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'?ltis more@a¢e made and entered into this' 28t1s- T day of ^ JanuaY <br />~; 19_ ~~:_, b5 anti between <br />'.`csx-stalkyz Envestatents <br />(hereinafter referred ro as cncsrtgagarj and Commercial Natronat Bank and Trust Ctttipany <br />{hereinafter referred to as <br />mortgagee#, wlto maintains an'affice and"place of business at 424 `W• Tlaird street in Grand Island, <br />Nat? Count}, Nebraska: <br />WtTSrF55ETt~, than for the eonsidrratii;at hereinar`ter stated, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the mortgagor <br />dens hereby mortc~ge, sell, grafts, as~ign, and conveq unto the mortgagee, its successors and assigns, all bf the fnl- <br />Iosving described prnpeTty.situated arrd being in the County of xall <br />- State of Nebraska. <br />Lot Thirty-Hour (34) plus the South.12.56 Feet of Lot <br />Twenty-Severn (27),-Lafayette. Park St~be3ivision, City of <br />Grand Island, Hall Cotxnty~ Nebraska <br />tai$eE)tc'.r with all the tcnernents and apputtenanres tlrcret€s belonging, al[ the rents; issues and profits whereof, and all <br />essettt<:nts, righ[s, royalties, mineral,.. ail and gas rights and profits, water, water rights, and water stock, and including <br />ail healing, plutabing, ret'rlgeratiort, lighting,. equipment and a1I fixtures of every description belonging to the <br />mortgagor now or hrrratt.r attached :hereto or used in connes7ian-with the premises herein described and in addition <br />thereto t; r fallowir~tt described properties which are acad. shall be c#eemed to be fixtures and a part of the realty, and <br />are a portion of the ~~e. unity for the indebtedness: he? win ;fated. {lf none, state '`none") None...:. <br />To have and to holdttae sarneunta the mortgagee, as herein praaid~l, <br />"''he r^,ar1;-~~~s is law~f[il?Y seaiet3 artd p~ssrssed of and "as'tLr *i~ht io sell at:d eoncey sa~itF pCOperty; thee. the <br />same~is free from all encumbranvcs except as hereinabove recited: and that !v7ortgagyr wvCnants to warrazsL and <br />defesxl tI~ tide aforesaid theretc+ and .ter}' part thereof againseche claims of alt ~~erons whomsoever. <br />?'his instrument is given to secure the taa)ntCnt-of a pf~asnissory t~4ite datrrcd> J'a~xtuar~ 28i 1~J82 _ _ <br />in the principal sum of ~_.sS~,a:IILI_11._ ;signed by~,~les ~: Fox and Harm C Stalker <br />in behalf ci __ ------ _--~a~S ~-~1~: znoestments <br />also, ax such note or note; may iron tirr,e to time be modified, renewed or extended in writing,, <br />In t~ even- the t[tle to said real estate s rrar~sferred, ar centractpd lobe tran:,l'erred, f^brn Cat undersigned fa~rany- <br />reasexs or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal Burn and attested interest shall at once become due and <br />payable at the election of the eol:Trr hereo;. Fzilure to r.xercise this pprion b~,;,ause e~1 transt~,r-qi uile a5 alsorre 5#ateri <br />in one aastance shaft. na¢ constitute a uawer of t'tse right to exerciae rha same in the c~-au of any >uhsegt3enE transfer. <br />1. 'Else mortgagor iovestants ant agree; as follows: . <br />a. 'Fn protnptl3 pay ale inde!'tednes; e•ridenced bti said lryrontissa,-y~ v~rc at the t;irrtes and, in tlta manner <br />therein prosidrtt. <br />:.. "Eo ~u al) t3~t~s, asscsntent,, .~,atcr raa~,. and r-,r[~zr , ~ :err, ;te ~tafi or muuiripal the+rL~•~. f`at~, car <br />~~~vrsu6tans, ic~r rvhr_h PT C:*i_ ztis, h;~s not i~eea? rnAi,t h_r~t,r~_,.v~~ a;rd s~;;7 praanpt3y itrC?v~:' il,r o€fi~ial rei~[pt~ <br />-contr.-. ic, ri~c ~.atd ~~ra~,gavice•. <br />~- T t:ay,.uc __xt,er',i irauJ f~ .~~ s~;.:•, r+ irsu; ea , , :~~~ ~~., i>ti '.~arntcnaztce ~ •.~i_i ptn~r,ty. <br />rtideldirig ,x r.~,. ,~c,~ .., ales firat,~iz.<~ fti~+ ft .7t, 3y,.~ ~ ~ ~ ti <br />i%t.i.. .:r. L'tl'.~fl.It t. .l ~i. <br />,.t~7;3 _ .~_- ~;~ t,. i, s .slr ~., - r _ .M ,. <br />z ~ . rat <br />