<br />This martg3ge made and entered into tlss _._..,2$~h day of Sanvarv
<br />i4 82 ._, by and bdtwren Ted CT. Lta~kstaoi and ~nns:e At. Raokstaoi.,
<br />Husbarsd arid' WE
<br />(hereinafter referred to as mortgagor) and Cossaasnercial National. Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />morttgagee), who maintains an office and place of business aC 424 W, Third street in Qrand Island,
<br />..Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />W'rr~~sst~ts, ehat for the consieleration hereinafter stateti,'receipt of which is hereby acknowl~ged, the mortgagor:
<br />does herrhy mortgage, sell, grant, assign, and consrey unto tha mortgagee, its sszccessors and assigns, all of the fol--
<br />lowing described property situated,and being in the County of Hall.
<br />State of t~Tebrska,
<br />Lot Four' (4)>. i:n Agtia2and Subdivision, An Addt'sn to the City of
<br />Grand Islancd, Ha1.S County, Nebraska.
<br />together with alt tht tenements and appixrtenanres tlsereto belonging, all. the rents, issues and- profits thereof, and all
<br />eastdtettta, r$itts, rayaltits, mineral, oiiarnt' $as -rights and profits, wat+:r, water rights, and water stuck, and inc3uding
<br />all heating, pluznbin$, refrigeration, lighting,: equipment and all fixtures of every desrriptian belonging to the
<br />tnorigagor now or hereafter attached thereto arused in connection with thtprernises herein described and in addition
<br />tlsereta the ft+llewing described proptrt9a whirls. are and steal} be deemed to be .fixtures and a part of the realty, and
<br />'are a portion of fhe sorority for the sndebtedness htreinstated. (if Horse, state "none") None
<br />To have and to hold the sonic unto the lvlortgagee, as hetxtin provided:
<br />The mortgagor is lawfully seiaeci and=possessed of attd has the right to sell and convey said property; that the
<br />same is free from all encumbranrss except as hereinabove recited; and ehat Mart$agor covtnants to< warrant and.
<br />defend the title aforesaid ehereto and every part.thereof against. the claitns of all persons whomsoever:
<br />This instnimenr is glum to scscure the paymeniafa pronxissory Hobe dated _ January 28 1982
<br />in the principa; sum of 5 ~S, G°SfS.OQ signed by, Ted. 0. Raokstool and<Connie M.
<br />± ~emse Ives s
<br />in behalf of ~.__._.
<br />also, as such note or notes may from time to time be modified, renehved or extended in writing.
<br />Sn the everst the title to said real estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />reason or by any tncUsod whatsoever, the entire principal, sum and accreted interest shall at once. become due and
<br />paysble at the election of the holder hereof. i:ailure to exercise tltis,option because of transfer of title. as above stated
<br />.,.y,R ,.~r~~. rs,.tt~t c_._dtt.~ z .. _.._. ~r tl:e . ~, t~ ~ .,, is .- :.f ..s,~ ... ~o..r
<br />l . The mortgagor covenants and agrees as follows:
<br />a: To promptly ,^,ay the indebtedness evidenced blrsaid pfomissory Hate at the tinsel atyd in the manner
<br />t~~cerein pruv?,cfeti,
<br />I~. "ff? t?ay aft taxt~s, asrssrrserus, water talcs. other. govcrtsrttcntal or municipal charges, firers, or
<br />:mtscr..dtRsrsas. fret which provisi9is t,a ,oat bcen ntarlc hrrttinbtfazrc: and wi}l grotrspily deliver rite official rc^~aipts
<br />tlstrefcx to the Yaks mortgagrc.
<br />7'o i2.x~ e,~:h e~p~^rr<~, ,:rsd i+~i;~. a< <r,ay rye lnrtt;re~3 in the prote~.~tion arsd mztintenaa~e of said proptrt~.
<br />i~?+ssiittg the 4,~ts csF .any' :~t'.arsa~.p :. ~sfalc~,~cd ?~v ihi rrscrrtgat;cr for nc~ roflect'ton of any or all of s,he indebts^sinrs.s
<br />`t~ebx ~e~:urnl, :~ a.v,:r~rater,, ;,y rn~,rtiss~,a.~•: 4,aar., x ~:~~u r 'hrcr;'~x"tiinp.~. r~r is nowt oYhcr liugartion car lyrarrctleati
<br />st r .f L',~ t.,R ~ i?"~»FtY.
<br />