<br />t
<br />t
<br />(}) mtrnth prior to its due daft the amtuat martRaQr Enstrrance premium in order tai prtavide such holder
<br />with funds to pay such premium to the Secretary of kfausins and i!rhan t?evetopmrnt pursuant to the
<br />Nstianal dtwsietg Aet, as aanendeef, and applicable }regulations tlteeeundrt: or
<br />qlt) !f and sa }ong as said note of turn date and this instn+tnenE are held by the Secretary af- dousing and
<br />t3rban Dzvetopment, a monthly charge (intietr rrja rrttrrxgage tnxumnce premium) which shrill be in an
<br />atctauni equal to onatwelfth #1,'12) of rme•half {}(~) ~r centum of the average outstanding batanez
<br />due ore the note computed w{thout taking into account delinquencies or prepayments;
<br />{b) A start cgnal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next krecome due and payable an
<br />pollster of fire and aGher hazard insurance castring the mortgaged property, plus taxes anal assessments next due
<br />an the mortgaged property (aft ax estfmored qtr the Afarreagctc) Irss all sums already paid therefor divided by the
<br />number of months to elapse hrfare am month print u? the date when such ground rents, premiums, taxes and
<br />asuurnents wi}l brcomc delinquent, sutlt sums to he held h}• Afnrtgagee in tntst to pay said grattnd rents, pre-
<br />miurres, taxes and special assessments; and
<br />(c) All payments mentioned in the two precedirg subsections o£ this paragraph and all payments to be made under
<br />the Hate secured. hereby seta}i be added together, and the aggregate amount thzreot steal} he paid try the Mortgagor
<br />exh month in a singly payment to be applied by the Morteagre tc? tfie following items in the order set forth:
<br />(l)• premium charges under the santraet ~~{ insurance with the Secretan• of doustng and lfrban [~rvc4upmeut,
<br />ar monthly charge (in tizzy n(morteage instrrorre~^ premitrntJ. as the case may be;
<br />(lf) ga>und rents, taxes, assessments. fire and Defier hazard insurance pre.ttiums:
<br />f lil) interest un the Hate secured hcrebg; and
<br />##~) amortization of the principal of said note.
<br />Arty deficiency in the amount of any such aggregate nwnthh• paymen[ shalt, unless made good by the t4fort-
<br />gagor prior to the due date of the next such payntcnt, constitute an event of default under this mortgage. The
<br />!4fartgager may collect a"'fate charge" not to exceed i,tur cents fay} f<rr each do}tar dS l) of each payment rttore
<br />than fifteen (t 5) c+ays it arrears to cover the extra eepcase involved in handling delinquent payments.
<br />;- `That if thF kxtal n[ dye payments mane by the• blortga„sr undrr f1,1 of paragraph 2 precedine she#I exceed
<br />t#rt tununmt of paymrnis actually made fay [he ~lortQa~ree for t*.rnund rent?. taxc~ and t: eSSments or insutanca pre-
<br />mium:?, as the c7s,_e may be, web rxcrss, i# the icwtn is currcrn, ;[t rhr option of the Mortgagor, shall be credierd by
<br />the 3hrrfga¢;ce on ~ub~a>quetrt payrents !o be made 6y the 31ortgaftnr, ar rofunded to the \lort,Qaror_ lf, howrvnr, 'ttte
<br />rnonthkv pak^nx>ni+c rrt;sdr; key the ?4fcs<tgatmr under ti:) of pnragrapn ~ preceding Sts:tki oat be sufficient to lnv ground
<br />rent, taxis and as4esments err in~ttrance prrmiumr;, as rhr r;t.~e may i;e, wttr n the; same Shall becomtr due and pay-
<br />abke. t}ten the: -krctgaRor ,shall pav to the :1}ongat;at+r any artmuni net•esSan to matte up the deficiency, on or before
<br />the date wlttnt paymtwtt of such gmund n~nts, taxes, ae.SeS.~mcnE.w or in=ttranca• prnminms Steal} be due. if at am•
<br />tirn+r [hr lkrrt~afrnr ,Shalt tendc*r to ehc 1lnMgagt•e, in arenrtt:trece with rhr prot7Sittn4 of the note .neared hemb~',
<br />ful} payment of the ertt-ire indi`btedne•~_. rspevscnted therrehv, they tHrrtaa~et~ .half, in a^omputin£ the amount of Such
<br />indrt:tet#rtrss, credit ttt the acrtxtnt of tker Mortg«tgar all ply=meats made under the ptavisinns of (a1 0# parngtaph 2
<br />hereof whleh the 4fortga~e ha.4 tort errcome ahkigated err pay ir, rhr .``crretan~ of }lau4ing :nd 1'rban Development
<br />msd snv ba}once remaining in the funds aceumrslatx~d under rhr pmriSions of/r r` of paragraph 'L he'rt'z:f. 1(t:here
<br />shell Ise a default under any of the ptxnl=iota4 of ihi: mortgage msuUing in a public sa@e of that premtst~!s €avrred
<br />hereby, ar if 6hc llnrtgagee actluires the property ertherwi=a* aft.er default, the 4lnrtgagee steal! apply, at the time of
<br />the commettcrment of much prnrr+e=rdings, ur at the time the property i4 ntherw•i+:r aequict=d, tfte halanre then remain-
<br />ing in tkre funds accumulated under t i~t' art paragraph 3 preceding, itv a credit against the amount of principal lhen
<br />rentainint; unpaid undrr said note. and ;:halt pngrerl} adjttt :tic' pavmatrtt~ •.vhich .hall have been made under irzl
<br />of par~raph '~,
<br />~i. Ttsat rhr lAt:rtgugar will pap gxtxrnd trots- eases. avstssmrnts, a-titer r<rtes. and othzr governmental or atunicipal
<br />shames, tine= ter impa±~itians, fax which prevision has next turn male hetrin}xta?xa and in drfattlt tkrercat the Mortgagee may
<br />ply the same: and that dhe Mtxtgagcrr u~i{I prompt}v~ dr!ivrr the aHicial r~rxipts thrnefor to the Mart~agct.
<br />S. Thy lRforfgugar wi{t pav a}1 taxis w•trich rn~te• br lrvirJ upors the Rfortgager's imeresr in said reap estate and improvr-
<br />mtnts.and w=fric€t may ere lrvird upon thi, mtu[>;agc c!r the drht secured herthy tbttt aynly t<r the rx[rnt that such is oat prohibit-
<br />c€t by taw and only tati ttse extent that such wi}! nut make ahrs toast usuriousl, but excluding any income tax, State ar Federal,
<br />im:Ksext <°,n MorLgager, and.wi{} G}a. the at3tca} rreript showing such payment with the Mortgagee. Ltpaen viatarinn of this under-
<br />takinpt. ,u if the ~•fartpmgaxts pnat:ihitrd by troy 3;tw crow or htre.~sfter existing from. paying the who}r or eny portion of the af~re-
<br />said [axCS, ar upartifre rendering of any court decree prohibiting the psyment by tltr Mortgagor ar any sash taxes. ar if such law
<br />ardee:rr provides that any amtterne so pstd by tier Mrutgagat shah be creditetf an the mt>rtgage debt. the Mortgagee <Itatl have
<br />the rigkrt to give ntnety days` arit[en ttoticr to the tewner of the mortgaged premises, requiring the payment rf the mortgage
<br />debt, ff sus;h ttoticr begivcn, the said debt shah breame due. payable and coltectibte ax the cxpiratiunof said ninety days.
<br />b. That shaukf err fait to pay any sum ar kelp say cauencmt provided {ar in this d.tortgage, [Itzn the Mtwtgagee, a[ 'its op-
<br />tiou stye} pay ar perform the same, aced all txpeaciitures sn made s#ttdl be added to t:}se print:ipalaum owing an ehr above note.
<br />stxekE t,e srcuxcd hcre}ry. and shall hear interest ai the tart sit forth is tlrr said note, urttil}raid.
<br />?- That tic hrrrby assigns.. irxnsfers and vzts ewer to rhr h{ortgager, to be applied tutuard [kte payment of the onto aryl] «[lt
<br />sums sexured ltcrrlay is case of a dafaah in rhr performance. of any of the terms and caunditians of this Mertk~egc or ttte void
<br />note.al3 the rents, etvertues aatd ncomt to he tferivrJ tram rhr mt:rtgasced premisesduring such time as thz mor[gage i»debted-
<br />ncss shall remtzin unpaid; atx} the ;kftmgaKrr shall have peaty to apps»nt an,Y agent ar agrs*ts it may de<ire for the purptne ai
<br />repairing aaii} premises artd of rrrtiing rhr same :end col;rcting thz rims, revenues and irzsome, and it may pay out of said in-
<br />etrtttes a{} cxpcnsr•s ofrrpairirrg said przmisrs and necessary commiscc>ns and rxpenscs incurred in rrntittg and managing the
<br />xa+ne atcd of. etx}lectiagtcrtra}s ttrerzfromc tter balance remaining. if any, to bzauplicd toward ehe discharge of said mortgage
<br />irrdcl+trdstcss,
<br />F lh:et he wi;E keep rhr improvcm<nts new etiisting or t,rrraftrr rrrcted an the mortgaged property.. insured as may tx
<br />acquired is..~t time t., trine. by ttte }Mrxtttak~;-e aKainst loss by file sad a[her hazards, easualrirs and contingencies in such
<br />:,roc=ant, ,net ir+r sc,tih periods as may }±r rcttuircd by the ~tastcagzr and wilt pac• promatly. when dui, any premiums on :uch
<br />mxurstur pr:r.+s+oe {.>r payment ere' which has rtt,t been made ttcreinheftue. Aft insurance she}f }+r- i:arried in. cam±anirs au-
<br />pr:?wsJ by rhr 4t cutg:,gez and the ptNiries and rcrtewa}s thrtetef shat! he he}d by the',.turtg;rger and have :tttathed thereto less
<br />payai+Je ci-tu,c< in t:«c~r ttf and in €cmm aectptab{z tr the ttdvrtgttgec. {n want of loss R4t±rtfwt}cor wil{ give immediait notice by
<br />mail to tter 'e}autgagre- u:ftct myrv rnakc procef of toss if nest made promlrtly by Mortgtagor, anti eaelt iresutancr compamr con-
<br />~trned ;, tttce~y :aurlx,rize+t anti ,li!ac;ed ice intake payment tar sur}r fe>ss direartty to the ~1'fzsrtg:+grr tnacad t~{ io Shy r~3ortgagttr
<br />;en,3 the ?.[aett!:,y,.•e: t:>mr~t-. arsil the inn,rance pra~eetts, cu any pairs therr<,f, may~bc applied by the Mtutgagcti: at its option either
<br />+s=t!k :ceu.:?h,n a,: fire rc,dr!>tedc:r+- b~rrb) a^currd na to rhr rrstaxtettonor repair of the property damaged. laevrnt of fclrrcla-
<br />.urr .+[ tit„ ,:,rst,;agc or ,.rAc~ v:,~n.{er ,t F~tr to :he m~uzsg property tn~rxtistgxtrshment ref the inrfrhtetlness serurrd isrrrbp,
<br />t,_
<br />i:-~~+~; ,.ek: ~: n.i -nle-ra ~e ,uf z`*. i r n; r, n,! r,.::n+ xrrs.natrrce prrfiects.ehett m £cxee she}1 p.ng~s i,o-the purchaser car grantee.
<br />'t -~s z. eae3 +o~>er_ ar ~i - ~'.,rer:e :°c,ar,r4 @~ _ ism pac~ment cif the note Srxcrihed. and uEf rums to ~reomr dare antler this
<br />:~rtsasc, rhr aav~ci;:r;zs,c t,cre'~y ~=--.,k c- ~, i^c `1 uk,ai:re aft pr• -te, rcurnarzx. rnva{tte3,. rixirts amt {+erm[}Ss accruing to the
<br />:+
<br />?.t,ulgete.+ enz.:lrr ~r*,d '.r-t ,! a.•;, a- ~. - ... t..;u 1` e!n:-cs- u :h the rirhr tc, rtrtcrve nrnt >rrecipt fx,r the s.etrze :end :apply
<br />-. ~ (. ,, .a Sc'_> a.. -r.u x- Mo 7; ~t,trc ;?r= . •f.ur,t ur iP . .ne; ~~:;-,..< c,f ttStrv mnxrtgagr. and rM! hf c,rtgrd!gCC rttar dCrnand, v~ur
<br />•a.{ :.,r •. 1' n;:~~ z. , .. ,. ~_ .+°,~f r .k-ihfr_ >.,t • - ~. n ~. #rr rrtirptrrd <o rt* dca llrrs:m+rg invent r. te, rc*rnin+utr
<br />,xF~-~5 i1r. 4 Y.c,' -`e)16l .Kf '., t , t`•./r~.. i '"t~f
<br />rs4-r.: uyt?~rxt i??~ 1
<br />