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<br /> <br />z0. 'f'€rat ttte fafortgagror will keep ;he tautdings upon said premises in good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />upon saidfland. nor suffer' [he said premises to he used for any unlnwful purpnse. <br />I1_ 't7tatf€ tht< premises, or any part thereof, f~ condemned under the power of emittene domain, or acquired for a public <br />ase, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the taking of, ar the consideration for such acquisition, m the extent. of the full <br />amount oR indebtedrtesupon this mortgage-and the note which it is given to secure remaining unpaid, arc hereby assigned by the <br />hfarrgaxt~r to the lt~tortgagee; and. shall be paid forthwith to said '.Nortgtagee to be applied by the latter nn account of the next <br />maturing insta0.menzs of sorb indelttudness. <br />t'. 'fht Mortgattar further agrees that should this mortgage attd the note secured hereby nor be e)igibte for in- <br />surance under the National Housing Aetwithin Sixty Days from the date hereof (written statement of any officer <br />of the flepartment of Housing and Urban Development ar authorized agent of the Secretary of Housing and Urban <br />bevelopafttent dated subsequenGio Fhe Sixty Days time fram the date of this mortgage, declining to insure said <br />note arnti `this mortgage, being deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibility), zhe Mortgagee or holder of the pate <br />msy, at its opiitatt, declare ali.sums secuered hereby immediately due and payable. <br />l^++. That if:rhe Wortgagor faits let make any payments of money when the same become due, or fails ut conform to and <br />comply tvttttany of the cattditions aragrecmtnts contained in this mortgage. or the note which it secures, thenthe entire prsnci- <br />pal sum sad arrived intirest shall at once become due and sayable, at the election. of the fafartgagee: and this mortgage may <br />thereftpc n be foreclosed immediatelyfdr the whole of said motley. interest, monthly payments, costs. ground rents. taxes and <br />the cost at extending.the abstract of title fram the date of this loan to the time of commencing such foreclosure suit, and a rea- <br />sonahlr. tttorne}''s fee. atl`af which shall be included in the decree of dorectasure; and the contract embodied in this: mortgage <br />and the rote secured hereby, stialI in all respects be governed. construed and adjudged by the laws of Netaraska; where ttte <br />saute iti made.; <br />`f't?c revenants herein contained shall hind, and tht benefits and advantages shalt insure ta, the respective heirs, executors, <br />administrators, successors and assigns of the parties hereto. Whenever used, the s+~gular number shall include zhe plural, the <br />phtral the singular, and. the. use of any gender shall be applicable to ail genders. <br />The foregoing condititrns, all and singular, being performed according to their natural and legal import, this conveyance <br />shall be void and said premises released at the expense of the Mortgagor; otherwise. to be and remain in full force and effect. <br />iN WrITNESS WHEREOF, the hfartgagorts) ha s hereunto set her hand(s) the day and year first <br />above written. <br />~~ <br />to presence af: <br />~ , l ~ ~ ., O <br />~iSEALj <br />(sl_AL I <br />(SEAL) <br />(SEALJ <br />(SEAL) <br />GPQ ?4t-t 3a <br />S"lATEOF~tEARASICA. <br />ss: <br />C:OUNTYC)F HAL:, <br />Onthis 2txd daY of ~'e~ruary, , .A.I?. 19 82 Ixfore me. <br />a Notary Pt:Yalic to and far said County, personally creme <br />Ballet E. Ayer, a single perstsn <br />personally to me known <br />Eo-rte: parson whose narrte is affixed to theabove and fore- <br />going instrument as Mortgagor, and she has acknowledged. rho said: instrument and the <br />exerut~n tlicreof to be her. voluntary act. anddeed, for she purposes therein expressed. <br />In testimony whereof, t have hereunto set my hand and affixed by my seal at Grarsd Island, tdebras?sa <br />on-the day and date tau above written. _ <br />IIIIfifEifit~~ Notary wbC, j <br />STA1'f.flFt+l£BRASK.~ ss <br />Filed fc~i rtcurd this dayaf <br />at o'ciitik <br />tecardad in <br />Pegs of ~. <br />~.D. i9 <br />.Ll.. and entered in ":tiumerical index, and <br />crf iti ortgages, on <br />Kegister of t?eedx <br />?u~:-ea,~ta3xs t7-;~t <br />.,. .. >a. ego <br />