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<br />3'HiS A4(')RTGAF ~, made and a cecuted this lst day of October ,A.D.
<br />t9 81 ,f+yandtrrtween Galan[ S. Crippen and Sheryl R. Crippen, Husband and Wife
<br />of the; Criuntyof HaII , snd State of Nrkaraska, party of the firs[ part, larrrinaftrr caned
<br />ttte ~dtot•~vgor, and
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc..
<br />a z-car}tioraurn organized and existing under the taws of Nebraska
<br />party of the second part, hereinafter c:altcd the h9arLtapae.
<br />~~tTNFS5E7'7-t: ~i`hat tha said '49ort~uror, fair and in tansidrr;ition of [he suns of ~enty eight thousand two
<br />himt3red and Naj100ths--•- -- ------ _ Dulkars t5 2h8 t 20.00 ). Patd by tftr'Rtort-
<br />gaget., the recrip[ r which rs herrn}~ acknowtrdged has Grtnted and Sald .!nd y t ese presents ,foes t'irani, BaT-
<br />gain, Said, fanvey and C`csnfi€m untce the ~44ortf;agee, its successors and assigns, forever, [he fu4taiv^ing-descriUed
<br />rea; e ,,are. ,ititatc~d Ya zhr County= c>t Hall . and State
<br />„f "tcbr~ska. to gait'
<br />Lot Two (2), in Block Six (5), in wiebe's Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />of fheSfxth ~Principaf tleridian, Citntainin~ in add ages according Cn rovern-
<br />rnrntsurerv:
<br />'f't) }lA4'E ANf; T4~ t~}t:?Li) inn premises at>ilae drscnhra, with :ail the z,ppurtenunues thereun[[> i>elongnp, anti including
<br />tilt tsea[ing. irlueRtstng fond digh[ini[ htturea and rgniprnrni nvw c,r hrrcaftrr attachecs it, c,i u.rd ;r, cunnrctian with said real eatatr
<br />unto the ~S,>rt~tgre. and to its suc~r.~ors :end .assikas, fc>rever. `the 4#:sr:g;edvr represents t<r, <cad casvenants with, the ~fortga-
<br />gee, t€ratehe hicutgar has good right t€, sett end convey saztl prrmr5rs, Yhat [hcY are free. Pram rncu[rbrxtncr; and that Yhr~
<br />'Kor[p[sgor will warrant and defend the same ,..:ar•~ the l ,•.~ tut ctai.ms ctt till prrseanc wteumsort~rr~ and t}te said ~iottgagar here-
<br />by rrtdnquiahes-sit ri~hsi crt homestead, and a ;;+?rrisrt r;, itr+, r=itd,rr ict taw ur inequity. and till otttercgnungent interests of the
<br />;liortgagur in~xi[o ihr atmve-ciexir~ritrrr§ c~re. ,,,,~; tt}.-~ . ~ r<hrn ts~ng to cnnvey" hereby an afsa,lutr title, [n fee simple, includ-
<br />itxg a€i n~t<c~t homestead. acrd cuhrr rir~t+t- .a , t rtcrc,: • ..• -aornsaid.
<br />PRL`~1IIf~f3 ~1.~~'..~1`S, and [base prrser~~. are e<<~,ut~tl and uc3ivrred,,epun tlae foitcrwttrg canditians, to wit:
<br />Ttte f.7cartg:titar a};rees o pay to the btottt:agra. ;.,rosier, tie principal sum of Twenty eight thousand two
<br />ttuttdLed and Not'10t}ths--~----°-----_ ~ttlarsiw 28,200.00 t'
<br />wtth interest Eroen+isie at rite race u Esghtee72 per c:entutet i I8 , 00 `p,, ~ per annum ctn
<br />[ltr unpaid baL•s[x-e until paid. The said principa3 tired in[rrast sktald he payahdc a[ the c: ffrcr of Superior ,'rortgage,, Inc.
<br />in Gratad Island, Nebraska. c,r rot suctx a>[het place as the holder of
<br />the nertr mgy drsziettate ite wr§ting, ra montltky instaikments of (according to Schedule A an said note )
<br />;. cvinmencittg an the first day of
<br />~, and c,n the brat day of each nrun[h therraftzr until the prin~ipak and i[t-
<br />[rrex[ :,re fuktg p~,te~iFEt Chat tttr 1'anai psymrnt c,f principal zmd enterer[, "sf nc,t >=oc,ner paid, shall be dun and
<br />payai*tr ran ilea final d'ay trf Ak>vetnber, ~ Old ; :ail according [n the terms of a certain promix..
<br />sire ,;~>=e r:rf euete date harrwith rxrcu[r~d l,y lire sand ?4tort<>r.(gafesred anterest shalt be addefl to the
<br />pr~~T. h% ~4v~~r~in,rr~drr m~e t~~f pfio ca tie se urety o~ t~ !~ ro t~~~ ~~erw~lance to not arose than $32 , 023.94.
<br />i. "l,tat he wilf pay thr.indctstedncss, as hrrrintrrir•,re prcrvtdrd. F'rividrgr is rrcrrved to pay the art[ in whole, or in an
<br />uttzna~n::gi,rct en or,~ or mnre.ttivnthfy payt[tcnas a,rtittt pnncipfrl itt[et.are next due on Ilse note. nn ilia tlrst day x~! any mvoth
<br />pri.u u~ acacuruy_ tYaai,.t:d~ katvcccr,'1'Jtat wrattrn notrte c,f xn intention to txrrrise such privile>;e is given at [east thirty t3fp
<br />day, t*rir~r to , [~_papment.
<br />ftecat, fc;x[l^xi x th ,r-a ;r .ruui[i;rn ite, the trivnthly prymrnts oc° pri+tcapxl and tnterrst payabkr under the trrnrn of the
<br />nr,te >z;:e!xe~i strelry, zte. 45ott?±a~,oe c. ii! p,: y tot fFFe A9uri~.ttee, tan iktefirst flay of raCh month until the xaiH hole is fail}' paid. the
<br />ftsitn•r:ag sir.,,
<br />ts,, a. nc Sci , __, .,~. ~_~ r .,. ;t,• r,:,tc^tcr ~heteraf with tunclsttt p~~ [tom next tanroste le[surartre prc:rizunr if ihrs
<br />_...,. a~ru ; R< <rr - ~ ,c. =.,r: r,cre'-:,v are tnxt[ret3, air a n:o~Tt[ly charge fuz dace :a~' a mrrrr.§"~c' rn:zuazere iara•.
<br />Y~3. ;t lift e:~b~.i ste'k)e,crh,y Ut E}~iLkYR^z„8ndt'l,°Yba~a9 l~.~CCVE*-tCttttr[Citt. a.1"TrrftfaW3:
<br />_- ~ u - .: re~i ~• ~:( cxrn dat'ta. a'Sxil tl", i5 sp7%t~rumt+n3 atc~ 3n9sitEbit ire air tr8mt,rrd tlt?~iCr ,ta tar~:r
<br />s
<br />-~. -.;, '~3sr ,. ., ,:,g ,',,ct. rye ;;r€tr+ernt k[rd"P";,~.r+tt 3a nc.uznatd.a;~ €n tP.r ttat~~ r}! vhr- I..~dJer k,u^
<br />.:lass ..
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