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<br />4.75.- Mr4~ V V `~ ~ "'
<br />Tffi3tS I@YTJECMI'LIdtE, made this._.?na.~_..._~______ day of-Februdry_.____.__. _._._--._ . 19 $~ _-. by and between
<br />Fraficis L: luhn and Marcella J. Luhn, husband and wife, each in his and her own right
<br />and a_s spouse of the: other, - ~___._.__ ~~__-- -- -_-
<br />of~ Ha'.11 County, Nebraska, asmarigagor S andHotaeFederal.SavingsamlLasnAssociationofGrandIslend,awcporation
<br />orgam¢ed iurdexisting-under the laws of the United States of America with i[s principal office and place of business at Cerand Island, Nebraska, as
<br />~8aRi:et
<br />WITPiESSETfI: Thaisaidmongagor S _,forandinconsiderationo£thesumof .~~
<br />*Eght~Thousand Five Hundred Sixty-five and Noj100ths* ~~~~ 8~,a6%.Otl' }
<br />the rtceipt of which is hereby acknowledged, do _ by these presents mongagc and tvarranrunta aaild~tnortgagee<its xuctexssrs and assigns,
<br />forever, alt the foliowiagdescribed read estate, situated ht the County of Ha T T ...
<br />and State at`Nebtxxka, to-wit:
<br />Plat of a tract of land comprising a part of the Southeast Quarter of the fortheast
<br />Quarter {SE1~Nf;) of Section Four (4), Township Eleven (li) Ptorth, Range Ten {Tp}, West
<br />of the 6th P.M. in Hall County, Nebraska, more particularly described as follows:
<br />Beginning at a point on the East line of said Section Four (4), said point being Six
<br />Hundred Fifty-six and Twenty-two Hundredths {656.22) Feet North of the Southeast corner
<br />of said Northeast Quarter (NE?:,); thence Northerly along the East line of said Section
<br />Four, a distance of One Hundred Seventy (170.0) Feet; thence deflecting left 86°15'
<br />and running Westerly, a distance of Six Hundred Ninety-six and Four Tenths (656.4} Feet•
<br />thence deflecting left 91°17' and running Southerly, a distance of Two Hundeed Sixty-
<br />seven and Thirty-nine Hundredths (267.39) Feet; thence deflecting left 9O°12'40" and
<br />running Eras terly, a distance of One Hundred Seventy-four and Sixty-five Hundredths
<br />(174.55) Feet; thence deflecting left 97°19' and running Ptartherly, a distance of
<br />Eighty and Eighty-three Hundredths (80.83) Feet; thence deflecting right 91°29'20"
<br />and running Easterly, a distance of Five Hundred Thirty-one and Five Hundredths (531.0:5)
<br />Feet to the place of beginning and containing 3.181 acres, more or less.
<br />Togriher with all' heati~,. air comtitioaiag. lightiwc. and piumbing equipment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm windows and
<br />daora, and wubdoai shadsbt blinds, umed oa or in wnnetdsaa with said property. whether the same are now located on said property err hereafter
<br />Placed ttstrean.
<br />'1'U IIAL'F, AivD TO Hf3l.D THE SAM.k:, together with atl acrd singuiaa the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances lhere,tnta he-
<br />longing, ur inanywiae appertafnmyt, sorever, and warrant the title to Lhe name. Said morgagor __5 _ hereby rs,venant..__. _ with said
<br />cnortgagra that:,v... t hay ~._.. dre_ ...____ , at the delivery hereof, the lawful owner S of the premises above aanveyed and described,
<br />ae^d _._a~e. .__... seised ofa good aadindefeaeible ees.ate of inharitenoe therein, free and. clear of all encumbrances, and that ..__the~._wiil
<br />' w.rraet and defend the Gt1:te thereto forever against Lhe claims and demands of all par!aoas whomsower.
<br />P L'~z1`D AI,VL' Y and n iy uxecu and debv to t e vment of the su { __.___. _.._.
<br />*Ei g~t l erousanc~ F5i ve ~un`~£'re~ ~5~ xty-~fii ve anVo~l ~Ut~is`'~"_ f>nnary {s ~,~65. QO _ 1. jj$SSS
<br />____ ._ __ . p ._ __ _._. _ _ _ _ ___ _._ _ __- - --
<br />with infs(reaC t2tereon ta~tdkrer with sueh:chsrgtus and unvances as ~f, lea due and payable to s»id mortgagee under the trams and conditions
<br />Y ~i the pmmissary note of even dote herewith and sactucn'f hereby, eaewted by said mortgagor _S.._. to said mortgagee, payable as expressed
<br />'~ ia. aafdmta,'and ro secure the pw4armsaae of all the terms and conditions contained tF,e;reia. 1'he seems of paid note are hereby incorporated
<br />heteiaby taifrre,#txence.
<br />St 1x:tha iatt~eatioaaadegreememt of the parCL,e herreW that this mortgage shalt also assure nay future advances made to said mortgagor 5--.
<br />by sand nwrtgsgea, and any. and all indehtedneas is addition to the amount above stated whist. said mortgagors, or any. of sham. may owe to
<br />~~aid morl,gagee,hawever evidenced, whether by zroit€r. book auxarnt or otherwise. "Phis nasrtgage shall remain in full force and of€ect between
<br />the irartxeaheret©. and their basin, personal representatives, sucoeasors and assigns, uatii all autouats secured hereunder, including Tuture
<br />sdvataces, are-..paid as ful: with fntet~rt.
<br />"fherm5tgsgor._..5._. heral,y assign _-... to said tmrrcgagee all rents and iaeame arising at any and all tisn~ from said property and
<br />lierebyauthariaesald mortgagee or its agent. at its opticrc, upon default, w take charge of said property and wliect all nentw and incamrr
<br />rherefram sad. apply theaame to the payment nt interest, prinapal, insurance premituns, taxes, assessman[s, repairs or impravemencs
<br />'. S`tr,takat¢ eaitl property: is:tamatabieeomditi~, ar io uthernhargea or'paymenta:.provided for hereim or intkie note hereby secured. This
<br />tent. aanigrtment shall cantinas m farce until the uapau3 balance rsl said ante is fully paid. 'The taking of possession hereunder shall in nu ananner
<br />prevent err retard. said rm,tt,gagae sera the collection of said soars by €oredoauze or otherwise. ~S
<br />The feelers of Ehe mortgagee to assert say of its ryelt&s h~xndar at any time shall not to construed as.» w»iver of its right to »ssart t}ie 2~
<br />samext say later:time, .and to inaiat upon and enfartx scrim compliance with; x13 khe.tertas and provisions of said noteand. a# thin rnarcgaf, •. S
<br />Ifsauf mxtgagor 5 shall quaeta be paad to said mortgagee the satire amount due it lrereurrdar, »nd undez the terms anti pn rs ins e~
<br />r n# said,.nnea hereby aoriarrd, iaeludiag future advances, and any axtea9iana or renewals thesx»f in. axordare=.=with the terms and prod :suxzs
<br />tla~aot, acrd if aadd ~.._.ci__ shall Caaap},y with all the..proviaioma of sazd aaka..and ref this rrn)rtgal;e, then these prcweniv shef2 be vord;
<br /><wteerw-NS to rema~ im taflLOrce am3 aHera'.. end eaid..m~orGgagne..ehaU. be entit~tl der the possession. of all of :raid ptapariy. and may: at its apclo~t.
<br />:irclar« tae ~xhoie of sa+d rata and rg. adetNedaws represented thereby to lee itumedHrtely due and.Payairla, and may foreclose Chia nsartgage
<br />.u raise »ry ether action to prr,CareL. its right. Appraiaemnnt waivsd.
<br />7."rss rrlrt.gagr -.nail ha:liuttling upon amts ahaiP snots ta. the bena!"xtof thrt beers. ext-c~utars, adtttiniatrato:s. srucessrrrs sad nssi+gss of t.ire
<br />rx ~a .'pretties ~,
<br />'~ '~ I~~~k ~h i F:Kt%A$i~'. said RRortgaKyr-. Se. tea .. _vC'9,areunW set t212' r .. hard S_.._, thxs day Graf ~•e»r first above
<br />r,cten
<br />-t
<br />r a , t=.a°S l~~t`t'`tt _` ,~ ~ ~~ ~ P•arce~' T-a 1. Ltrttrs y _._ _
<br />___ _. v._..._._~,.._. ~._ ___ ___ ~ ___..._.. i
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