~~""` i1UQ~~ IU1i~RTtaIA~E
<br />THiS IPIY~ENT'LfFtE, made thb~__.__~•~~__ __~ day of ~~2,~-~-------------._ , 19 ~.. by and between.
<br />~r '„a . !1. tle;nea . c~rld Pcr,$~.iein Ann D2;i:FCe~s,, Iwoband and w.i_~e__
<br />of ,__{~~:~',..___. Cottnty, Nebraska, as mortgagor •~ ,and [3ome Fedoraf Savings and f_oattAssotiatiou of Grand Is]and,a oocporation.
<br />organireda:rdtxistingurufer the laws of the United Ssates of A.tnvica with €is principal office and plate of business at Grand' lsfand,: Nebraska,.az
<br />tnortgagec;. -.
<br />WfTN;~"iSE'L~f: 17satsaidmortgagor >s. ~.,farandincottsideratianafthesamof ~.
<br />the receipt. of whirl: ish~cbY ac3cnovrkedged, M!_~ by Chess presents morxga~e. utd wartattt uqm .sai6:awrtgaftee< iti yat~sors attdazsigas
<br />Forever,. altthe.Poitowing desasbai real state, situated in the County of Ha.~2
<br />xndS[ateof Nebraska, to-wit:
<br />Lo.t ; uro { 2 l .in 3Pock t)ne ; 7 } .in tr~ebzenho ~ ~' b Secant! Subfi,i.~.i~~.f7rt, being a
<br />n2aubdsU.i.sdon o ~ .the Satk.th Ha~6 { S z 1 o g BP~och.a Three (3 } and Faun. i ~ } , and the
<br />Nanxl2 Ha~~ (IJ'~} o~ Fr~och.a F.i.ve (~1 and Six {61, (veb.te~r.Gto~s`b F.ilta.t Subdiviaivn
<br /><.rs the C.i,ty aF brand Is?.artd, Ha,P.2 County, Nebhaa~a.
<br />Tagethrr with all haatiog, air corrditionittg, lighting, and plumbing egwpment and fixtures, including screens, awnings, storm wintiaws and
<br />doors,:end wittdow.shadesarr bilnda. usedaaor in tornactwn with said property, whetFxr the same are ttnw located on snid property ar hereafter
<br />plao~ theeeon.:.
<br />TY? FfAYf,`1l€!iff Tt} 2iQLE3 THE'SAMIi, tagethrx weih all and. singular the Grnamtmts, heraditataents and appurtenances thereunto be•
<br />lottgurg, or in :anywise appertairturg, Edrever, and warrant the t:tla •~ the same. Said. mcugagor .._~._.. hereby covenant ______. with said
<br />.. ~::ortKagee tlsat:Y...._ ~tha a,L..__.. _±z~,2._.__, aL site detivery• hates€, the lawful owner ~b._.... of the premises shove conveyed and described,
<br />and__....._. ~.~:. seized ctf a goad and~iadefeanibie efitate u€ inheritance therein, free and clear of all ertcutnbrancs~s, and that_'t.he~__will
<br />warrant arKi detnnd.thr, title thereto famvar against t,e claims and demands n€ xlf persona whomsoever.
<br />3'kGw'113)f) ALWAYS. and this ittstrutewaat is exeruced and deLvered tv secvte the payment or tfie sum of _.. .___. ____ ____________._
<br />Stixxoe€, FHouband"7ert drx.Q~a>!te grtd 04I1.OG__ --- ------- i)olSars{$ __~6~Oi0.00. --___-__l.
<br />M _. _., ...__. __._ ____ ____ _
<br />wtthinteeest ttaerapn.togazi+er rich streftthargea and a:tvatncrss as maY be. due and payable W said mortgagee under the terms and conditions
<br />.,,: . ;,
<br />of .tepramiasory-tpta of even date herewith end second iteteby, exemtaed by said mortgagor _,_S. _. to said mortgagee, payatsle tu5 expresso+d
<br />in sN£d;note, endto saettra thapa~formatton of ail the terms and conditions contained tt:erein. 't'he terms of said [tote are hereby incorporated
<br />hereiabythia teferanca.
<br />itiethe inianLioa and agtermteret-of the parties harass that this mortgage aitalkalau secure any future advances made ut said mortgegor.,~
<br />iry,eaidiuortgagae. and any and all. indebtadrressin addition to Ilse amwtnt shove stated whicf, said. mortgagors, or any of them, may nwe to
<br />said. mmtt~8ae, however evidetrcntit,. wlrM.lt~ by note,. book account ar otherwise. This mortgage shall remain in full force and effort between
<br />t~-pattiesharazo and their heirs, personal. tepresc9ttatives, suaxeasors and. assigns, until ail amounts secured hereunder, including faro re
<br />advantea.: are paid is tai: with ia[aast.
<br />'f'>tem®rtgagar._..b...... hereby aeaiga.._._..__ tttsaiet mortgagor ail rents and income arisingat any end alt times from said pmfter2y and
<br />troxehp~ autEtoitiae assts mnrigagoa ar its agent, at its option, upon default, Lo take charge of said propcztY and collect off rants and income
<br />therefrom attd apply the: same to the nayassni of interest. principal., insurance premiums: taxes, assessments. repairs or improvemenl.s
<br />aec)evvary to lcaapsaid pmpariy.ia,taoansabk s3vnditiaa. artttotlser charges:w,paymenta;provided~tor heniaor.,utehe:ratte hereby assured. This.
<br />rat asaig[tmenis3ral3 coatiatfe in farce until the-unpaid balance o€ said note is fuQiy paid. The taking of pvss+tsaion hereunder shall in nv manner
<br />paeverat or retardsaid rnortgagsleia the totiectian of said-soma by foreclosure or otherwise.
<br />T!~ faslure ai tie rrrprtgag!sa La assert say of rte rigltrsheresmdarat aaY rime shalt riot be constrnad: ais a waiver of its right to assert the
<br />same at any tetrr time, and tts insist upon. a~ enfarzx strict compliance wftlt. al! the terms and pmvasians of said nuts and of this mortgage.
<br />if satd mvrtAat;or ~ stagcxuayetoha paid tv said rttartgagee the entire amount duo it hexetrndar, and.under the terms and pravissions
<br />of .?aid rote temhy sr~uteti., irtefttding. #uttusttdvaneas, Graf any axtetisinas or renawa[.s tiaer~tf:fn actordence. vrith the terms and provisions
<br />ti:ern~f, smS ti said mc-rt~tttoc .. d--., attap cmanp3y with ail. zhe fsravismcrap of said rsot~ azsd: ok this: 3nc«rtgage.. then these presents sha3t be cord:.
<br />c,clascw>sct •a rmrtain is lull farce atxf ttfad;;aadssid aiortgagoes3rai3...beent'itled to tht poasesaxin of a13 of said propmty, and may; at its option.
<br />tite:are sirs .hole of acid netts .~ ell irti~tad~arepresanitKi. ihkaa#y.: to hr immediately duo sad payabLt.. adti tray fores:loso this rnnrtgage
<br />;x t»kc arty oilrr teX;ai station ~ peutatt: ta..tsgAt~:: Esppraa4aamwrt waived..
<br />l'A;a na,~•e~e shall F,e h3udurg open and ahaklettttre,ta the benefit vf'tha heirs, sxaa:utvrs, edtrsinfstrators, succasrxrrs and. asaigtrt of the
<br />r"vy.k t:ter ~ a.H.atc ~~rxco.
<br />t W 'h'iT^dY.~.ti r t3 i«3t:F:t?F, sordid __ ha ~.~._,: herarrnta .eat.. _ ..~~..__._.__.._ hand ...._a... the day end year first «ihtnve
<br />E
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