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s-- <br />__ I <br />2° `~(>~04~ M~RTG~1~E <br />T}fI:i fNPa:14^lUft$, made tssb____.2~th_._~r_ day of_____Jan_~aryW ___~ _.___._. 19'~ _, by gad bet"rveen <br />~Y~`'-c_F Thompson and Linc!a~Lee_Tholf~on,.husband and wife^~, each in his and her owrn <br />right and as spouse of the other,: ~ r.~ ~. <br />of Na 1 l County. Nebraska., as mortgagor 5 -and Hone federal-Savings:and Loan Association of Grand 7siand; a.corporaeion <br />organftt4-aud tzistiag:unetQ the laws of the United States of America with fu principal office and Place ~af business at Grand island, Nrbraaka;>az <br />W d7N).~.SETFf: TAat: said mort8agor_,.~_ ,for and in corisiderationof the snzn af~_ <br />*'fen 3housand Three Hundred and 54/144ths* _fxff.rft~~?,344~C.; ~ ^ ), <br />therecdprof whichis herebyackaowkdged, do.,,_..,,__ by these presents mortgage and wairsrst.uatosaidmarfgaga, its sem^rssars aid assigtrs, <br />farsver, all the fadiowfngdeatribed real estate, situaeed in ztae County of _ y a 1 l <br />arxdSute of Netuaxka, to-wit: <br />Lot One (1} in Block Twelve (l2}, in Ciarkson's First Addition to the Village of <br />Aldo, Hall. County, Nebraska, Said. Lot One (l}, for clarification,:to include the <br />West Ten Feet (l4'} fff Lot Eight (E}, in Block Two (2), of Powell's Addition to <br />The Village of Alda, Nall County. ?febraska. <br />Together with aGhaatiag;,sEicoaditiocSttg,, lighting, and plumbing equipment and fixtures, including sczeens, awnings. storm windows and <br />dons, and windowahades or btznds, usezion-orin conrnection with said property, whether the same are now located an said property ar hereafter <br />piacedtheroon. <br />TQ HAV F; ANf) T(J HGLf? THl'a S L'J+IE,togetixtr with all and singular the L~zemants, hereditaments and apputtenaoc2s theeeunto be~ <br />:do:yfing, or in anywise appertainitag, forever,. and warrant the Kitts w the sanxe, Said margagorS..- hereby covenant with said <br />--'-'~ -mortgagee that .~._. _the .~:...,.-- a~._-.._;-, at the delivery besot. the 3awfud oaaer _ 5.__. a£ thegzrmuxea above conveyed. and described,. <br />•~,d -_ d_re_. ~aed of a good atzd zndefeaaible estate of inheriteace s3:erein, free and dear of all encumbrances, oral that t_he,Y_ wi,l <br />' •warrant aaxi defend the title=eherean €arevaragainsc t:te cfaima and demands of ail. persona whomsueaer. <br />+~~ ;:,r YR(3V!LTEDALK'AYS, and this itzstriitrmnt is executed arxldolivered. to saxure the payment of'tha surrx of _._ __..__..--_..---.____... <br />*_Iec _T~kusand...L~~e~__N.u~tre~.~ns~~_.~91~_~Qth~* _. _._.. ______ f~uar~,s.__±0,34,50_. _._.___.._~. <br />wfthintarest Cher~,n, together with such charges end advantaaa as may be due and payable to said muztgagae under the terns and conditions <br />of Cho>pmmisaory note of avea date hezewithatul sacuni heralty, executed by xaut mortgagor _~_.._ to said mortgagee, payable as expressed <br />insaidnoue,:aad zasecora the performanoa a£ ail kbe terms azxd conditions contai:nad thexein. The terms of said note are hereby incorporated <br />lxereits. lay. thfaraferacce.. <br />lt. is tbeiareation and agreement oftha parti»a harota that this ntortRaga shall also secztty any future advances. made to said mortgagor-_S. <br />byseid. traw•tgagee, and any gad. ail isudeht.edneas itz-addition to tlxe amount atwve statod whlcl. said sortgugors, or any of them, may awe to <br />caul mottga;g~, however evideaced, whether by Hate, txook..account. or otherwise. This mortgage. slxa2l remain in Fu[1 farce and effect betw•~~n <br />the. pari.ias hereto aid their heirs, personal. rcpreaeutatives, sac~easar .and assigns, until. ail amounts scxured hereunder, inrluding Future <br />advnra~, are paidin foil w'.ithintereat. <br />Shs rnartgagar~.~_ iaereby aeaiga _.~. to soot mortgagee all rests and income arising at any and: alt times from said property and <br />hu b> authr%rite saidn,artgagae or its ageaL, at its vprian, upoa, default, tatake charge of said. property and collect. alt rents and income <br />therefrom and sppiq the same to the payznant of interesC,. Principal. insurance. premiums. taxis, assessmants< nspairs or improvement <br />necrsaara to keep said prepareyiataneatah~leeontlftioa, ortootlux~chargea ar payxnmrs:pmvided for;ltereiaar in thanoce hereby secured.-'Phis <br />rer , asaigunxent ctuti canssnue is fume urrtil Lko¢ unpaid balance of said. note is fatly paid. The taking of pnasession hereunder shat! in no manner <br />urevert or reurtisaid martgag,+eeiathecnlleetion..of said sums by forxEosure or athrrwiae. <br />'Cir failure of the a.crigagee to. a8eert gay of-fks. rights hereonderat any cone shaR'not be canstru~l as. a waiver of its right w assert; the <br />sr sst +~x:v ?a[er time. intl. to insist upon arxd eafarcx strict compfiaztce with aA the textrxs and pigv;,~ins of 9ai+3. ~nntaaml of t$iy mortgag&: <br />f Paid mortgagor.. S shall came [o bat peat, t•a said mortgagee tho entire aawwst dx;rL. xt hereunder. and .under tihe- terms and provision9 <br />;.i wxd. n<,te lxereby ~.aused, nattnltng 6utuce,advata:es, and any cxteaaians. ar renearal8 thereof,inatxurdaix;e with theterms. and provisions <br />-=.u.xri, xn¢ is saki rn:~: sy,-ngwz__. _ sFuilcvmply with iii tfz,x provis~azaai said note and of this mortgage, then these, prnservs sitali. xe vow: <br />ollrerw iae to eemain io fail Pares gad effeti, and sa~rzuxrtgagr~ cha'I beerditlazi to the pnsaessaxn of all of snid property. and may; at iiy. option. <br />declare r1x ~+ixate of v:d ,o&aand alE ,~e6tndmys. ~ePr. -:,.eni thereby to be itamadtatelydue awl payable,. and may foreclnsa thisr mortgage <br />ez take my o=her ~*,x1 nctiau to prdCaztt iLx . ±ipprn;3emeni wtuvod. <br />'2'rvw ;uottga~^m .,bait b:. !.indfag upra shaElenurF, ,~ the IreoaEit of the 6rars, executors, adssturiatrazars, sutcaPisors atxd assigns e?f the. <br />r~ap:Kt:.d.'gantss; he.-ew.. - ' <br />ih iw~tTti e:ti5 Yr tiF'REOP. word <APfo~,$..:._ ha ._Ve.,. hareunta sat .WSAS,~..r _„~..... ttaad.$..... and year first aixc.v x~ <br />t ^ <br />~-- ~~~r _ <br />is <br />_. <br />~_.;l rid i~'~. Th.,,t,c5„. <br />