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~~- ~a €.~ ~ 4 ~ `~ ~EL~AS~ C)F 1VlC1RT€aI~,E <br />In cansideratian of full payment. and compliance with the conditions of a mortgage <br />Eby Elder Tibbs and Irene Tibbs, each in his and her own right and <br />as: spcxse of _each other, <br />to THE- SQUiTABI:E 16L?ILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OF GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA, on the <br />£tslb+rviiag described property, to-wit: Lot Six (b) Block Tweltre j12) , Gilbert°S Seoond. <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, hall County,. <br />Nebraska. <br />which said mortgage bears date 27th day of July 19 77 ,and. <br />is regarded. irult of martgagas on Page - - - - - <br />Doctmient No. 77-004258 <br />of'the retards of Hal] Cocmty, Nebraska, svd Association hereby acknotviedges full satisfaction of and releases the <br />same. <br />In wiirtess whereof the said THE EQUITAIILE BUILDING ANB LOAN ASSOCIATION OF <br />CRAND ISLAND; 2~EBRASKA, has caused this instrument to be signed by its President and attested by its <br />Assft <br />Secretary this: 3rd day of February A.D., 1982 . <br />.The Equitable Building and Ldan Association of Grand island, Nebraska <br />_ , <br />.~ <br />r~ ~,, <br />President R. E, ICFUfta71 <br />., - <br />Attest dC.~'~" ~?ll ~ ~ .~'`./:~z-___ <br />`:n`, <br />Assn" Seczetary De3mar L. Garrelts <br />ST.~TE OF' NE9R,iSK.4 <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF HAi.I. <br />Ott -this. 3rd day of February A.D., i9 $2 , befare me, a Notary Public <br />duly e~imassioned and rYYualified for and. residing in said ceunty, personally came R. E. Knsnan and <br />;~elmar L. GarzPlts <br />Assn' <br />to zne l~nwn ;n be the identical persanu whose names are affixed to the above release as President and Segretary <br />of said Asaaciatian and acknowledged. the said instrument to be their voluntary act and deed. and the voluntary <br />"" act ,u:d deed of the said TkIE F.(jL~ITABLE TiL'ILDING AND LQAN ASStTGL1TION OF GA.AND ISLA.'vD, <br />"- ~zSnnSui. <br />tyitness ie"y hand 'aod notaaiai seal the day:. and y ve written, <br />,~;.~~~ <br />Notary ;Public <br />~~'~-.s~~,-~` 'r"'~ ''fib'"', ~ :~~' ~° <br />~6a hty comur±szian expires ..~_ ~ ~ __ ~._ __ ....--,r ._... _ .. <br />= wr `"sro ~ ~ ~, <br />