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~~ <br />~~-.~~~~iQ~~ <br />G. lit the: event sattl property is cold at a judicial foreCtosure safe or pursuant to the power of a sale 4rereinabove <br />granted, and the proceeds are'not sufficient. to pay the total indebtedness secured. by this instrument and evident- <br />sd by said promtssory note, the mortgagee will be entitled to a deficiency judgement for the amount :of the ; <br />• Clej[t'ar.>tcv wrr?cotat regard to appraixemettt. <br />7. !~ the event the tortgagor fails to pay any federal, state, orioeal tax assesment; income tax or other tax lien, <br />charge:, fee or other expense charged. against the property the mortgagee is hereby authorixed'at its option to puy <br />the satne. Any sums so paid by'the mortgagee snail be added to and` becomea part of the principal amount of the <br />indebtedness evidenced by said ttote subject to the same terms and conditions. If the mortgagor shat! pay and <br />discharge the indebtedness evidenced by said promissory Hate,. and shall pay such sums and,.hail discharge all <br />taxes and liens and the costs, fees; and expenses of making, enforcing, and executing this mot'tgage. then this <br />mortgage shat! be cancelled and surrendered. <br />R. The covenants herein, contained shall bind and the benefits and. advantages shad inure to the respective ~uccesshrs <br />and assigns' of the parties`hereio. ~~henever used, the singular number shall include the plural, the plural the <br />singular,. and the ust' of any gemler shall include all genders. <br />9. No waiver of any covenant herein. or of the obligation secured hereby shall. at any time thereafter be held to be a <br />waiver of the terms hereof or of the Hate secured hereby. <br />10. A judicial decree; order, or judgcmenr holding any provision or l+ortion vi this instrument invalid or unenforce <br />able shall: not is any way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaining provisions or portions of this <br />instrument. <br />11. Any svriiten notice to be issued to the mortgagor pursuant to the provisions of this instrument shall he addressed- <br />to the mortgagor at 2407 W. Ko_e_ng. Grand Zsland- NF. ~Rtt01 <br />~_ and any written nonce to be issued to the mortgagee shall <br />be ,addressed to the mortgagee at 424 W. Third St P 0 Box 2006 Grand island NE 68&02- <br />li4 LL`lT;v'ESS dl'HEREtDF, tle mortgagor has executed aria instrument and the mortgagee has accepted delivery of <br />this instrument as of the day and year aforsaid. <br />Fox-Stalker/Znnestnrents <br />. i% ~~ -., _~- ,~? <br />Y . S~ ....-~ ,~ l/~.t', <br />... ~Y' .... .......... .. <br />Charles E. Fox <br />/ ,% <br />lay =.... ,: ~'~~ ::~:=yr/.. ~.:-~~-~~..•~~..:f+~.--~'-~-'.. . <br />Harry Cf. Stalker <br />Executed and delivered in the presence of the following witnesses: <br />(Add Appropriate Acknawledgemcnt) <br />STATE CJF ~?EBRASKA ~ Seffp/[~ mq a qualified Notary/Public,-personally ap i:d/ <br />$S. ~-.+,'r~ 1w.~a'.S ,~, for .< [%_Y .-Y ~.. ,fir.-.1.R`s' ~.,.Y <br />COCtNTY 4F ~ ~~ ~ _ <br />known to me to be identical person ar persons who signed tYte foregoing;instrumeat and acknowledged the execution <br />thereof to be _ votuntary act and [teed. <br />Witness my hand.and Notarial Seal on f - -=? ~' , 14 ~. <br />tt~ua arum-sew ~ rtr...a '~ ~~ <br />. tSE #OMR D. PtJ1tZ'Elt ,.l.~-7~ ~~~~ .~ <br />attrc.wa ~. u... za. toss P~iotary Fub c ) __._ <br />h1y Commission Expirr~ ~if..~.~ ,.t$,~. <br />c~rarE r>F'yF~uaSl4-~ ~I IIefare the-a qualified hlotarY Public;. personally appeared.... _. <br />ss. <br />CUt1NTY OlF _._ ~ Fresidetrt of ~~ _, <br />a trorp::racon, known to me to be the Pre<ident and identical person vita. signed thin foregoing, instrument, and <br />acG.irowlzd$ed the exe^.:ution thereof to be his voitsntary act and deed as such officer grid-the voluntary net and deed of <br />said cor,>9rurion and [Fact its rer~rate~ seal was afCtxed thtae°to by its autiatttity. <br />W'itr~s m} hand and Nctaria%Seaion._~._...._.r.. __._.., 14.,..^....w._. <br />ti 5EAL 3 <br />psEotarY Public <br />'rty Cey-:amsss7or~ ~'xpirea _ .~_._..........a.,_.~..._..~....;'1~.~.,_.,.._.. <br />