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This form i>; used in eonaec- <br />tczn with rzwrtgages insured <br />R ~~~!I"~° ~~° ~j' under the one- to four-family <br />~~ww t t ~ ty ~ ~ tMi provisions. of the National <br />Lt V Housing tier. <br />'fftlS!.iQRTGAGE;:madoandexccu¢cKf¢his 2~ day of Febi°asary ,Ar:D. <br />14 82 . oy and between sTattiet E°. i~yer, a single person <br />a.' the C.~unty of Hal 1... ,and State of Nebrasva. party of the firs¢part hereinafter called <br />lttel4nrlge;¢Or;atttk.'. S42{~Ti4P fdOr'tcf8t,~e, YItC°. <br />a corpcsratcm o*,gani~Rd and existing under the laws szf Nebraska <br />party of [tt~second pa,:., #~=einaftercalted the 1+#ortgagee. <br />vu'ff'hESS£Tt~l: That the said 4fortgagar, for and fin consideration of the sum of Forty One Thou~txtd Eight` <br />iiundtred sad :3o110UtPss ------------------T}oliars($ 41,800.00. 7paitiby:theMort- <br />sa~ee, tf~ raceipr of w4ziz~.;ft is hereb3~ acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presenrs does Grant,: Bar- <br />gain.; Sefk_ Catzvey and Condrnt unto the ti#ortgagee. its sttccessors and assigns, forever, the futiowing-described: <br />reafestat~situated in the Ceunt4 of fFall ,and State <br />o#3ebraska. w wit; <br />~ot'Eleven tll) and the Southerly One Half of Zot Nine (9), all in Block <br />.Seventeen (Z7), tlrtiversity Place, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />fall<Cotutty, Nebraska. <br />of ttte Sixth PrittripaP Ibleridian, ccuttaining in all acres according to Gouern- <br />mentsurwew. <br />TfJ HAl'6 :~Iv`D TC) Nt)LD the premises xixeve dcscrii>ed. with alt rite appszrtenanecs thereunto beion~ng and including <br />dlfheating.:plumbing and righting fixtures and egttipment now or hereafter attached to ar used in ounneciion with said rest estate <br />unto the k#ttrtgagee. and to its successors and assigns, forever. The !r9vrxgagnr represents to, and covenants with, tha M'ortgo- <br />gee, ihat:ihe h#aaxga~xa has.xood rigizt to se}t and convey a+id pratnis~s tha# they are free from encumbrance; and that the <br />Mrsrtgagor vrtl warrant and defend the same agaznst the tawfufciaims of art persons whomsoever; and the said l4tortgagor here- <br />bSa relinquishes all rights of ktamestead. and alt martial.rigltts, eitftar iniaw or in equity, and all other contingent interests of the <br />h#~art~agnr in and to thrabovc-describrrf prntni>CS, iho intention ixittg to sunvrp hereby an ahsulutctrtie, in fee sitnpdc; includ- <br />ing adl risftt~ of hdmcst<ad, and other rights and Interests as aforesaid. <br />PROS`#D~,D Ad~Vv;4YS. and these presents are executed and delivered uponthe toliowing conditions, to wit: <br />`!'ize's#urtgtgcM agues to pay tst t#zc ~iiert~zgea, or i7rder, the pr'>,ncipal sttns of Pony One- Thousand Eigitt Hundred <br />sad' O0/100ths ------ LkittarslS 4l, 800.00 f, <br />zveth in tere~z ~o3n date attlac rate of Si~cteetl anti One-half per centum { 16.5© ~) p~rattnum on <br />the zanpAid haiaizce nntii paid. 3'h? ~ai;i prin~ipai and intet~est shall be payable at the uRice of Superior Aiartgage~. Inc.. <br />iq., Grac~Ki island, Nebraska, .or atsucitotharpiaceasthehoidcraf <br />t3te,nwc tnay de"~nnte in b-ridat;, in +nonthty iratai:ments o€ Five. Hundred Seventy Eight arad 491100ths <br />~____ f)oliar, iS 578.94 j, eommencingon the frrstday of <br />April ~~ . I4 82 , and on the: hest day of each month thereafter until the principal and in- <br />tt+rest .u_e tuna pie, ea~ept ~ra~ the finer y~gteat of principal and interest, if n:at sooner paid, shad fzedue and <br />tuay:zh€e on the first day o+_' t'r~zehr 2~1~ :nit according to Cheterms of a certain promis- <br />c~n r>;rte of even date hesewith exeeuiedfry the laid R9ortgagas. <br />The ~kfitit tFauor lnxNdtr tnorc f ~t! (v taptotcct the security of this httrrtgagc. agrees: <br />i _ ~ihat he ».it pap tlte.:indcctecness;. ai hcrciflhcRzre provided. privilrge.~ reserved to pay the debt in whole, or in. an <br />amorcnt egos; fo one or rnarv m,znthiy pay:ateots an tt*eprinitipai-thatare next:--due on the nctte,on the,. first day ufi-any month <br />p:ric:r !,, sn~iushy- F'e:rvrded, ha~a-e+Fr_ "That written rvti.c afauint.:atian !o axerc.ise such,privilege is ftivenat leastihirty f_~0) <br />da ~ s ~ riot to prerayment. <br />'Yl.:u, St+~eEhcr +ve,h, and in ~sddrtii;n tc, the rni7nthly payn,eotr s>f pr,ncipai and interest payafiie tand~r the terms of the <br />ric Cceire+; t~rehc, the !atart~agasr w~iii ray to the A!lor4gaKce, ~*n the first das~ :~i ea.h mr...nth nntt`t•the sai8~~nota is fzilfypaid, tfte <br />Y t;Slaa;r taw +uae_ <br />a) ~?..= ur.; tut`r.~szat t:, }~,aatue c9,e '~iider ftetr,~t w;th t uld~ ;;. ;3ay rite nest rztsfrsgage tatsurataue pretniunt if this <br />gin;=r:;ur~.rrt ern ~sre tr~,:~ ~ux~u 1.cre1Y aye [r~atevni, ,:r a :r.,nttaly ~~Et,~rg+~ fdtt'ILc^ra etJ"tt na¢~rdgstgrfn3ttrsnee fmr. <br />~nfunr) ,r '.E~ev i } ;'t.. i ~ J::, ucrc as :a t4 u~:r~.g arttl La~:rsi Lk velupr[lK~t„ as fi2[lows: <br />af# !r eaF ~: F~tat _.:.s3 r:ut .."c~~ee~ ,rata xre C z ,~a!r;~~ttem nt~ insured ear arc rvir~sua~d undt^E t'he }?zct~ <br />~!:t,n.s 4i thx ~a:r.,nak Ic~itTlln~+dti~ r+::t, ',+n sirfnuzit U:;icizia~ ;,r ~ax.u.~zmutatr,: ift tzr t+:ac~u~a crt tt5e ttptder Stttc; <br />7 <br />;~.,tr:.n tMAk•:~t+:Adx,;.+6:. xxsy iwr wf~A a.:t!t xcolmt't ra a1~:=ausr: ,a <br />4fiJD-t3~74~3A6 Pa•'7gl <br />