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d <br />t <br />-' - ::".a <br />E 58-A--R~a4t 6*.,.YA'FE M£Aet'TCYAfi E,- ;A '9'ax Gtauae (itewtaed 14132) ^.'n. tmwn crx,~t cuprlp f4owe, t.ssuxin. Ncbr <br />s <br />k~IgOSxI A:LL ~FEPI $Y THESE S'RrSF:NTS: T'FTAT Ted Q. Rooks tool and Connl.e P`l. RookstOOZ~, <br />• as Ytu~>band and wife, as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and natl <br />~ as tenants in common, dMortgagor s) <br />of Hall County, and States cif Nebraska , in ronsideration of the sum of <br />``Twenty-five thousand and na/100 ($25,D00.OQ)-----------------------3~oLF.ARs <br />j in hand' paid, des -hereby SELL and. CONVEX unto Commercial. National Bank & Trust Company <br />~: of Hcl...~: Count ,and state of Nebraska (Mortgagee ) <br />Y the following described premises. <br />i situated ir, Hall C<yunty, and State of Nebraska Ea-wit: <br />Lot Four f4), in Aqualand Subdivision <br />An Addition to the City of Grand 7sland, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />!~ ~ , <br />O ! <br />9 <br />}~ : <br />t <br />The intention being to rnnvey hereby an absolute tttie in £ e xymple tneknding z!d the nghts cP homestead and dower. <br />':.°) #iAt'F_ Atiz'3 "RO rff:f,T3 the .?rrmrses arKSVe nescribrd, wrtx etc t}ye r.;.pzzrrPnarces trier. ncy eionging unro ins <br />said mortgagee and to S.tS heirs and assigns, faraver, provided always, and those presents are upon the ezpresa <br />condition that if the aforesaid mortgagors , their heirs, executors, aclminivira#ors or assigns shall pay or cause to be <br />paid to the said most, ogee 1t^a heirs, exxu#ars, administratezrs ur assigns, the sum czf Fifty tllOtisand a <br />n0/l00 {$~'fl,Q©0.0@)----------------~----------------- Ilollars.Payabde]L9t~63D]YX]iitVbf. <br />tt7M1%DLY.$e XlRX]QLY X~3R <br />~~ ~ xxx <br />rodie>~ttx~mex ~elaiacxx ~xs<x <br />x>iomc ~ gxscX <br />~af8t X343t55f+t ~{~739CX <br />with mterrst thereon ~XXXXXXDR7CXtXSK]W[%DCL[payxtale ~~@ ;ece:zrdsng to the tenor and effect of <br />acer#ainFwmissarynotec# ar notes of said Ted O. Raokstool and Conl}ie M. Rook t~al <br />latest 3/2:4/80 or as $uch node or notes may be from time to time modifie~,F <br />renewed or e~xt~ended >.n wrx~inq. <br />beasmng even date west t ese prrawntc, Pod she pa a14 taxNS and assessment_~ylrvied upun said real estate, and all other fazes, <br />levies and u9seasazenis levied upon this rexrr#gage ar the note which this nx±rtc;age is given t:a secure, before the same becomes <br />delinquent, aryl keep ¢he buifdzngs an said premi,NaHt insured far the sum oaf ~ 30 r ~ti 0 . d~ loss, if any, payable to ~ <br />the said mortgagee, then these pre.~nt.9 to be voyd, r,ther~wise in dze and rs=mainsn fetal forc~e_ ! <br />r1'° T3 FURTHER P.GREEU (d) That if the said nx>rti{agor shalt fold to pay such taxes or prceure such insurance, the <br />said morytagee ntay pay such taxes and procures such insu earxcei and tlye sum so advanced, with interest at l4 . 5 per cent s <br />sha11 be paid. by said mortgagor, and this mortgage shall stand as eeti~srity flu #t'ae samF. {2) That a failure to pay any of said <br />money, either priatrpal ar interest when the same htxames due, az a failure to sompdy with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />shall .cause the whole sum of money. herein secured to Ueconee due anal collectity4e at once at the option of the mortgagee. r <br />signed this. 24th day of March ds~~ <br />In presence oT ~ "' <br />_ ~`ed {3-; "Rook;"stoi~l _. ....._.... _.........._ <br />,f~ ..._ <br />...... .... ..: _~`:. ..... _ _ ___. _.... ~C <br />~._ o nee .-. b~too .~.... <br />... <br />_._ <br />- .... _ . <br />i <br />srnTr; oE..._ ... tiebr~sks~ . ....... . t'nun¢y af.. Ii:?~-.1 _ _..._: ! <br />Bc:fnre me,. s notar}~ public. quadi5ed:. for said t::eunty, personally came <br />'Fed O. Roc~kstoal and ra 'e '~!. :2 ckstaal, husbantz once wife i <br />Icnuyen tb rrn to ize th , ident ~ penan ~ha =~ signed the foregoing insinunent ~ttd ac;enowledged the.. eaeeutian ; <br />Lcurn 1 s <br />. Lherenf'. to lye his. her oz their nftac~aarwarnw.uAtiUJVAi2'S y <br />~rBSnes+ my hared ~ +~-... ~..__ 1 ~ C <br />~~..aa~'"' ~~ A 2 <br />.1133` ra~rnmz~a>Gn ezpz a ~ ,~.r "~~......._ ... .. ./.. ....,~~......f.~,..~'-<..,!c.~~;P..~,~...-~.Natary Public. <br />.~~ r;~ s <br />STATE f3F ..,....:._ _... ....._.__. ...._..~...- i fr::nterx~zt o^. numerix:al. index and fyfed Tor rcrx?rd '... . <br />j ss. t <br />Grxynty ., .. .~~.__~ ,.......,-_ .. _.........._ ......._..._ ; to the Register of IIeedat C3ffte*N rif said County the ~ . <br />1. <br />...,,:..:_.....darv.. tot. .,.._....._..... _........_ ._--- t9_ .__...._, at.__..-- .- .... ...........e'crock and..__._-.__._ _. _..xniouttm ...._.._..._ .._.M,,. i <br />wad rcccr&~e3 ut .~3aok .. ... ..... .................. of,........ ....... _. _. pa+,e..,...._ .. _. _.__... _. _ <br />~; _ Rag: of T3exufe <br />! ___ _ ._ <br />i d <br />?y._._ __ _ T3crparty <br />