the weal by Ih8 L€SSee Th8 hr5! two hundred
<br />thOUSand CUdlC feet at ya5 (dken m ea Ch year Shall de frt'8 Of CCSt but ate Gas m, ezCeSS O? Iwo Hundred th OUSand CUD=C l88t taken In each
<br />year snail be pard for at jhe current pool+Sh€d rates :n the town ^.earesf the bermrs€s above tlescnbed and t~^.e mpa5urement5 and
<br />rash(a?rorsshai4depymeterandragufatorsSetatthetappnther;ne'n~spr:vreget5upanfhecpndn:onthatLessorshadsubscndelpantl
<br />b€ bound by the reaSOnabie rotes and rBg••u lat<CflS or G1e LBSSeB reldtrrq tp 2n€ use Of fret gas
<br />6. Tire Lessee ai cry bme may Hardy tn€ Lessar in wnt:nq at ~egsprs !alt known atldress. by regtsleretl mad- pf tn€ Lessees
<br />tntent/Orf to use any watt IUCated an ine leased p emue:, dnd :^e teased DremrSes IOr any and di! o? fh€ purposes herembelp re
<br />Frovtded ay tnJecUng. storing or holds rg mstarage. and remavrng gas rntp •n and from any sands, strata pr formations pnderlying the
<br />pr8ma58S, and uptm the grying pf SUCh ngtrc€ tn€ Lessee may use any S:JCh welt anC tY,e teased Drem;SeS for any and alt of sard pUrpOSBS.
<br />Tne L855eP_ Snalf pay to the Le55pr a r8niai a! $2pp QQ ea4n yea` tar each 5Ja:1, w€ii wn+lp SC used. prpy,detl that the fenlal for the 1sr5i year fpr
<br />a weft yp used Snat? de r,-quwalent t0 Ina One-erghth rJyatiy payments to ine lessor, fl mere than 5200:00, for gas prpduCed and marketed
<br />frpm.SUdh. wL+.u dulingihe CCnSeC Uttve periods. of trine aggrega4inq ; $rj days n@~( prBGedmg the g+veng O} such nahce, and }Cf each year
<br />thereafter. a rental tar such weu so used eau+valen( to ?,rst year's rental +f more than 5200.OC, reduded each year dy the amoum of $200.00
<br />unite reduced-t0$20f.1..00.. and im eaen year thereafter a rental p) $2iX}.0%for such well so us€tl ff mere Shari be r.a welt used For gas storage
<br />purpa5e5 on the leased premtses, out if a well used oy fn€ Lessen -tar any of the gas 5tarade purposes hererntrefore SpeciLed shall tre
<br />IOCatBd Un IhC.:0iP1BIiand5 ar+d SuCA w8fr snare de lOCalBd w+tntn ane mile ' . d'ny tine of the leased prBmisP.5. f ne LeSSee may giveJrke written
<br />natece (O the Lessor Of CIS nntennon to usethe ieaseC premises lo• any ;er al o ~ sa:a ga5 storage purposes, and tnereupp^. may use the leased
<br />p=emiseSfor sard purposes and sna't De the sale lodge a5 ra wn8(her qas +s Darns 5iareG or Held ~n Storage witnrn the leased premr5e5. The
<br />fanfal,eaCn year Ppr Su6h USe shalt be the same amount d5, bu+ in ireu a?. ih8 delay rental nefe,nDetO<e prpvrCeO to b8 pattl fD COnttn Je ih l5
<br />feaae in BtfeCt Until ih8 COmmeMemeM 01 3 weld ar Uf fhe u56 et the yrem,SeS tpr arty Of the ga5 Sl Orage purGO5e5 and steal! have (he 5a me
<br />efte62 OS CprtltnUinq ihr5 +8a5e ,R IorCe aS tnpugn a praduC,r%ry w8±1 pr a we.i !+Setl Or gas sfarage purposes were do?tetl on the IeaSBd
<br />premi$$5; prpv'tded. that It a WBr! r5 ihereaft@! ditffed and U580 tar any Of fhb oas SfOragB QJrppges C.n the 3ea5etl p/emISBS therentai for Such
<br />use afth8 kea5ed pr2m+S85, ~ ,r8t1 Of tn'e far8gging •ent al. sha'I be J2JO.0~ e:.fCn yea[ far Si;L"n Well and the Satre sum each year f0/ each
<br />addttiorat waif sa om+ed and usew. •ft tha Lessee Cedses to use a weft tarsal storage purposes out continues to use the pramises for such
<br />pou(.1oSe5~and there snaH tsE np other we61 EtlGaied~trrErfptb the renta; far such use shall De the iand renYai hgreinDet are. provided. AIY land
<br />ienta25 and. waif fer,als ma:+' t]B paid by itte•:L855ee inquarl8r-4c'mi !nSIallm@.n is
<br />7 The L€55or nerBDy drdnIS t0 tn8 L855ae ih8 right Yd Lor`S41,daIL+;He It.a58d pre. 565 ar parts therept with Other lands td form an O+i
<br />andga5 develaomenl unit Of n01 mare than On8 nundreC and six y + CJ^. a e fCer f'?e urap5e pf Crrltrnq a wet: thereon. Dut the Lessee Shay l
<br />rnn4 eu8nt t!e reOWred t0 4rd(mare Enan Ong weu on sudh u 1 Any we ! pn"ed Uf ,d+d dev8fapmenr unto. whether Or Hai iodated On the
<br />ieasdd ptemti5e5, Shatf reverihete's5 De de€met9 to fM ip£aYeCf upon Ene IBaSed premises waYnin ine. m5tanrng and fpr ine Durposes 01 ate the
<br />prUvlSto+,Sand Covenants pf :his (Base to Ina same ettBCi a5 sf ? ,the tangs [.C.mdrtsrng Sand ur^+t were deSCr rpetl rn anG SU bleC( to this tease.
<br />p ovided naw8vef !+f at C=.rtly Srp aw,',8f in€ lands a~ whiC J wE 5 IpCated mdv tak8 '-as pr use rn. ane d'weiltng house Oft Such
<br />Ow ?f's ,dnds ~n aCL.ardaftCe wt n t',e p'OV sane C: ihtS teas€. a ., p. - e r tna. (':e LeSSG'r dgrBeS I'.' dCCept.:n IIBU pt the ., Cti dnd
<br />ya :'..y =Sty rsereenbetpre Frdv €. hat prdnor drt O .uCr, , roya { vrnr n t*e d rea~ja ^2re+n ,eASed ben 5 Eo the rota, nsmber pt aCre5
<br />CpmOC:S+ngsat;}dea2fa;lrnent unt, #f sard dBVelppm8nt n,F Srd n tlad?€ _a5@dlOr gas Starage putpd585 me well rental pr ldntl renidl
<br />herd naetpf8 pray ~ for Su ~h uS€ 5'1a '*e payaD € to ne Own@'..S f"hF parcnt5 Q. rain,:; C9m.,.. $ , , S.is;d t.iril rft t?I8 pf0¢OrtiOn Thai the
<br />a.'earge of each such parcel .,ears ip .ne anfr.e ac K<ye p sa .~ ter,.
<br />f;. 1; >`5 agreed loaf *.ne acreage ren'ats a. rCOa'tres o _ dny w f'. ar wails pa;tl and ro ne ps:G as r. ei e,n pr
<br />byi.e55ar aS adequate and tort consderaF e: t,. enCB. guided areand wrtl be aCCepiep
<br />G/,+Onai write ~Le5588 39 ',O wr`C'tr,g, ;~ t S..^. azi drill a wail to C1f58t protluCing
<br />N~IdS a^ ad+Ofning or ad€aCent premtses
<br />H ~naJld it a8 dBKerm,nBd that LBSSar rs r.Ct the pw n8r C' € 8r.+re tract appve. ?SOr,btC !M1.sn rind Ih€rev pOn LBgsar Shall reCB,ve a
<br />prd;3`Jit«ann¢ atnaun 'r, aCdo rd$'-7C2 WISh tnE rBnl$[5 arrYS rCyao..r•'S ter afty 1raCGOn Uf the at)OVE prti mrSCS OwnY'C
<br />tq. ay"'rets(5 of aF; maneyS due on 'hf5 lease may b€ ma:7e by C3St1 O' CneC k. ip _.-~'~~431t~-.'~.-'t--S
<br />by. rfapy,.' tC tF. c, ':rBd;:. of ~"O^.`.'•-'--.___, ____.~..___.._
<br />~r7rj ,r ------ - __.._ _-- ---
<br />ar?d m,r ~ ,., _ ~ _` Est manna, ~r~at3 _-I _.l ~At~:! T' EcFflZ
<br />?' s ~~ sty - --- -_.
<br />.. 855r'r S to !1a YB th +vrrede d W'~:ng4ut}ICt8n2 f]a57 water, ipr rue `n ppe 3i,nq GrtF ^. 58h a:.::} InP rtlhf at
<br />L'T - 3 :res yr.?i (fit eG8 3+5drdO er `-'Sr -
<br />.^ n s+.o „>e she ^ia r h 'urr+ ar - p5n tae oa e i ~ h slot o e ,,ra arto ai;
<br />4[:" h., d ,u' ._ r .+.' t a; '! b+3Ct< trJ -„ ~r ~ ..r ny rr - rt Jn .Ae U : , wlittYn dt4Ce [., ,. BSyGr do zCfiO,nq
<br />+e.-... , r :.-. - _ -. _ -. ~: w.u. Lip endG-rse m_nt cv su er+'t ;nE or
<br />- a _ _,. ., d, ..7 ,.. _ s'1 hr.2 r. ;eyd: sur,en,Q _ er ;C a,::
<br />~._ - t x ., a2 r _ ~ e -~_e, irar+;m .,+dc a e r parses
<br />' ,a c 7 : edvcr~ t .. t .naq,~
<br />.-. .. .. _ o.- <. ,. .+,it xr ~~gr ~. e.&' a ~ ~ - _,.~ .. ikes rtee... .:px,tN. thfir
<br />nEA
<br />