<br />'. '~~. Farm it :a t l&U ~~~ dl l~ l7 3 `# ci
<br />'~ TNlii AGREEii~NT. matle and ~ntgr@a Hill ir~T'~._.__ qay of ` ~~~;(`~~~ __ A C' i9 ~~ by and belwe@n
<br />~~ '~ Stf~I°"C~ d ~~-"tf~"~~.~~1 ~?`bb~"~"~->~__~T~~~.._. b71~T-~ZSZ~ _,'C~i~_"_~,.v--~~'IE~'t~Q52S' p-
<br />_.____~ ___~- _._ _ ~m-
<br />y ~_._~Q~,~"Y'A"r'*~1e~_y;~y+3~„~~~_y,___y:s..yyi.__ _.__ __ Here+naher called the Lasser
<br />~'G ~; ana PC~R~,~G~ (~~[, & G~~ l.799 SUNLINE Dii. ~UFFIELQ, UHit> 44cExU fife Lessee
<br />~'^' ,4 t. yyiTN£SSETH That th8 card LesSOrtrt conslderat,on of tnD SUm of ane aoNar. the race+ptot whlchshereby acxnowtedged and of the
<br />tti, cav@nanis and agreements heeem cartarned, does Hereby grant unto the Lesse@ au of the otl and gas ana.~ar the cansbtuenis dt caner in
<br />~j and anger th@ tams Here+natter d@5cno@d, togetngr wrth tare excius,ve nght5 t0 gnu for produce and market oil and gas and they
<br />~~^,onshtuents and also !ne nghila enter to@tean at alt times tar Me purpose ar dnumq antl operanng for oil, gas and water and to transport
<br />from across ana through said rands oil and gas and their Cdnstduems from 2ne subiect and other lands ano to possess. useand occupy so
<br />mucn et yard premises asrs net n~o nvernent In remoi~,ng or iransporhng adrass said lands the above named products by prpe
<br />=~ ~ !Ines or tatnerwtse for a term of'~~t3'e`ars antl sa mucn longer mereatte: as o:. gas or th.@,r corstauents are producetl in paymg
<br />•~ ~ quantr2res Fhetedn or qp@ra2,OrTS are maintain@C On dfl at that CgR2in XraCt at land s,tuated In
<br />\~ $@C Nq ~ _ _ Tpwns h:p al _~~.a'Cr~ _.. _. _._. ..._ __- -_-___.__-____._.._.._ (•.OUnty Ot ry ~~t,~
<br />~~ ~_ .~._
<br />and State o! ~1E~Z"86~C8 Hounded substan;,allr as follows
<br />qn the North dy the tand5 df __See ~r?chibi_t A, 3ttacred hereto 3nc1 ~~a?:e_ part heredf
<br />pn the East by the rands of _._.__
<br />tin the 5~puth by Lng lands Ot .-_,e~_-_____.._.~...._.______-__._.__.___._~._-.
<br />On the west by the tangs of
<br />dgntarnmg ~ __ _ _ t ~ , more ar less.
<br />berng aft the rand-owned by Lessor +n saro 7ownsn<p. provided rowever that it a; the termmanon of Sard term. e,ener pnmary or extended.
<br />three tsa well In prOCe550f being dr,lletl On Sard lantlS. then this tease sh~!ICOnt,~ug,n force SO long aS the drllfinq O}such wait lS COMIr1Ued
<br />with reasonable aingence antl so mucn longer tnereatf@r as oil Or bas Or }h e,r CO nSUluen[S are faund do said premrses,n paying quantitrr5.
<br />m the fUdgement of the Lessee It be+ng un de rStOOC. aowevPr Ina[ nC we4t shall Oe drrllgn wghm 2 nunaretl feet of the barn or Owelling on
<br />Said Rrrm15e5 WtlhOUt the CanSgnt O! Le55ar
<br />~ In COnStderailOn O} the Rrrmtsgs tHr Sard par(!@s CO nvgnaHt antl ag rgg as (0110'ws
<br />Le55ee t0 deirver iq the Crrdt[ pt Inr+ LeSSOr in tanks Or D,Re runes one-e:gr,:h ; ,; o' :ne q.i orooucrd ana saved from the premrses.
<br />Le550r to receive the tired mark el price Rer tnOUSantl cu O,C fret tOr Onr-rtgn!h jel 01 aL gas .marketed from said premr5e5.antl the
<br />' same to be partl for on or before the 20tH pay at me mo.^.th :bl:awmg ,n wn,cn same s marketed
<br />3. Lessee to commence a weir on sa+a rernses wan,n reserve mdntns rrom tins date b ~~"} c ~ `ma`r 'r~~t`
<br />p ^ r pay td Lessor _
<br />"'1'~'t',~,r eS-.?wit _'; 3"i C: `~;_/r~Gi~--- -,~ Q
<br />~- Danars ;$ -. • l`~ - i eacn year. payabtle Guartery [Hereafter until
<br />sartl well !s damrnrnced or this lease surrendered but me camptetron of a we~l upan said lands unproducirve of od or gas rn paymg
<br />Cuaniitre5. shall be considered a5 the eourvalent OS ana regarded as the tender or prlay rentals far a penOd Of one year tnereattrr and in AO
<br />event shall fne written lease expire before brie year after the Cnlimg Ct a dry Wore !rgardlgSS at the pnmary term prOVrorC for In the written
<br />FeaSe.. to tnr ryrni gas Can de plUtluCed, but tlUe t0 ,tack Ot tran5mr5510n fact Dlies Or lath of ; r~lMng fact+rtl@s same Cannot be marketed.
<br />Lr55er shall day ar tender arnualty at the end of eacn yearly per;Od OunnG whrCh SuCn gas IS Hat SOIC qr used. aS royalty, an amount equal
<br />iq ihr tlelay rental provided m paragraph :3 nerecr a-d w`=.le said royalty is so paid qr tendereG tHS Igase shat. ae held as a protlucmg tease
<br />under paragraph et hared) This feast shaii become Huh antl vOa }Or (allure t0 pay yenta, to* any penOC when same beCpmes dye dnd
<br />payatrte, provided however inat Lessee or n:s assigns ~s g.ven a ,days whiten nonce bt his ta~lure to pay sa,d rentals ano they are not partl
<br />wttn+n Sard 70 days
<br />4 Lessee shat! bury, When 50 req UeSted ay L2s5pr alt p, pg i,n QS used iC trdr,S pO St qas Or O=t Ott O' across 1ne premrses and pay alt
<br />tlamages caused by OprraUdns under inrs IrdSe said dama0gs if not muiudity agreed upan, t0 d@ aSCettame0 and de[ermined by Inter
<br />diSf ntereslyd persons, ane therr0} t0 be aped+nteC trJ [hs. L0SS0 r. One oy ihf Lr55rr dnd the thud t=y the Iwo SO appOrnted as lOfrSa td, and
<br />ine awafd IC Such three pe/SOWS shaii qe trnai and Ci7n CIUS.VP
<br />5 Lessor may fay a !rnr to any gas well on Sard lands and take gas Gradated barn sa:d well tar use for I,ght ano neat :n ane tlwel7rng
<br />house on said land at lessor's own risk. subiect to the use and the Went et abandonment o! the well Gy the Lessee ine first two Hundred
<br />thousand cub¢ feet of gas taken m eacn year snau be tree dr cost out a!i gas m excess df ;wa nunared thousand cua~c reef taken ,n each
<br />year shai4 be partl tOr at (he Current pudi15hga rates :h the lOwn nearest the Derm,TiCS above d@5Cntred ana ing rn easurrmrnts and
<br />frgutatrORS Snail be by meter antl regulators set at the tap On ing hnr ''rs O:rvsl8gg ,s upon the cond tltOn that Lessor chat: sudSCnbe to antl
<br />bB OOUnd by ihB rga5pnablr rules and !eguiaLOOS at the Lessee retatr;q tr; !rig user pt tree gas
<br />6. The Lessee at any frme may Wordy the Lesser ~n wntmq of dgssd+s last known address. by reg,stergd marl at Yhr Lessees
<br />fntP.riUOn to USe any well !aCatrd On the teeseu premises a^.d th+,: I~^aSL'C prem,sea for any ar,d a~i Ot trio pUrpOS@5 h@IBinb@fOle
<br />provided Ay Intrctrng, stOrrng Or hOtdmg rnStOfagr. and remOVrnq qas ~~n.ta ,^ and }ram any santls strata Or lormatrons underly,ng ine
<br />premrses. ana upon. the giving q} StsCn notice the tgSS@e may u5r a^: S::Cn weir and trig leased Orgmis@s far any and di: Ot Sard purposes
<br />Trig Lr55rr Snal4 pay 20 the Lr55or a rental Ot ?`?.V.OQ eacn yedr tar each SuCn wail wnilg SO used. prgvidea tna! the renidl for the llr5l yedr for
<br />d. wel t.50 used Shall DC egUrvatrnt t0 [he On?-@:g H[n rayaliy paym@nts (O the. i@SSOr, ,f mars lean $20~ f1{t, lay gas RrdduCetl and marketed
<br />irOmsUCh Wrtiduring-the COnSrCUtlve prregds bl bntr agdr@gaS:ng i bu Lays next pr@Cedrng !hr g,v:ng Of Such ROUC@. dnd tof eacn year
<br />ihrreaiter a rental for such wall sa used rqu+vatent to lust years rental +t more Iran $2tDA0, reduced each year by the amount of $2t)O.DO
<br />until redUCedlO $20(l.iJO: ana tar eacn y@ar (nelra3te! a r@rttal Ot $240 lyt7 tar Sugh well s0 used. If [Here SHatl1 be n0 well USrd for gas. storage
<br />pufp05PS Qn the 1685ed RremlSr$, bUt it a writ used py ing LesSre ~ for any Ot '.rig gas Storage pUrpOSeS herg+nbef0!e specitled shall be
<br />FOCa[rd.On tne~6inrr lands ana SuG.^. wetlsnai! be IOCatetl w+tnrn OnP mrie O` any i:ae of tHg I@ased prent,ses. tn@ Lessee may give Irke written
<br />npisCr to#heL@SSOr O! rt5 rntenhon i0 u5rihe Veasr6 prrmrS@s r0' any Or x!(01 Sa,d gas St Oragg purpa5es. antl tnergupOn may use trig leased
<br />premises SOr Sard purposes and 5nAii br 4ne Sole iudg@ 95 CO wnetngr gas 1S Dgrng Stored Or Reid ,n S:Oragr within the leased premrses. The
<br />rertialeadh year illy SUgh u5& Shall Or tnE same amount as. but rn i+ru Or.. the delay rental hgro_Inbatore Rtov,ded'to O@ paid tOCanirnUr thK
<br />i@aSr lnrt£eCiuntli the COmmrnCemrnY O1 a weii Or at 4hr usE O". the prem,s95 }Or any OI the Cgs storage purp05eS and Shalt nave ihr saint
<br />effect p!' canllnuinQ knrs SgaSe. in torCe a5 toOUgh a pradUC~ .g welt OT d wgi; used }Or gas S!Oragg pufpOSeS W@Fr d.•rlted On ins Itasca
<br />pfemisrs, provided. that d a well:s mereafter gr+lied and used tar ar.y 0t the gas storagepurposes on the leased premrses the?ental for such
<br />us@Ot fh@ IgaSCd Rr@mr5n5. ,r, ngu C' "ne rpt~q <Yg r@nta!. SRa:i qg $<'r4~ 00 baCn ygar tar such wEtf and (L:g same sum each year for eact?
<br />additibna4 w871 so dr tied and used.) t the c+sSge~~. gases t0 LL5g A well i0f gat SLarage RurpCSrs but COntrnueS t0 USe the premlSes t0! SuCn
<br />puipaS@5 and theta Snail br np.aSlwet n•@;, located in¢f@pn. tnr lrY+Ydi for SuCn U5g Shall be the rand Tgntal hergi nbetOrg prpv,tled. All 1anC
<br />reMatSend w@tt rentals may O~p2,d A: ine Lesser +q. ttuart8r; ygar +rlSialiment5
<br />?. Tne Lessor Hereby grants.; ~'r ~ EessrP rvr R~rrt io~'~anSOBdaTe'^.e'.eased pr@msas or parts iherev! w,tn other (ands io'orm an oil
<br />2nd gag dgv@+39m8n[ unR al nOSIft{3TG"tTtiafl One tlitndr@~8nff3F%Iy f16Ci aG reS tAr ing purROSe o! drNilnG a wall thgr90n, but ing Lg55EB shaii
<br />rn f?Orveni br requilBd tb driltmOTe I~aR.Onr well On gUCh urge. :.,ny well driltrd On s2:d drvelOpment un,t, wheihei Or not IOCdtgd On the
<br />teased Rrrnlr58S Shall Revrfthrir55 Ce deemed t0 be laC2i@d upan ihr 4@aSEC Orensisrs wrtnin Srie rnean:ng and for the purposes Of ail th@
<br />prdv}sagns and covenants of ih+s tease to tnesamr rfteCi as rf a ,the Janos compris+ng said unr! were desctlbgd In and sublrC4 to ih+s leas@:
<br />RTOVIdrd, naw8ver, that anfy the Owner Ot the lands On whiCY suCn weii s 10Cdted may iaae gas tOr use to Ong dwrll!nq House On Such
<br />dwne:5 Sana5 ,n aCCClydanCr with the prgvtSldnS 01 inrs l?aSg. a :d prav,det7 'u ^her that tnr L055d! ag!ee5 to aCGrp1 in Ireu a1 ing Fail and
<br />gasrayattyheresnbetorrproyrde. that Rroporeap a! such , •ayatty w*ICn !rig acreage nere,n .eased bears to the total number of acres
<br />cdmp!rsrng 5aidd2vrioRtneni u^:t_ 1t Said devrtopment un+t shaii iher~after oe usea tar gas std>*dge purposes ;ne weii rental ar IandtentaJ
<br />taererntie: Gre pfavided for Such use shalt t7r Rayab?r to the dwne+S Oi [rig parcels Ot land Co rn pt;srrt^y sa,d unit rh ;rig pr-0Dorl:On Fhar Itrg
<br />acreage e; ruhsucn parcel bears t0 the enter@-ac+~a. `~ a! sa,d ant' '
<br />B 7L a E n ;nrr the acreage renta:s ar r,rya±t;es on any weii. cr wells. pa,d and i0 Og pa,d a5 ngr.~, r•, pr0v,ae0 are and will Ge dCCP.Rtrtl
<br />by ~eSSi a ade4uate dnd tuFt COnSidrrdilOn is rrnCer if apieOnat wRH Less@e a5 CO whet n.,' Or r Gt .t SnAi! ant, a wgi, SO OttSgC prdOUCrn
<br />we cS:aC 1d.~..4 rig. qr a,U.IHCrrt2 premi52:. g
<br />3 ~t .. v@ c ~~•i:xeti ih3t Lesiq s :r0. +r,c ' v' 9 " rOed i"ngn. ano tnergtipan LrSSOr Shari reCe,vr a
<br />Ribportd~r 3~dm4tlnt •n aCOOSdanCe wiibihr rrnialS a :d taya7iie5 1dr any YraCt4011 a the an,;wt; pram?sr~„awned
<br />'.£' ~aytiSebSS a} aft m£3rt~yS due On tni5 SraSe ma' be made O'~~~' ~ ~¢~r=r
<br />Y J tarn Or Lneck. t : ___.._._~,.. J
<br />C'Y de.,._.. ' ra '.^.r: Crrd;i O! ...__ ..._.r.:__...._........~_~.w.._..._....
<br />and r. ail to to ~~ .. ~-- - _.^ __. _..~ __.
<br />t s _ .'"`"1'"[""'"'"^"33"" ~-~,-.C'T-+~-.y-.._ ~.r,;,.;~.F ~,.... _- _-_.__. _ _ . . _._..
<br />g'2e5 ra ~5 wP a e ~h rn. ~tege Ot uSrnq s tiergnt CY I qas ar watE ,rr +ud~ r Opefat vK a @"+r b8 ana the 'Ont at
<br />s
<br />M ., t r.;n < u rs plBCed n r Sa,d pre.n,Sts an•. turf r' up0 .ne paY mti+r., r{, r e .,sSO i„ n=+~• duller ant; ail
<br />' .' 'rte ~3' i t. u ",Ch,t05.:'re zhaS'~E.1:.".a an-p r.Ont^er8=Jl by wrrt'e. Otrc.e •:v is-.4qr c@cCrrb,nq
<br />C ' J ~ a F d f S -n,}er Or UY re 1.:...5. G'+ ,• rra5g .v u;'t ing enCarsrn+ent L+: Su'rC?nC8' iher3rtne Or
<br />' '~.3t +'r .C.vO'r L'!' e wF~L: S a~hea t a a i'~ C v .r. tea5k i~ai!
<br />d to nq5 [@nd@r anal sna lr anua 1 CpldtfOn d'..",at lies. urM£4 5i .[731 p4 liel
<br />I S... J'J+' ana (ff@aGT@ipgl g ar netG Ptp_+Se Y ih Shat CY 3`CU".~ N,}' -F-q±
<br />' I 'C 1 i iixir'r d= 4=2457Bfld .7r $$SI~."~'fi~@t 1 Gf eH!' 3S5 d k9 S':8: b, r,,,. fyta ~ e t , hr9E, Ynre
<br />.ter s r , @r. ,.: r _.. ._ War>Ft'en vanxter ur a5a.;cpr•.m@nd cr a c,>«r r. ra- E:aay h.r,:~«r •...
<br />