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<br />tS: In the event said property Is sold at a judicial foreclosure sale ar pursuant to the power of a sale hereinabave <br />gtanted, and the procteds:are not sufficient to pay the total indebtedness secured by this instrument and evidenc- <br />ecl by said promissory Hate, she mortgagee will lee entitled to a de~cieney judgement for the amount. of the <br />alt~t°rerrrp wflhOUf regerd ro appmisement: <br />?; !.~ tfte event the. mortgagor #ails to pay any .federal, state, or local tax assesment, income tax or other tax=lien, <br />ct;arge, fee or-other expense charged against the. property the mortgagee is hereby authorized at its option to pay <br />tl,c same. Any sutras so paid by the ntartga$ee shalt be added'ta and become a part of the principal-amount of the <br />indebtedness e~:idenced by said note, subject to the same terms and conditions. if the mortgagor shalk pay and <br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced by said-promissory note, and-shall pay such sums and shalt discharge all <br />ta~:es and liens and the cosss, fees, and expenses of making,: enforcing,. and executing this rttortgage, then ttris <br />mortgage shall be cancelled and surrendered. <br />8. The covenants herein contained shalt bind and the benefits and advantages shall inure to the respective successors <br />and assigns of [he parties hereto. Whenever used; the singular number shall. include the plural, the plural-the <br />singular, and tie use of any gender-shall includc alt genders. <br />9 No waiver of any covenant herein ar of the obligation secured hereby shall arany time thereafter be held to be a <br />waiver of the tertns hereof oz of the Hate secured hereby. <br />1(lr A` judicial decree, order, or judgement balding-any provision or portion of this instrument invalid or unenforce- <br />abieashall not in any way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this <br />instrument.. <br />i t: Any written notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall. be addressed <br />to the. mortgagor at 3002 S. i3laine, .Grand Island, P3E 68801 __ <br />and any written notice to be issued to the .mortgagee shall <br />be addressed to the mortgagee at 424 W. ~'hird St.. P. O. Sax 2006., Grand island. NE 68802 <br />l~ Wt1":3 WHEREt?P, the mortgagor has executed this instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of <br />this ireserament as of the day and year aforsaid. <br />-- ~ ; -~ <br />~_ , <br />d O. P.aoxstoo~ , <br />r <br />Connie M. Raolcstool <br />Executed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: <br />(Add.Appropriate Acknowledgement) <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA 13efy a quay 'ed Notary Public, rs ally appeared <br />COlINT1' OF _ ~=' O!-r ~ <br />known to me [o be identical person or persons. who signed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged. the execution <br />thereof to be _ _ voluntary aef and deed. <br />Witness my hand anti Notarial Seaton ~~ -~ ~ , 19 ~~ . <br />is w ttiwa 17~, ~~w..~~ _~.-Jj ~. <br />l~atary Pt1b ~` <br />1/ ~ f"" <br />My Com[nissicr. irxp"tres- , 19 ~~. <br />C7a"FF nF ?tiFBAA~K.l 1 RefVre e~ ra u,,. n„t.t ~ercnnatt~~ anneared. <br />COU`7v'i'X OF _ _.._ ~ ss. Prrsdtnt of ~» •. y H ~~`_~ _...__.._~ M-~ , <br />a ccsporation, known [o me to be the President and identical person who. signed the foregoing instrument, and <br />aci:nowiedged the. execution thereof to ae his uoluntary act and decd as such officer and the voluntary act and deed of <br />said carpo.~ation and that its corporate seal was-aff'tzed heretoby its au~ority. <br />1','itnes mq handand Notarial Seaton ~__,_„., 19 ~_~. <br />tSEAt.) ________ ____ _ __ <br />Notary Ptiblrc: <br />".4y C,,rntn~<ern t~4pire~ ...~...,. .....~.-._.......-.... 19 <br />