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~~-~- ~~ v Q'4 ~ ~ MQ~iTGAGE <br />~xlt~ INlavvlt~. ttaaa t~~._ 2nd_.._....._.__...__ ~ ad_ February ---- - 82 <br />_~__._ , I9 _--, 6;y and bettveea <br />Jann,; M. Cadi~ and Pafnela ~I. Gadfs, husband and wife, each in his and her awn right <br />____ _ _._ T._ _~._._ _ <br />a_nd as spouse of the other, <br />of H a 7 I _ cabnty, Nebsaslca, asmarttpigor S .._. and Name Federalsavioes and toad R.asociation of Grand island, acorporation <br />or8aniuc! sad c~ostingutder the laws of theUnited States of America witA its pxintipaY office and place of business at Grand Island; Nebraska, as <br />uooatguta: - <br />Wl'TN13~' TYi: '£hat said'morigagor S ,for and: in mnsideratia~ of the sum of _ <br />*One Thausand Five Hundred Eighty-eight and 84J1GOths*.,.`~s15$8'.3k .'"' ~, <br />the saeipt of wtiichis herby ackno+vCedged,doP_~..~_ by these presenu mortgage and warrant nn[o sa:dmortgagee, its minors and assigns, <br />farever,.a44 rhefrdlowingdescrebed.real~state. situated in the County of na t i <br />azcd SZate of Nebraska, to-wit: <br />Lot Five (5} and the Easterly Follr (4} Feet of Lot Six (6}, in Block Three (3} <br />Gunningham Subdivision, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, <br />Nebraska. <br />Together we4h att. haa4eng, air cnttdetionirag, lighting, and plumbing equipmerst and fixtures, including scxeeas, awnings, storm windows and <br />doors, and wsndow.shadts orbitnda, uaod on or in connection wain said property, whether the same are now kxated an said praperty or hereafter <br />placed thereon.`- <br />T0 ElA6'.F. AND TY1'HOLD T'H£ SAf.1~, Wgether with e37 and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto be- <br />]inging,.or sn anyw~ae appertainiaq, fatever, and warrant rho title to the same. Said morgagars.-..._... hereby cavenant.__....-. with said <br />mirrtgsgeethat ~- hk X.. _-__..s?1~_......, at the delivery heroof, the lawful ownes S.__._ of the peemisea above conveyed zmd. dr.~scribed. <br />~. <br />~~ and __. di'P.._.... saiatd of a. good sad irdvfeasiisie estate of inheritance theteia, free and ckiar of afl encumbrances, and Lhat t. _h~ __ will <br />warrant and rklertd<the-tick thereto furevrr,egeenst the claims end demands of ail parsons whomsoever. <br />'."'" E'ilr3V ID$fi ~LLWAY'S. and tbissimstatmttmt is esraruted end delivered to secure the payment of the sum of _ _..____... ..-_~_.__ ___-....-. <br />*~ne _Tr,*.__ nnllarafsa.l,.~~,~_ -- --__-__----_.l. <br />..... with interawt thern.a, tuga4bar with surheharges and advances as may be due and payable to said mortgagee under the terms and conditions <br />,t of :.6~..ftramrimor;~ [tort ufavsa date Mrewitbard seeuxrx.l hereby. executed t,y xaed mortgagor ~..... to said mortgagee. payable as expressed: <br />inaaed no4e. and ;.p secure iha perforroavice of all the tarrns and conditions contained 4haxein. The terms of said note axe hereby incorporated <br />lmeirebythiaref~enae-. <br />ills i!>m-iia4entirbn. and ag»otnstetoithe partiea:hsretn that tbeemOKgage shall also secureany ftttuce advances made to sad mortgagor __S <br />by said tuostgsgaa., aadany std a5l iadebtedrusss in additsan to the amount above stated which said martgagore, or any of Chem, may owo to <br />acid: nwrtgsgea, ltawever avkeawd., whether by cote, book aemunt at otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force end effect between <br />the parties haters and their netts; pecaontd repnaeeatatrves., auccrsvirs and assigns. until a!1 amounts secured. hereunder. including Future <br />advances;. at'e pau3m fuL` Nit9ltIIttllwt. <br />'Fhe mnrtga,gats.~..,.._. hetvlxy assign -~ w said mortgagee ati rents sad income arising at any and all times from said property and <br />hert~by authorise said nanrtgagee. or its agent, at its. option, upon default, w take charge of said. profasrty amt collect ail rents and:incwne <br />tri¢retrom snd apply the :same. to the ptymeat of interest, peencpai, irssurance ptemunvs, lases, asiseesaments, repairs or impmvearents <br />netxvssary to kerp satd property ID taataprsirla rxmdt~, or tau4herchrrges-:orpayments prori~ed: fur hereon ar in the. mrteiseraby secured. This. <br />teat ^v.,gnment shah ~•:,n4intra nfareeuntt~. t]m, uapeid balance of said ale Ls fully paid. The taking of pasacssion hereunder snail. in no manner <br />y:cx.+en. cK .-e;a;1 . nid aoortgpgiae inthe coliactiun of said sums, by €oreciosure.or otherwise. <br />:'ne fai3ure, f t1x r,o:.gagee ro zssert anyofita:egltrs'heraunder atsay time snail not bscotiatniedas a weever a[ 3ta right toy assert.: tke <br />same ni a: y later tsn;e, sad fi in=tat uputtatd ~nfores s4riet crimptianr:e.with all t'tte. uerms and pruvS.ciana of said rx}1E and of this awrtKay;e, <br />'.. ii said mort,ga~ur 5 shai`~ caus~.ta be. p~idto said mortgagee. the entire atnoua4 due it hereunder.. snd. under the term, and praviswns <br />c4 xsiv rx~te hereby •~<~s;n,.i, including.. fttWre advenaw, and any eatausiona or renewals thetoof in ifaxordane+» with the terms antipnvisiun+ <br />~~._ t;,enoof. snd if xaid mortgagor S_. _... sltatl rxunply ai'4A all thapruvisions of said norx anti of [iris mor4gsge, then tiicae preaeoia sisau 13f. void: <br />+x.6ervrimu to ran-rin ire tint force and affect. a>td saedxts~tgages shalt be rz~etkd 40 the posseaskrn ofall of amid. tuopercy, and may. at. its option.. <br />~ dectua~ Uw w}u:k of .aid ra~tn and ali indeirted_rtrpreaantesltiterabgta beimrneddietatydue sad payaala.and nmy fureckroe thes. mortgagor. <br />E s.e tska asp .K}.er tea: settee :.~ prr~inrt rsa ngiit. Appraiasmnnt waived. <br />'I'kz rm.[gage s ail yc b. .,eiinh upon sad'shsllannra to the befit olthe haers..eatcvtnrs. adminiatratms. suo~saors and ssaifns of the <br />nx;xxii wyrs <br />1 Ih tt ~TM ~~^s It n!• ~r~trf •~,j-. b1 ~~ne~ . ha ~~... hex~r.uto weL~~tti~ i" _ ..__. nerve, 5.__.{ ~the day and year Cir..t airov r. <br />- ~rsc.r __ t' i , ~ 3: z t ~i ~ _ _ <br />~q ,~ 3 c~L,,,.. <br />v4 ~f ,.. _ ._._... .. . .,. .>._~ __-,.._ .._ v..-... .._._.,_. _ ~. ~., _~.. -_._.....M...,..~__._ <br />