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,~.... <br />ass IGNMEIVT <br />FOR: `1ALiTA$I,E CObTSTDERAT20ij, the receipt and adequacy of <br />which is. hereby acknowledged, Larry Miley and i~7illiam Livengaod, <br />dp'bJa ~# & L Investment Cta., herewith irrevaaably assign, , <br />transfer, convey and deliver unto William D< Livengaod, ail. a€ <br />ttae ri:gY°it, title and i.nteres-t in and to: <br />Lots One (1} and Two (2) in Block Seventy- <br />Nine (71} in Wheeler and Bennett's Third <br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hali <br />County, Piebraska, <br />which said assignors may have by reason of a deed and Contract <br />Fcrr Conditianai Sale. of Real Estate dated March 21, 1171, with. <br />Regency Construction, Inc. as the Seller, which deed and contract <br />are presently in Escrow with the Commercial National Bank of <br />Grand: Island, Nebraska, together with any rights the assignors <br />many Ytave by reason of leases in respect to the afaredesaribed <br />real. estate., subject to any rights, ~taumbran s, obligations., <br />duties and benefits connected there ~~i. <br />3,arry ,~1ile°y, cY'1b/a M & L tnVe,~t- <br />ment Co. r <br />~ r <br />Investment Ce. <br />STA'T'E' t1F PdEBRASKA ) <br />) ss: <br />COUNTY OF HALL ) <br />d / bfid Ai & L <br />On this- ~'~~ day of January, 1182, before the undersigned, a <br />P7otary Fublic~y commissioned and qualified zor in said County, <br />personally came Larry Miley, to me known to be the identical <br />person w22ose name is affixed to the foregoing instrument and. <br />acknowledged the execution t€lereof to be leis voluntary act and <br />deed,. <br />Witness my hand anal *Iatarial seal the day and year .last <br />/ / <br />above written:.. -, .r <br />fir..-w ~,.-~" <br />t votary Pub~.ic `' <br />~ Mr none. ~+m,.k+k. 7, i~ <br />sTATE OF e}~sxASx~, ) <br />} sS4 <br />CE33NTY OF HALL.. ) <br />On this J'.> day of January, 1982, before the undersigned, a <br />;actary Fublic~3y commissioned and qualified for in said... Gaunty, <br />personally cage William Lvengood, to me known to be the. <br />identical person whose name is affixed to the foregoing instru- <br />mer.L and acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary- <br />act and d2ec. <br />Fitness r y nand and Notarsl seal. the day and year.. ;.ast ,, <br />above wriCter . - .~"- ; <br />,~-'" r,_c.~ .~ ~ .~ -,. <br />t ~ ~~~M .~:::~*>i~~4,~ N~rary run~ac <br />t a~aa:rz 3 sa~°rrs } <br />qr e+y carte ~..~e: r, aura V <br />