<br />.._. ~
<br />egrazttcr S~.ah1a Me~bile Homes, Fnc. ~~`~'i3~~,1~~~
<br />.~,, ..
<br />n ecrl~~~r8tian ar~ganized"anc4 axiating Wader and by cirtne of the laws of the State of ~Qtjr~Ska'
<br />in caneiderstzon of Thirteen Thousand Faur Hundred Dollars , (13,~~OO.pO),
<br />recei~~ed fsi>m grsutea:, daee grant, hergsm, Rest cout•~ey a,nd ooufirm unto. -.
<br />Tony L. Grotzky and Karen M. Gxetzky ,husband and wife
<br />hereia called the grantee whether one ar Wore, the following described ra8d pa~aperty in
<br />_ Hal Z . Coaatg, t~lebraska
<br />kTest 39.E feet of Lot 12,Lot 13,and Lat. 14,and the East
<br />1..3.5 feet of Lot 15, Block 4, Blaine Addition to the city of
<br />Grand IslatYd, Hal3 Go, Ne.
<br />,,,r., n~cve ruc~sr tni{F TGR
<br />ne~rsr~a~.,G uuL N ._ ...'Y
<br />:iTr~~11f' TA74':
<br />~ w` PA ~ t} 1a~?`
<br />I°a haw~e and Lo hatd the above dtserihca preiuises togeih.er with all tPnrnAents, haxeaitaments anti
<br />appattet~ztceta Lhe:eta belonging nrta the grantee and to grantee's lteira and a.~igns farecer,
<br />rfnd tise grauLOr far itself and its successors does hereby covenant with the grantee and with
<br />grantee'.. iaeira and a~it;ns iixat gratxtar iS la~fu.l} :~eistti of ::aid 1Dremise1; that they are free from enenm•
<br />brance ~
<br />that grantor has.}*,aad right and. lawfv antharty to eortvey the sarna: and. that grantor warrants and wilt
<br />~fefenu the $itie tct said premises against the lawful claims of old persona whosoever.
<br />Iu wii~eas whereof; gr^sutvr ltas tGereunta caused its corporate seal to be a£fsxed and these
<br />pre~nt[c sigaetl by its Yreaideatt.
<br />Dated. :Tan . 2$ ,19 82 lir
<br />..&t:atDl~..,thc;bt-1~_.llomes~-...Irtc .............._....
<br />r,: f
<br />gy_ ...... ;,.,.t.-` `.~ .x.:~:.: ~ ..;` .. ..,...... ~tt~~i?residhmt-
<br />t
<br />S2'.4'1'E (7?~ 'tiEI3~AS'ii~1, E:outttr of ...... .........Ftd,3..1............. ;`
<br />Re$ore nee,. a notary public qualified in said county, personally came
<br />Ray:norrd E, Stahla' F*rea%dent of
<br />Sta'r~i ~la~ile HOSn~s, Inc.
<br />irxDCwn to me to ?;e the President rczld ideatscak g+rrsan vrSxa signed Ei'~a Lare~*tng .ice cut, ti.j?'~`, .~^.v
<br />Ie.lgrd ttac exe~~~atiuti ¢her~af t~~ h~* ixie voltxzttary set aticl deEd as such ofP er A~~= tirp:s'r?~ek3~yxyi.h'r
<br />:.!F,L C ~<ti±i .n~ryr+5tivr; and titantts eorporxite asealwas thereto af~ixrd lsw ~s~autJinzii~~ `~
<br />r
<br />>'iEr:vMn nsr ttx~td sad nmtari~I seal a~D~"1 ... r~'~' tt::~~~~., ... ly.~".t';r
<br />X ~--z
<br />n
<br />.«......Eu.rt: '~•~(' .t .4 .. ;oC'1~. s~ ~ ~L~h ~K+~S Y. ~.+if0.
<br />~:,~i ..
<br />?~l y cotaDetDiaaeisxa en~tirras ... .._,r ~._._.... : < ..
<br />