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WA~>AANTIP LiEED $~ „~, !) ~# ~ ~; ~ G <br />HERBeRT SREGTHRUER and MICDRE~ M. BRE©THAUER, husband and wife, GRANTOR, in consideration at <br />STXTY NaNc TNOL~SAND TWO HUNDREiJ and Yoi1Q0______________________i)OL4~ARS received from GRANTEE; <br />LAWRENCE W. LUFT and SUSAN ©. LUFT <br />conveys to GRANTEE, the following descrEbed real. estate {as defined in Neb. Rev. Stat. 76-~01 }: <br />The South ten (10) feet of Lot Ten (ao) and <br />all of Lot Eleven (al) in Block Three (3), <br />Inga71§-Turner Subdivision, Village of Cairo, <br />Ha11 County, Nebraska <br />N8$RASKA DOCUMENTAR3f. ' <br />o sr~fuP TAx <br />N~ <br />$/ Et~P <br />GRANTOR covenants {joinNy and severally, it more than one} with GRANTEE that GRANTOR: <br />(1} is lawfully seised of such real estate and that it is free from encumbrances <br />except easements of record or of use. <br />{2} nas legal power and lawful authority to convey the same: <br />{3; warrants a»d wilt defend title to the real estate against the lawful claims of all persons. <br />Executed_ ... , ... Mary, 16 , . .......... . ........ f 9 . ~ i . <br />~~ ~"~..a".'... ............~1,.~'.,Lac.4~..'~!?~:..+~isl-cf.~.~~zu:,`~. <br />i~erbert 6r'eiithauer""~"""~" '~ Mildred M. Bredthauer <br />:STATE Of`MEBAA$KA ) <br />ss. <br />coue+Tir o~ ....HALL .................. ..............} <br />The foregoing `ansirument was;acknowtedged before me on ...... , ..~aY..1~ ................................ 19 III. <br />l,y ...:..,.......Herbert ;,rAdthauer and Mildred M. Bredthauer, _hust~and, and, wine ........................... <br />~) '~ r~ <br />~NI Owa F~u-.11y !!, 19b1 Notary Public <br />` Mty commission expires ................................ <br />STATE OF N!€~RASKA. Cottniy oP ........ . . . ...... . ... . <br />i ri3ed for rFCOrd and entered ,•n Nt9rneaicat index on ...................... s9 a9 .... _ .... a'clack .. M., sand. <br />recarded <.r, [ ReGv;d :..... Patfe ...... <br />t, ClU1Lt-y £~t {~E17'~ty G%4Ytttlty Ctet~c <br />R„r~5tf'r er C3e~puty Register r~l t'~rveds <br />~. ~k s.:,.;~ ; - ~htl~9~l~4~1dTY ~~~~ <br />"~es Yxn~~r = `~r"h3 ~t~dM.xwA3 ~,~fts €~,t ~ a,r s.a~^~ PfASs~ 1 of 't PACa~+ <br />