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~ 2A-^tkARtEOaN'fY Ca;.ED ~~yf p r~ A p~^~/ t° ; q Fefkan G. WoGf Cam;.anx, i.ineoln, F6e6r. <br />WP1 ~:lSd18V E ! ~G~61 <br />Muriel L. Hansen, an unremarried widow , herein wiled the grantor whether one or morel <br />in consideration of TPIREE THt7USAND AdVI3 NO/00 .... ($ 3 . Q00.00) ....DOLLARS <br />received from grantee, does grant, bargain, sail, eenvey and caatfirm unto <br />Gerald R. Thomas <br />herein eallec3 the ~zrantee xrhether nne or rar;~. the iolkncint? deserihed real prapertp in <br />....................~.~.,...._........_....................._... County, i~Tebraska: <br />Lcrt Three {3) in Block Sixteen {1&) in South Grand Island., located <br />upon apart of the Northwest Quarter of Section Twenty-two {22), <br />Township. Eleven {11), ;JOrth, Range Nine {9), West of the 6t1~ PM', <br />in Grand island, Nebraska. <br />Grantee, also, assumes unpaid amount of mortgage in favor of Ttte <br />Ecfutable Huilding and Loan Association of Grand Island., Nebraska. <br />T`ltis deed is given for the gurpose of breaking a joint tenancy now <br />existing between grantor and grantee and to glace entire title in <br />the grantee. <br />To have xnd is 'rzald the above de~eriirei] premises. tcgether zrith all tenements, hereditaments <br />and appnrtenanees thereto belonging rivta the grantee and to grantee's heirs and assigns forever. <br />rind the grantor does hereby cavenaat with the l;rontee and tviih nrantee'a heirs and assigns <br />Shat grantor is lawfully sei~red ,~,= said c,rcmises; that iheq are x`ree srom enciimbras,ec excegt for <br />the mortgage referred to above„ <br />that :grantor h,as good: right and tacs-ful authority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will <br />elefend the title to said ~~rrnzises agaiasst the lawful claims of sIl persons whomsoever. <br />l?a*_ed February 7 73 '12, <br />.. ...................... ......... A~~~~~. <br />t'.C f ~~ ... vlt++~rsad <br />Mur el L, Benson. <br /> <br />~,.~ r ~ e w ~ Hall <br />ST.gTE OF .~5... _.x`~, trou~GS° of ...............:. <br />$cFor;: ,ne,~anotary pn3>3ic qualified far =aid cnunty, nersonall}• come <br />t <br />~.I .^, R^,3 fD e 2 iFL -~+ ,.j Y,.. l,,i: 1 _'-, 3,n. ~1' <br />.the ~ae~e4tu,n ..'etrre~cf` tt= us r]=, flat or tzr,-. <br />:~` .::eys r~r !:~stB..:FUi ntFtb.-itc1 spa <br />Rnn ntyn~ ors iin rnmavv4r ie,i ;;id„-. <br />^r <br />tt ..eti the itjrer~oist~; nstrucnes;t etnd actknowleclged <br />~~ ~ _ .. c seed zleed. <br />i s~ Frebru 7 ~ ~2, <br />1 Ede?i9Y4, <br />i£y cstn~rxxiuei~sara ~-a':p5res f~"1f'~r., .~ ..........._.....,.. i'~7''~"'. <br />