. ~ ~.,}~ i'tEA;` €S'rAi£ &1~RTa:ASE.,-(With max GiausaA Rev. ;&
<br />Hwtlman and fettnn k Waft. Walton Ne. 4;Sk6'I
<br />xl+l©cY ALL i°dE1W BY THIEBE d~EtFSEh'TS: 'Phnt Raymond E. l!ailler ________________~.____ .
<br />`: of Hall. County, surd State of Nebraska . in cansit3eration of the strm of
<br />1`r"za Thousand Five Hundred and no/100 {$2,50Q.00) _________________~LLr1F{S
<br />in hand paid, do herehg SELL and f ONVEY unta ---_-__-_-~_------°~-__________...____.._.,...__
<br />John F. Vigperrtan and Thomas L. Anderson --°---------------------------- ,
<br />cat Hall CauntY, State of Nek]raS3Ca the following dosarilred:premisessituated i
<br />` in Ha11 €:ounty, ana swte of Nebraska , to-wit: .`-
<br />Lot Nine (9), in Block Sixteen (l6), in Packer
<br />~' and Barr's Addition to the City of Grand
<br />`"1 island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />.-,
<br />{
<br />':~i
<br />The intention.being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple. indudina all the rights of homestead and dower. '.
<br />TC~ I-FAVE :AIVD TO HOLD the premise:; above desrrihed, vnth a14 the appurtenances thereunto belonging, unto the: card
<br />~~ rnartgagee(s) and us his., her ar their heirs and assigns forever, provided always, and Lhese presents are upon the express ~ ;~
<br />tronctition that if the said moetgagorisj, his, her ar their heirs, executors, adnainisttaton or assigns shall pay or cattle to be ':~!
<br />paid to the said. mortgageetst_ his. her ar their heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the, principalaurnaf S 2, 5~0 . O.Q-- ~
<br />payable: as foUaws, to aril: '
<br />Payable in eic~ltt raanths Pram 3anuary 21, 1982,
<br />and shall. draw interest at the rate of sixteen
<br />percent per ann.zm until paid in full.
<br />~. with interest accrordirig to tiro tenor and effect of the mortgagors written pramis9ory nnte hearing even date with these presents
<br />~, sndsltatF.pay all taxes and assessments ievitKl upon said real e.K3ate, and alt other taaos, tevic3 and assessmanW levied utwn this -
<br />i mortgage ar the note -whtch this mortgage is krv'en to s+M,vre, Ixs#ore tihe same Iteromes definquant, and keep the huitdings on
<br />said premaes insured far tihe. sum of $ 1nss, if any, payable to the said ma.rl:gagee, ihen these presents
<br />3 #ofve void; atkeerwise_ So be and remniusu full fa'ccx. }
<br />1T' iS I'LtRTIi.El3 AE=QED f t Y That if the said martga gor s#ud.[ fait to pay sa,eh lases or procure such insurance, the
<br />said martgattee may pay such taxes and procure such irsurance: and the sum ~ advanced, with unterest at per
<br />`cent„. shall tae repasd. by said mortgagor, and this motigagc shall stand as aa~vricy: ~ar the same. {2) That a failure to pay any
<br />of said money, either principal ar interest, w:ften kt=e same becomes doe, ar a failure to comply with any of the foregoing
<br />:egrerements, shall cause the whole sum of money herein secttred to become due anti cotlecti6le at ante at the optioar of the
<br />tnorigagee.
<br />t ~ ' ,
<br />Signed this flat day of <Tanuar> 1~ 82. , ?
<br />in presence of 1' ~._ .e.2 r ._: ~~....G..~G ''-
<br />Rayrac~li ter
<br />STATE t)F ......?3ebra ka ........... Ccritny of ......:fall ................: ,
<br />' ~
<br />The fiaTeBoiag astrutnent was acknowledged before me .....•Tanuary, . 21, . ... . .. . . . .. . . .. . ly . 8?.
<br />.-
<br />r
<br />RaE~ond ,~, filler-, -,.~ ;~°'~- ~ .-,'
<br />bx, ..... ,~. .. ,, ~ ,
<br />>> .
<br />,f• ,,
<br />f ,
<br />a~ `'.~..g,..:~r..a f a ,r, Takta?n Arknnwlednent
<br />i _ .._..,.__
<br />l
<br />t Title
<br />{ 5'3'R'1'fs °~' ........... ,.„_.... _..._ ._.... { sa. Entered oa nttanerical irxtes and fi18d far rt coortl
<br />in tihe,. gister of Deed., f7tTtCe of lout County tPsc
<br />_. ~~ c~.,.x..,,.,. .__.... ... ... .. L9...__..., at....... ___..._._...rrclook~arsd....._._._... _._._.ntir;udex... __..._~1.
<br />nrw rdrd-ia ~lswds..... .... _.......__ of..,.. ._.. __.._..... _.,...at paRtt _ ,_...__ .. _. _....__ ___
<br />....--, ..._.._._._._ _.....__._... _..._....___ _Rt~.. c,t ljsetis
<br />~Y-,.._. _ _. _ _.. _ LYetxity
<br />