<br />~"'~a-A-~^~&EC#J~F~D REPft. E$Y747 F= KYONtf.AtyE~-Yax C-auae t'Revsed 9962) "14ee HuBma General Supply H.wra, l.ss+csoin, lvehr. ~
<br />I?v24t)L4' a~I.L MEI`F I3Y THESE PRE9ElVTS: THA`I' I or ENE,, D~TAI,D E, T?R1IJt,Rl'Y, A STl`TCzCaG PERSON
<br />~ sf FIr~,L Chanty and Skate of E~ffiRA.SIQ~ , in eonsiderntion of the sum of
<br />T T.~ ANf? NO/I00------°------- -~--v--_._.~_____~___(3,OQ0} Txx~LLwRS
<br />in 'hand paid; do hereby SELL and CONVF;Y unto } V. STEUBEST 3I2. AND S A. STEISBIIB~
<br />Fif,]„SBAND AND 47IF'E
<br />(mortgagee),
<br />of I'f~ County, and State of NEBRASKA ,the fallowing described premises
<br />situated in RD7J• County, and State of I~RASKA to-wit:
<br />'~ LFl£ I:~OR£Y NA6E (49) , IN t~5'P fTEIC,F3i'S AT~ITIt~T, ADT RDOITION 'I'O THE CITY OF
<br />The intention being to a'ravey lscreby an. absolute title in f+-~e simple including all the rights of homestead and dower.
<br />TO HAVE AtiD TQ H(7LI) the premises abavr de_acrihed, with att. the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the said
<br />mortgagee or morkgagees and torts, firer ar their hetr. and a~ vign,., forr•er, pracided at-nays, and these presents are ulran the
<br />eaptess condition that if the said mortgsgor ar mortga};ars, his. Izer ar their heirs, executers. administrators or assigns shall pay
<br />or cause to be ttaid to the said mortgagee err morLga,e<>s and f;.+ his. her or their heirs, executors, administrators or acvigns, the
<br />sum of I~j}~ 'TfiGtJSAND AID NO~jQ{}---- {3 r QQQ} Dollars, payable as follows, to-wit
<br />100.73 each- arxi evezy month beginning March 1, 1982 artd for a period of 36 months
<br />thereafter until paid in full.
<br />with. fnterttst tltetean at 7.~.7gzer mot per annum, payable monthl~r , aceaarding to the tenor and effect of the
<br />pmmissory note with inG*rest conpaus att<ichcd of said Mortgagors, bearing even date with these presents, and
<br />shall pay aL taxes, and any interest nn, {>r maturing installments of principal, duP on any prior mortgage and assessments
<br />taxied- upon said real estate and akl f+ther taxes, levies and assessments levied open this mortgage or the Hate which this
<br />morttYagte is given to secure!. iaetare the taame becomes delinquent and keep the buildings ma said premises insured for the sum
<br />$. 3`J~000.[)Q 1~s. if any, payable to suds first cnorigag~ ar this mortgagee. or both, then these presents be void,
<br />otherwise>to be and remain in fink fon^r
<br />IT F5 l±`t,TIiTIIFR AGIih,EI) (I) 't'hat if the said mortgagor shah( fail kn pay ouch tars and such interest on, ar maturing
<br />iatsta.liaaenks+of principal. due an any prior mortgaKC and procure such insurance. then this mortgagee may pay such taxes and
<br />such inte..rest on, or nwturtty installments of principal, due on such prior mortgage and procure mach insurance; and the sum
<br />so-advanced write. interest at nine tzar cent shah tae paid try said mortgagor, and this mortgage shalt stand as security for the
<br />same. (27 That s failure to pay any of raid money, eitlser prin+:kpal ar interest an this or any other prior mortgage, when the
<br />xrune '1:zecumes due or a faihnre to comply with any at the foregoing agrcements, shall cause ttze whole sum of money herein
<br />set~u n:I to Lzcti;.ome due and exalleetihle at once at the option of the mortgagee.
<br />1T IS FURTHER AGREED That sattf mortgagee, penditag foreclosure of this mortgage and. after decree artd pending
<br />r.tay thereon-ae appear: therefrom and pending sale at premises mortgaged; may lsay such taxes and maturing interest or matur-
<br />ing iastalBnentsof priucipal, un,prior mortgages, pmcmze such insuranw and such sums shall be added to the amount dveon
<br />decree aad;upon mnfirmakon of sale by the court nrdered taken out of proceeds of sale; or if redeemed during stay; appeal
<br />or sale, such.am° j`ahaii hacollected. the - e :ts thoux3h it were a part of such decree.
<br />igned:.this day of "`'~y l9 sue. .
<br />In presen of
<br />L]vtt~a],cl E. Daugk>erty f ;
<br />t ~
<br />tii`A'A'E nc•._..23P~T'35)C._2i ..._ ......... ...._._...-,. County of - 1'.•'Td1. .~'.........,..._.. ..._. -~---.-.:
<br />~.$ Rafum me, a notarr public qualified for said county, persorzally came
<br />+° I)r+, II13 F. I)3t~$9~I'ty
<br />a known Lo me,ro f~ the t~tentical,I>mzsntt or parsons who signed the foregoing instntmeat and acknowledged. cite execution j
<br />~ ,thereof !rx he iiix, l:er ar ettcar valurttery--eta and~ ~d./eed-d '
<br />f~lEfic4+ r
<br />p R am~~ .n bar 3 scud notanai seal on ,
<br />'j'1 , ..~ w,
<br />a y ~ 5 1 , { ate„ ...~~:._ ~Y.~ ...__ - f........,..__...,. 145+x. ~ A~ ; ,''°Iw
<br />_Af iotr.suia+aio~s ~ rw:.,.lr ?._... l9._Q.~ c~Yr-,.~Ci ' "scary Fitblit.
<br />STA'£'E: OE'..... ...,.._.. ,...,._. ...... ................-- ~ ss. Entered on numerical index.: arui filed for record
<br />E`.atsctY - .......... . .... _-._....-. _ ,_.,,_.,.-.._. j in ".he Regtstrm of Deecla t}ftite of sand County the ,
<br />dad 4E_..,..:_ . ............. ....._., 19 ,......., at._-__....,... _.....o'tlor3c sznci.. ......_ .. _._.._.miautas .--.-.... ..... kLt., i,
<br />:utd r<.tic:rurvd iza Ilorrk,..... .. _.._...... .. .._.__<f ..,. _.......- ,.._.,...._..__.._at pesge.........__..... _ ..................._.
<br />F3y._._. __ __ I Mputy
<br />