<br />~~~ ~ ~~~
<br />~2-~)~C41.5
<br />"Phis mortgage made and enttred into this 28th day of 3annair~ ,
<br />liY._82 , by a,3d betivets Fox-~3t~z'Lker St±vES+~?c~nts
<br />(hereinafter tGFerrcd tows mortgagor) and Commercial Alational Bank and Trust Company
<br />(hereinafter referred to as
<br />mortgagee), who maintains an office and place of business at 424 W. `Third street in Grand Island,
<br />Hall 4:ounty, NeEraska.
<br />_ W[Tti1FS4E7H, that for the consideration hereinafter seated, receipt of which. is hereby acknowledged; the mortgagor
<br />does hereby mortgage, seU, grant, assign, and convey unto the mongagee, its Successors and assigns, all of tht fol-
<br />- lowif<a described propertv situated and being in the County of Hall.
<br />State of Nebrasra:
<br />Lot Thirty One f31) plus the South-22.53 Feet of"Lot Thirty (30)
<br />of Lafayette Park Sundivasian, City of; Grand Island, Ball Counts*,
<br />Nebraska
<br />together with all the tenements and appurtenances the>`eEo+belonging, ailthe teats; issuts and profit, thereof, and all
<br />easements, rights, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights and ptOfits'; water`, wetter rights,: and water stock, and including
<br />all htadna, plumbing, refrigcr2:ion, lighting, equipment; and ail fixittres of every'description belonging to the:
<br />mortgagor now or hercafcer attached thereto ar u~ to conncctian'with the prtmises het•einclest:ribcd and in addition
<br />theneta the following described properties wttich-arc and'shall be deemed to be factures and'a part of-the :°altp, and
<br />are a portion of the security for the indcbtedttess heteirt stirred. (Ii rao~. stair.."notte"j Kane
<br />Ta have and to hold the same unto the MotTgagee, as herein provadedE
<br />The mortgagor ix lawfully seized and possessed of .and has nc~ ria}tt to sell and convey said property; that tEte
<br />same is free-from alt-encumbram~es excep[ as hereinabove recited; and that ylortgagor covenants to wa;r2at and
<br />defrnd the titleaforesaid thereto and every part thereof against the ctaitns of al! persons whomsoever.
<br />This ittatrutttent is given to secure the paymette of a promissory note dated January 28. 1 aa2 __
<br />in:he.principai sum.of S 45.Q04,,QL__ , ,igned by vharles E. Fox and Harry C. Stalker
<br />in behalf of ~ Fox-Stalker Investments
<br />also, as sack Holt or notes may from time to timrbe raodifed, renewed or ertended in writing.
<br />In the cvmtthe title to said real. estate is transferred, or contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any
<br />reason or by any method whatsoevez, the entire principal sum and accrued interest shall at once become due and.
<br />ptyabk at the dectioe of the holder hereof. Failure to exercise this option because of transfer of title as above stared
<br />llY(1M rnataDCeSitajl.n04 SbRfitl[ritC 8 waiver of the right t0 [xercise the came in the eVgpt of amp st,hcfngrnt vanclr~r,
<br />1. Tha mott~ttr covettgnts and agrc+es as follQ ~vs:
<br />a. 'Co protnptlx pay the indebtedness avidenced by said promissory Here at the times and in the tttannrr
<br />F ti.crein ptavidtd.
<br />!~. To play all taxes, assessments, roarer rates. and cMher gavernmentai or municipal charges. fines, nr
<br />im9oeitians, foe which. provision has nn[ beer, made hcreinbefare, and wii5 proarp[lY deliver thy: olt~cial receipts.
<br />thertfor to the xaw3 rnorgagec.
<br />c. Tts pay ±ir«•h expenses and f~,; ax may he incurred in Cite protection and maiiatri3ancC of uiid Frro;?er~,a•,
<br />+rtidw#t~t3ee fr>~ of ana.attorney employes tru the tncsrtgagee for tlzc collection of an3 or at! of the indcv~iccnc~s
<br />hcrtlry ,:a; ts'zia, ;,rr,'rtrilc,,tur<~ h°,~ rnort,iagre's sale, ~w ,~,_~sirt prcx-eetings, sir :n anf r,,Ptrr Ei~r,ra r: n :. [`re .v`e.i~~.~
<br />µ(fe+;tietA s~tif, rrtx`rty
<br />