<br />:... ~--°- i~:~03 0~
<br />NI~RTts~f~iE
<br />T:ifiS'ilKl'DEi~AF4JR>s; imtde t~ie~._~` 9.; h ______ day~o~f.~_~t_.~Qt7dt'~''`i.4~[~_._____ _ ____..__ Id _~E_., by and between
<br />..,_.:{f~fA4i.Yf..:~.._. ~,Lr._4~C2t~.~C.~,ii_...t~~_.}tam,etat.~i~..::r~:{}sr_~._,___.~...~._.___...y. ~.
<br />pf Hnk"~ county. Nebraska,.as nxartgagor -ti ,andFEamcFederat Saviagsandi.oan Association of Grand fsland,acorparatioa
<br />orgstdud andtsising under't3te laws at theUnittd States of America with its principal office and piece of business at Grand Island;-Nebraska, as
<br />mExtSagee:
<br />WiTA3ESSETH: That said mortgagor ~ ,for and jn consideratfan oP the suet of._.
<br />Tur~,~ue Tht+wianct Five Nc4vidne~ Tef: uaX..?.anh ever,( Ot?r` 1OD 72, ~ 10. uQ
<br />the;eocfptofvrhichisherebyacknowkstaed,do.~.:, 6y those Ares~ntsmarigageand.rarraacuntosailmartPag~:-iiswecrsxonand:assigns,
<br />- t.~~ _ ._...
<br />forev~,atfetrefottowiagdoscribedreafestate,situatedintheCountyof _.,=_'_.,_~,___~
<br />araf.Siatecrf Nebraska, [o-wit:
<br />flee: ,'~or~h2~f'y ><cr~h.~i~ Feet d~0' i e~~ ta-t T;•,~:: i21 ai~fd Scuthetvf'_y Ttr~nty F2~,t {20' 1
<br />Lust: 7~.2ee: i3 -i-n Gf~U# :Va~,t1: Liuuf2 A~c~.~.ti_alz ~tc: ~hl~ V.i,('.t'~e n;~ alcrot~ R<.v~n,
<br />if~';f: Ccusa~y, +1eb.~l~afztt.
<br />Together with ell lseaLing.. air conditaoeriag, Sighting, and plumbing equepmenL and. fixtures, irecfudinK screcna, xwnm,9es, :corm windows and 3.
<br />doara, and:window s.>,radea oz blitrds, uaad on oz in cont>erx.ion with said. propen:y, whe4krarthe came are tww foc~Cetf on said AmAer4y nr hereafter
<br />placed theaeaar.
<br />1'U ffAV~„:i:Y11 TY) ffOt.f? 3'ttE SA.Mlw, Wgettrer wife all nerd singular the 4aaemanLS, heraditaments anti appurtenances thereunto be
<br />'rnr~ing, or ineaprvise. appareaining -Forever, and warnrnL the ti4le La the same. laid nt<rrgagor .g,._.. hereby cavcnanG .... _.. with said
<br />$ rnwtgsgoc- chat _ s, he :_h~_ .._.r.,y~l,~--.., xt the delivery hereof, the lawful owner.._~._ at the prxmises above conveyed and dt~crdbed,
<br />ratrxntt)b 11 r h Ysarzed of,a gaud and indpfeast~irle estate of inheritance therein, free aad e}oar of all encumbrances_ arxi that t: he , f will
<br />ntenc che• title thereto farcvaz agenat the ciaima and demands o£ xLI persons w6mms,xver.
<br />~ F EB Ar.lt AY8. and this iassfr+rment is eseeu4ed and delivered ua secure Lire payment of the sum of _.. .... .. 5
<br />~ ~;_.,ts•~;__.~:;is:.:a t..r~~ F~ue ~?~.t,~aa_c.t~ _ l efl. a:r~.t'.n,~. ~'Y i~~ ._.. r)affan is 1.?.,.~; L'!.~~,4_ 3
<br />$~ '~ with into res., thee.<,.. IeRrtktar with each che,gesard acEVanaes ae may be due and pa7'ahte to said mortgagee under the teaos and conditrons
<br />{ "~ of the prumdssarg .uuc-of even date h8tbwrcn eras. sucurW3 haa~y. axew tixf by seed mortgagor _,.y, _tn said mortgagee, payable as expreww,d
<br />- is seed note. and tuaecute the. pezforrwa ~r of alt. the Lerals aad condititurs contained therein. The terms of said note are hereby inccrrArxatrd
<br />-„ herein i,y this rsfacear;,e.R.,,,,
<br />tt is chs iatsotion. and agn+oentsat of thepartiea lre~,a that this mortgage shall also aecura any fu4ure advances made. fu said mongagarg.__..
<br />Lr asu3 rnw"kkt+g~: and any. std aIl. indebtednees, inadditkra La the anrouat shave s4ated whJci, said. martgagars, m uay pf them. may owe to
<br />wrvi mortgagee,.6awevesevitieaced„. whdMr. bynote.. book account or a4iterwiso. T'Ms tntrttgages4a11 vearain in fuel ford attd. eff~t tu4wexn
<br />fire y,:vcres 6e>•eta and.4heie' heirs,. personalrepresaatat(v,~a, sucees_wrs and. assigns, until all rrrouats scarred heewrndor,. including future
<br />:_dvantR~, are. paid. in fu: witds. interest.
<br />The mnrygagar _S.__. hateby eaaign _. _.v... to said nrnrtgagee. all :rents and income arising aC any andall times from .said property and
<br />I~erehr autlrcrixa sere nmr4gr~e ar i4a agent, at. its oprwn„ upon default, ro flake charge of said AroperLy and collect all rents anu Incomes
<br />thecrfrorn azrd airpsr :.toe sa3n@ to flee payment of mteras4, prim;dpel, insurance ~premtuara, taxes, asaesam~ents. repairs or unpra emenLS `<
<br />srviceaaan• to ksep sari lees tettanialria matltim. or toothar eltarg~t. or psym~rts Arouded.'far Jtetein ire in idre node hereby secured. This
<br />rent asv.gtw-acne =_~.trat:: otr..itiuu in fortsatotd tfsa unpaid bahura: of said aorx. xs fit4iy paid. The Wk=.trg of poasr~sma trereunder shaft in no manner .£
<br />prev ~n¢ ar rt+.ard vua mrtgagee in the coFYeetrorr of sax$ anmsby foredoaurear otherxrsa. i
<br />` i,
<br />1'he tallne~ of .he '^~BWt~ to assert any of xtg zightafiezeundar a4.any Lune shall eat ire construed as a waiver of its right w assert. the
<br />xrr,e :,t urv i+:cax ulv~. aad ear rnsia4:apouaad enfezcx, strict *tunpliance with a31 the termsand praviyians of said :rote-and of this rtxrrtgage: y".
<br />i i surd nwrtga„rr ,~ shah cause to be. Paul. w acrd mGtttEagae:4he aatireamswnL dew it herotsrder,: and under the ix: ms and lrrca Iyran.,
<br />a', said note harsh}- se::wt~t, izrclutDag #~,Ittur= advaarxs, and. any axtensioas or ranewafs Lharoaf in. ancurrfara•a with the arms asxd pros rsams r
<br />xiMaV4I. IIOC2 a la]ri :s.~~r~wr ; ,~... . -rw` pia ayij .: ,'a. m i~ra' ' va u+rw.a..u s..o [`••~ •^•^•, r••.•, ,E...m ~.. .hai4 hn _~i~
<br />:,Lhe:w ix to returta ur fall forrv acrd effect watt aril near a..ee atra+.l be entst~d to the - rn _
<br />~. ;poaaessraaof a6 of aad•~proprny, acrd may, at its optarn,
<br />aoeLes: thrr xaaLe of wad oat.e and aFi indPOtadrsYS rrpr_Se.rted there ry ter tee ...a,t+rar .y due aad gayalric. and may farechwm this. mnrtA+a e~ {?~
<br />g - }i
<br />•3r tie any ;;Lf~ Vie; action 4, p:•ntec4 itn rrg.1:4. ;1A}uarvem;n6 wajcrsi. r.
<br />Tixu cradgag s eeti :~e mtirng nAou asu! shlt enure tc the. r.~ga'iit .~f rfy¢, neus, .esacutors, adnrtaiswraturs, suCtlrsaars and assgrra of t.Jre $
<br />n
<br />~~aive--~~;~_herrca {
<br />i'
<br />l~ lvf.'~~ i5 ll F-: ti x:0 [' iw,u1 bf r;ftgngl,Z ;. _ l:rE ,_~-t~.... 43sn8A2x1Ype 9a±'~ _ __~~1: ~`-`_ hanlf W_. _.4hd. day and Ye:pF flYat 3i+t•Ve 't~.~
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