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<br />i7QT1CE flF CONTRACT OF SALE <br />li0iIC5 is hereby giver, that pursuant to a Contract of Sale dated <br />,ianuary 29 , 19$2, Fox Construction, Inc., in its own right, has agxe2d <br />to sel~ to i`Sarc C. Williams and ~lasy Williams, husband and wife, the <br />following described real estate, to-wit: <br />The Nartlzerly 65 feet of t:he South. Half of the East Half <br />of Block 11 of Pleasant "dome Subdivision of part of the <br />East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 2l Township <br />11, ~lorth, Range 9 West of the bth P,M., in the City of <br />Grand ?stand, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />a well as personal. property ir, Hail County, tiebraska, under contract, <br />prauided for installments thereunder. <br />SIGNEII this 2~tla day of January, 1982. <br />,y ,, ,~SEi.LER: <br />''% - ~ <br />~,BUYERs <br />~.;~~/.~ <br />STATE OF NEB.RASF.A `1 <br />ss. <br />COUNTY OF YFAT:.L <br />Before me. a dotary Public, quaLi.f.ied for said County, personally <br />cane G21az'1a3 ~. Fox President of Fox Construction, Inc., a <br />.. c~?rporation, 5EI,LER, known to me to be the President and identical per- <br />son ws:~ signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged the execution <br />tpereof to be his ~sountary act and deed as such. officer and the volun- <br />tary act and deed o{ said corporation. f'f~'`~ <br />WiTf1ESS my hard zznd Notari;~l Seal cyr -. an ary ~z - <br />t~R IfEp~!-lAMIPMrIw~M~ '~~l.i Jfl+ . ij f t ~ f ~ ~C~''.-~i'""'y~ v <br />N01111~~ D. lE1'Apfgv~l ,r~ <br />~ArCwn.fSpoa.aa_f~a ~J,,f Notary Pubii.c <br />TMfq Cammissian expires~~ ~.l,~j~s <br />---~= <br />STATE U'r' Nr'.Be2ASi{A <br />ss. <br />02U_`TY OF HALL } <br />Stfore me, _. "'rotary Public, qualified for said ::ounty, persona'ly <br />,.._ ~1ar~. C. ..:'.-~ .~_ ane~"~a,y idilLiams, husband and. *aife, BUYERS, known <br />- r~~,:,e Ce '~~~ the ~~_encical persons who signed the faregaing instrument <br />rr~.i sevecal? sci::icwiedged the execution thereof to be their voluntary <br />ac` a;td; deei;. <br />,. ~~~ <br />~~.~--~;~ <br />s-PVz:~i n; ..and acrd '(~otarial S~'~~on _ianuy,,irT~h.G-~f, 1.982. <br />1I~iR1~ lfYMl ~tWr+t 1J~n><a ~ ~ J jf ~ f/~' L<-~~yjS,-~ <br />l 110liAR.A a. ran ~ 'yd',/![ <br />,r x!v, nmr.. x>'n G~' zi. F4~:, 'uOCa~.~ PL~i <br />j ' f`~ <br />